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Frenzied Berserker Build NWN2

The Frenzied Berserker Build is a NWN2 Build for BioWare's cRPG of 2006, Neverwinter Nights 2. This is a Frenzied Berserker two-handed build for NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer.

As with Weapon Master Build NWN2, I manually leveled this character to seventeenth in the Lobby preceding Act I, which is what most people do unless they import from the original campaign or some other NWN2 module.

Frenzied Berserker Build NWN2 Overview

  • Male Neutral Good Earth Genasi
  • Starting stats: 20-8-18-14-6-6
  • Purpose: Hulk smash. The character smashes everything to pieces with his two-hander of choice. Most people go for greatsword or greataxe. But the first weapon we'll want to wield is actually a spear (Frost Harpoon) followed by greataxe (Axe of the Bear-King). After that, we craft our own two-hander.

This build gets scary once it caps off its FB levels.

Frenzied Berserker Build NWN2 Progression

  • 01. Fighter (1): Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Power Attack (Lore +4, crank Lore to 8 ASAP, Spellcraft, Tumble, UMD +2)
  • 02. Fighter (2): Cleave
  • 03. Fighter (3): Dash
  • 04. Fighter (4): Weapon Specialization: Greataxe, Str +1
  • 05. Fighter (4), Bard (1): Perform +4 (Inspire Courage), Lore must be 8, crank Tumble
  • 06. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (1): Natural Armor Increase (AC +1), Great Cleave
  • 07. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (2): Dragon Abilities (Str +2)
  • 08. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (3): Str +1, Dragon's Breath 2d10
  • 09. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (4): Natural Armor Increase (AC +1), Dragon Abilities (Str +2), Improved Power Attack
  • 10. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (5): RDD: Blind-fight
  • 11. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (6): Dragon Abilities (Con +2)
  • 12. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (7): Str +1, Dragon's breath 4d10, Natural Armor Increase (AC +1), Combat Expertise
  • 13. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (8): Dragon Abilities (Int +2)
  • 14. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (9): --
  • 15. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (10): Power Critical: Greataxe, Dragon Abilities (Str +4, Cha +2), Natural Armor Increase (AC +1), Immunity Sleep, Paralysis & Fire, Dragon's Breath 6d10.
  • 16. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (10), Frenzied Berserker (1): Str +1 (Str = 32), FrenzyFB: Toughness
  • 17. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (2): FB: Supreme Cleave, (Spellcraft & Tumble = 20, UMD = 10)
  • 18. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (3): Frenzy 2, Improved Combat Expertise
  • 19. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (4): Deathless Frenzy
  • 20. Fighter (4), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Str +1, Frenzy 3, Enhanced Power Attack
  • 21. Fighter (5), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Epic Prowess
  • 22. Fighter (6), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Armor Skin
  • 23. Fighter (7), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Great Strength I
  • 24. Fighter (8), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Str +1, Greater Weapon Focus
  • 25. Fighter (9), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Epic Weapon Focus
  • 26. Fighter (10), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Epic Toughness
  • 27. Fighter (11), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Great Strength II
  • 28. Fighter (12), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Str +1, Greater Weapon Specialization
  • 29. Fighter (13), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Great Strength III
  • 30. Fighter (14), Bard (1), RDD (10), FB (5): Epic Weapon Specialization

Frenzied Berserker Build NWN2 Damage

Crafted greataxe + shadowvoided + buffed by Kaelyn and Safiya:

  • HPs = 640, AC = 44 (manageable)
  • At 20th level, the build has enough UMD to wear Boots of the Sun Soul +5 (15)
  • Ends with 30 Tumble, 30 Spellcraft, 22 UMD

Frenzied Berserker NWN2 Description

The random madness of the thunderstorm and the unpredictability of the slaadi come together in the soul of the frenzied berserker. Unlike most other characters, he does not fight to achieve some heroic goal or defeat a loathsome villain. Those are mere excuses - it is the thrill of combat that draws him. For the frenzied berserker, the insanity of battle is much like an addictive drug - he must constantly seek out more conflict to feed his craving for battle. Because of their traditional love for battle, barbarians are the ones who most frequently adopt this prestige class. Spellcasting characters almost never become frenzied berserkers. 

Frenzied Berserker NWN2 Requirements

  • Alignment: Any nonlawful
  • Base Attack Bonus: +6
  • Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack

Frenzied Berserker NWN2 Features

  • Hit Die: d12
  • Base Attack Bonus: High.
  • High Saves: Fortitude.
  • Weapon Proficiencies: None.
  • Armor Proficiencies: None.
  • Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.
  • Class Skills: Intimidate, Survival, and Parry.
  • Toughness: A 1st-level frenzied berserker gains Toughness as a bonus feat.

Frenzy NWN2

A 1st-level frenzied berserker gains the ability to frenzy. Frenzy adds a +6 bonus to Strength (no Constitution bonus), imposes a -4 penalty to AC,  and gives the frenzied berserker a single extra attack at his highest Base Attack Bonus (this does not stack with Haste or other effects that add an additional attack). Each round of the frenzy, the frenzied berserker takes 12 points of damage. The effects last 3 + Constitution modifier rounds, after which the frenzied berserker is fatigued for 5 rounds, suffering -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, and -10% movement penalties. Initially, this ability can be used once per day and at 3rd level and every odd level after that, the frenzied berserker gains an additional use per day. Bonuses and penalties (including fatigue effects) from Frenzy and Barbarian Rage stack with each other.

Supreme Cleave NWN2

At 2nd level, whenever the frenzied berserker drops an opponent in melee, he gains two cleave attacks against an adjacent foe instead of one.

Deathless Frenzy NWN2

At 4th level, when the frenzied berserker is frenzying he has the equivalent of the 4th level cleric spell death ward in place. The frenzied berserker is immune to any death spells, spell-like abilities, and death effects.

Enhanced Power Attack NWN2

At 5th level, the frenzied berserker gains a +5 damage bonus using the Power Attack feat. Using the Improved Power Attack feat the frenzied berserker gains a +10 damage bonus. This translates to +10 with two-handed weapons for standard Power Attack and +20 for Improved Power Attack.

Inspire Frenzy NWN2

At 6th level, the frenzied berserker can inspire Frenzy in all allies. This ability has no effect on the frenzied berserker, only the berserker's allies. The Frenzy effect adds a +6 bonus to Strength (no Constitution bonus), imposes a -4 penalty to AC,  and gives the subjects a single extra attack at their highest Base Attack Bonus (this does not stack with Haste or other effects that add an additional attack). Each round of the frenzy, the subjects takes 12 points of damage. The effects last 2 rounds, after which the subjects are fatigued for 2 rounds, suffering -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, and -10% movement penalties. The frenzied berserker can use this ability once per day at 6th level, twice at 8th level, and three times at 10th level. Bonuses from Inspire Frenzy and Barbarian Rage do not stack, though penalties do. If both abilities are used, only the highest modifiers are applied and all penalties take effect.

Greater Frenzy NWN2

At 7th level, the frenzied berserker gains a +10 bonus to Strength while frenzying instead of a +6.

Supreme Power Attack NWN2

At 10th level, the frenzied berserker gains a +6 damage bonus using the Power Attack feat. Using the Improved Power Attack feat the frenzied berserker gains a +12 damage bonus. This translates to +12 with two-handed weapons for standard Power Attack and +24 for Improved Power Attack.

Red Dragon Disciple NWN2

It is known that certain dragons can take humanoid form and even have humanoid lovers. Sometimes a child is born of this union, and every child of that child unto the thousandth generation claims a bit of dragon blood, be it ever so small. Usually, little comes of it, though mighty sorcerers occasionally credit their powers to draconic heritage. For some, however, dragon blood beckons irresistibly. These characters become dragon disciples, who use their magical power as a catalyst to ignite their dragon blood, realizing its fullest potential. Members of this prestige class draw on the potent blood of red dragons coursing in their veins. Though red dragons are among the most cruel and evil creatures on Faerûn, red dragon disciples may be of any alignment.

Red Dragon Disciple Requirements

  • Skills: Lore 8 ranks.
  • Class: Bard or Sorcerer.

Red Dragon Disciple Class Features

  • Hit Die: d12
  • Base Attack Bonus: Medium.
  • High Saves: Fortitude and Will.
  • Weapon Proficiencies: None.
  • Armor Proficiencies: None.
  • Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier.
  • Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Listen, Lore, Parry, Search, Spellcraft, and Spot.

Natural Armor Increase RDD

At 1st level, the red dragon disciple's skin toughens and begins to grow scaly, granting him a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. This bonus improves to +2 at 4th level, +3 at 7th level, and +4 at 10th level.

Draconic Ability Scores RDD

As the red dragon disciple's oneness with his draconic blood increases, his ability scores improve significantly. At 2nd level, he gains a +2 to Strength. At 4th level, this bonus increases to +4. At 7th level, the red dragon disciple gains a +2 to Constitution, and at 8th level he gains +2 Intelligence. Finally, at 10th level, he gains an additional +4 bonus to Strength (for a total of +8).

Breath Weapon RDD

At 3rd level, the red dragon disciple gains the ability to breathe a cone of fire that deals 2d10 points of damage to all creatures within its area. This damage increases to 4d10 at 7th level and 6d10 at 10th level. Targets may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the red dragon disciple's class level + the character's Charisma bonus). This ability may be used once per day.

Blind-Fight NWN2

At 5th level, the red dragon disciple gains the ability to fight well, even if blinded or against invisible creatures. A character with this ability gets to reroll her miss chance percentile one time to see if she actually hits. Furthermore, invisible creatures get no bonus to hit the character in melee.

Half-Dragon NWN2

At 10th level, the red dragon disciple's transformation is complete. He becomes a half-dragon, and gains darkvision as well as immunity to sleep, paralysis, and fire.


  1. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or I'm just playing the wrong version of the game or what, but at 1st level, I only have 1 feat available to me.

    1. Make sure you picked Earth Genasi + Fighter at first level, and that you don't have any mods in your override folder.

      Note that after you select your first feat, there is another feat menu where you select your second (at first, it looks like you only get one feat but you get two).


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