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GREAT CLEAVE, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Great Cleave NWN

Great Cleave is without a doubt one of the best non-ranged martial feats in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. Great Cleave is especially useful on high-Strength warrior NWN Builds wielding 2-handed weapons.

Great Cleave is effective vs. all the trashmobs that are common to NWN modules.

Weapon Master Great Cleave criticals:

Great Cleave Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: General
  • Prerequisite: Str 13+, Power Attack, Cleave, base attack bonus +4 or higher.
  • Specifics: As cleave [*], except that there is no limit to the number of additional attacks that the character may make after killing one opponent.
  • Use: Automatic.
  • Prerequisite for Overwhelming Critical.

[*] Good English would be "As per Cleave."

Vs. typical trashmobs such as those found in the OC, Great Cleave is just what the doctor ordered. Unless, that is, one likes to play NWN in slo-mo.

Great Cleave NWN2

  • Type of Feat: General
  • Prerequisite: Str 13+, Power Attack, Cleave, base attack bonus +4 or higher.
  • Specifics: As per Cleave, except that there is no limit to the number of additional attacks that the character may make after killing one opponent.
  • Use: Automatic.
  • cf. Frenzied Berserker Build NWN2 (Supreme Cleave)

Weapon Focus NWN Power Attack NWN Great Cleave NWN Overwhelming Critical NWN
Weapon Specialization NWN Cleave NWN Improved Critical NWN Devastating Critical NWN

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