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Azuredge Axe Baldur's Gate 2

Azuredge Axe Baldur's Gate 2

Azuredge Axe is a BG2 weapon in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Azuredge Axe is broken in the final official patch in that it does not disrupt undead, it does not inflict +4 dmg vs. undead and it does not add the Strength modifier to damage. However, it does inflict 3d6 dmg instead of 1d6. 

The max possible damage that can be inflicted with Azuredge on a single throw is 70 (Kensai BG2 Kai Crit), which is 12 points shy of K'logorath BG2.

Azuredge Axe bugs are fixed in BG2 Fixpack.

Azuredge Axe Stats

  • 1-6 +4 extra damage to undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed. Bug: No bonus damage vs. Undead, No on-hit disruption
  • THAC0 BG2: +0
  • Damage: 3d6 (Bug: 3d6 instead of 1d6)
  • Damage type (melee): slashing
  • Damage type (thrown): missile (piercing)
  • Special: Returns to user's hand once thrown
  • Weight: 2
  • Speed Factor:1
  • Weapon Proficiency BG2: Axe
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Requires: 4 Strength
  • Not Usable By: Any Neutral or Evil Character, Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Azuredge Axe Item Code

The item code for Azuredge Axe is AX1H10.

Azuredge Axe Location

After Hendak has been freed, Azuredge Axe is purchased from Bernard in the Copper Coronet.

Azuredge Axe Description

Gulen Rockfire, Slayer of Undead, crafted this powerful throwing axe expressly for reinforcing his claim to his namesake. Blessed by a cross-section of gods, this weapon does phenomenal damage against creatures unwisely rebelling against their deceased status, and can potentially destroy them in a single blow. Obviously Gulen no longer carries Azuredge, and it is rumored that he died fighting a powerful vampire years ago, only to rise as one himself. This may have softened his stance regarding the undead, at the very least prompting a change of name.

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