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Raegen Brunegar, Darkness Over Daggerford Companion

Raegen Brunegar

Raegen Brunegar is a Human companion in Darkness Over Daggerford for Neverwinter Nights 1

Depending on player character NWN Build, she can be recruited on the Trade Way North or later on in the city of Daggerford's Happy Cow Tavern.

Raegen is a stock-standard seventh level Fighter whose equipment is Paladin-flavored and for her use only. Her longsword is nice - and seems to have more personality than her - but the armor and shield are nothing special (though no doubt better than what you have at this stage).

Raegen's feats

Dodge, Power Attack, Improved Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Weapon Focus: Longsword, WF: Greatsword, Weapon Specialization: Longsword, WS: Greatsword, Improved Critical: Longsword, IC: Greatsword.

Such a waste to focus on two weapons...

Raegen's skills

Discipline (13), Parry (11), Concentration (4).

Raegen's Sword

This sword, owned by Raegen Brunegar, was blessed by Helm himself. This was a rare gift indeed, with the weapon being imbued with powers against undead.

  • Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Undead 2d6 Damage Divine
  • Enhancement Bonus +1
  • Keen
  • Light Low (10m) Yellow
  • Visual Effect: Holy

Raegen's Armor

These blue woolen tunics, decorated with Helm's emblem, are common among the good people of Hluthvar, the Helmite stronghold city near Darkhold.

  • Saving Throw Bonus: Fear +2
  • Skill Bonus: Concentration +1
  • Skill Bonus: Discipline +1

Her cool-looking Helm Tower Shield is stock-standard, stat-wise.

Note that Improved Invisibility and Stoneskin greatly increase companion survivability. To make Raegen better offensively, she can be buffed with Flame WeaponHaste and Bull's Strength.

Raegen's Banter

Raegen opens up more in subsequent banters. She has six banters in total (one for each PC level gained).

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