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Purfbin Doogrick, Darkness Over Daggerford Companion

Purfbin Doogrick

Purfbin Doogrick is a Gnome companion in Darkness Over Daggerford for Neverwinter Nights 1. Depending on player character NWN Build, he can be recruited on the Trade Way North or later on in the city of Daggerford's Black Stone Inn.

Purfbin is a stock-standard seventh level Rogue who comes complete with equipment exclusive to him: clothes that grant him solid bonuses to Rogue skills and a +2 crossbow that grants him Point Blank Shot for free and unlimited +1d6 lightning bolts.

Purfbin's feats

Sneak Attack (+4d6), Uncanny Dodge, Ambidexterity, Evasion, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus: Pick Pocket, Spell Focus: Illusion (Gnome), Weapon Finesse, Crippling Strike, Defensive Roll. At 15th level, he takes Disarm (lol). But not Rapid Reload.

Purfbin's skills

Disable Trap (10), Open Lock (13), Move Silently (13), Hide (13), Pick Pocket (16), Search (12), Set Trap (15), Use Magic Device (11).

Purfbin's Crossbow

Over the year, Purfbin made several interesting customizations to his simple wooden crossbow. Although the weapon occasionally suffers strange mechanical glitches, such as a jammed locking clip, Purfbin is very pround of his creation. His latest ehancement was a clever rapid reload spring mechanism.

  • Attack Bonus +2
  • Bonus Feat: Point Blank Shot
  • Unlimited Ammunition: Bolt Ammo: +1d6 Lightning

Purfbin's Clothes

Most Gnomes are not known for their keen sense of fashion, and Purfbin Doogrick is no exception. Despite its shocking colors and out-dated style, these eccentric robes offer Purfbin just what he needs: plenty of really deep pockets! Over the years, Purfbin has amassed a horde of seemingly-useless widgets which are stuffed into these pockets. Having just the right tool at hand has helped Purfbin out of some most uncomfortable situations in the past.

  • AC Bonus +3
  • Skill Bonus: Craft Armor +1
  • Skill Bonus: Craft Trap +6
  • Skill Bonus: Craft Weapon +2
  • Skill Bonus: Disable Trap +3
  • Skill Bonus: Open Lock +4
  • Skill Bonus: Set Trap +3

Note that Improved Invisibility and Stoneskin greatly increase companion survivability. To make Purfbin better offensively, he can be buffed with Cat's Grace and Haste.

Purfbin's banter

Purfbin has five banters in total (one for each PC level gained).

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