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Summon Dark Planetar BG2

Summon Dark Planetar is a BG2 Best Spell and BG2 HLA in BioWare's cRPG of 2000-2001, Baldur's Gate 2.

Summon Dark Planetar is a god-tier spell.

Summon Dark Planetar Rules

  • Summon Dark Planetar
  • (Any School) 
  • Level: 10
  • Range: 40 yards 
  • Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
  • Casting Time: 5 
  • Area of Effect: Special 
  • Saving Throw: None

Summon Dark Planetar Description

This spell opens an abyssal gate and calls forth a fallen planetar to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the planetar's avatar is slain.

Fallen Planetar Stats

The stats for the Fallen Planetar are AC -8, HPs 110, THAC0 -3, ApR 4.

Fallen Planetar Weapon

The Fallen Planetar wields a Silver Sword that inflicts 2d10 +3 slashing. The Silver Sword sports on-hit 25% vorpal, on-hit level 15 Dispel Magic and on-hit cure Feeblemindedness.

The Fallen Planetar inflicts an average of 25 slashing damage per hit.

Fallen Planetar Immunity

The Fallen Planetar is immune to fire, cold and electricity.

Fallen Planetar Resistances

• Other perks: Regeneration

Fallen Planetar Spells

The Fallen Planetar's spells are Remove Fear x3, Cure Disease x3, Dispel Magic x3, Remove Curse x3, Lesser Restoration x3, Neutralize Poison x3, Flame Strike x3, Insect Plague x3, Raise Dead x3, True Seeing x3, Heal x3, Earthquake x3, Fire Storm x3, Globe of Blades x3, Holy Word x3, Symbol, Death x3, Symbol, Fear x3, Magic Missile x3, Detect Invisibility x1, Flame Arrow x1, Improved Invisibiliy x1, Chaos x1.

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Mirror Image BG2 Animate Dead BG2 Project Image BG2 Time Stop BG2
Web BG2 Spell Immunity BG2 Spell Sequencer BG2 Wish BG2
Melf's Minute Meteors Sunfire BG2ADHW BG2 Improved Alacrity
Skull Trap BG2 Improved Haste BG2 Simulacrum BG2 Summon Planetar BG2

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