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NWN Gnome Illusionist Build

The Gnome Illusionist Build is a NWN Build for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

Gnome is the Best Baldur's Gate Race, and Gnome Fighter Illusionist is the Best Baldur's Gate Build. In NWN, Gnome Illusionists are still solid choices.

Above pic: End character in Swordflight Chapter IV. Improved Expertise is active.

NWN Gnome Illusionist Build Foundation

  • Stats: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 8
  • Gnome, Female, Lawful Good, Rogue (3) / Wizard: Illusionist (19) [Opposition: Enchantment]
  • Role: Bombardier, summoner, buffer, loremaster, diplomat, skillmonkey. Above all, Gnome!
  • This build mixes in Rogue for utility skilldumps.

NWN Gnome Illusionist Build Progression

Skills: Spellcraft and Concentration are mandatory.

Rogue is taken at first level for the one-off skillpoint bonus. I dip back into Rogue at 9th and 17th in order to spend saved-up skillpoints on Use Magic Device and Tumble. When this is done depends on which module you are playing and how you feel about your skillranks. In addition, in-game spellscroll and wand itemization affects spellpicks.

Specializing in the illusion school means we can't cast Enchantment spells conventionally or from scrolls (in Baldur's Gate we can still cast opposition school spells from scrolls), and it means we miss out on undeniably useful enchantments such as Sleep, Confusion, Hold Person and Tasha's Hideous Laughter, but we can cast enchantment spells from itemized wands, staffs, rods and other arcane items, so I think the trade-off is worth it for the +spellslot per circle.

Neverwinter Nights Builds Weapon Master Build NWN Wizard Build NWN
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  1. I love ur guides, there so much interesting stuff here, thanks a lot for ur work, i still play BG and NWN, and ur guides helps me to try new interesting builds!

    1. I'm glad you found my guides useful, Фикус. Cheers!


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