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Swordflight Walkthrough & Swordflight Builds

This is my personal walkthrough of Swordflight, the best NWN module for BioWare's cRPG of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

This walkthrough only shows how I personally approached and played Swordflight. It may or may not be of use to other players as a companion to their playthrough; perhaps only to some new players. 

Through its written commentary, screencaps and maps, this walkthrough tries to highlight some of the virtues of Swordflight's cRPG Design.


2024: Greatly reduced page load-times / mem footprints.
2024: Fixed 24 incorrect hyperlinks.

Swordflight Builds

Swordflight builds should be strong in combat role focus, but also versatile. Usually, versatility is gained by adding Rogue levels to Swordflight builds.

This is the NWN Build I took through Chapter 1-5 of Swordflight. I love starting off as a fresh, first level character with nothing to her name, and I love the struggle inherent in low level adventuring. Swordflight heightens this pleasure through its peerless resource management and general strategic demands.

Swordflight Gnome Illusionist Build Foundation

  • Gnome, Female, Lawful Good, Rogue (3) / Wizard: Illusionist (19) [Enchantment]
  • Role: Bombardier, summoner, buffer, loremaster, diplomat, skillmonkey. Above all, Gnome!
  • Stats: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12

Swordflight Gnome Illusionist Build Progression

  • Swordflight Chapter 1
  • 01. Rogue 1: Expertise, Rogue: Sneak Attack (1d6)
  • 02. Rogue 1 / Illusionist 1: Gnome: Spell Focus: Illusion (Mage Armor, Magic Weapon)
  • 03. Rogue 1 / Illusionist 2: Improved Expertise
  • 04. Rogue 1 / Illusionist 3: Int +1 (Flame Weapon, Ghostly Visage)
  • 05. Rogue 1 / Illusionist 4: -- 
  • Swordflight Chapter 2
  • 06. Rogue 1 / Illusionist 5: Empower Spell, Extend Spell (Fireball, Displacement)
  • 07. Rogue 1 / Illusionist 6: (Haste, Slow)
  • 08. Rogue 1 / Illusionist 7: Int +1 (Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin)
  • 09. Rogue 2 / Illusionist 7: Rogue: Evasion, Toughness (+Tumble, +UMD)
  • 10. Rogue 2 / Illusionist 8: (Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt)
  • 11. Rogue 2 / Illusionist 9: (Bigby's Interposing Hand, Mestil's Acid Sheath)
  • 12. Rogue 2 / Illusionist 10: Int +1, Still Spell, Maximize Spell (Firebrand, Cloudkill)
  • 13. Rogue 2 / Illusionist 11: (Greater Stoneskin, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm)
  • 14. Rogue 2 / Illusionist 12: (Bigby's Forceful Hand, True Seeing)
  • 15. Rogue 2 / Illusionist 13: Spell Focus: Evocation (Bigby's Grasping Hand, Spell Mantle)
  • 16. Rogue 2 / Illusionist 14: Int +1 (Shadow Shield, Great Thunderclap)
  • Swordflight Chapter 3
  • 17. Rogue 3 / Illusionist 14: Rogue: Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack (2d6) (UMD & Tumble to 20)
  • 18. Rogue 3 / Illusionist 15: Greater Spell Focus: Evocation, Quicken Spell (Bigby's Clenched Fist, Premonition)
  • 19. Rogue 3 / Illusionist 16: (Mass Blindness/Deafness, Sunburst) ◦ 20. Rogue 3 / Illusionist 17: Int +1 (Weird, Time Stop)
  • 21. Rogue 3 / Illusionist 18: EPIC, Great Intelligence I (Greater Spell Mantle, Bigby's Crushing Hand)
  • 22. Rogue 3 / Illusionist 19: --
  • 23. Rogue 3 / Illusionist 20: Great Intelligence II

Rogue is taken at first level for the one-off skillpoint bonus at first level. I dip back into Rogue at 9th and 17th in order to spend saved-up skillpoints on UMD NWN and Tumble NWN.

This results in a versatile character and a much more interesting playthrough of Swordflight (which has lots of skill checks in dialogue). In-game spellscroll itemization obviously affects spellpicks.

Specializing in the illusion school means I can't cast Enchantment spells conventionally or from scrolls (in Baldur's Gate 1 you can still cast opposition school spells from scrolls), and it means I miss out on undeniably useful enchantments such as Sleep, Confusion, Hold Person and Tasha's Hideous Laughter, but I can cast enchantment spells from itemized wands, staffs, rods and other arcane items, so I think the trade-off is worth it for the +spellslot per circle

• Chapter I. This Swordflight build can tank if need be (AC 27 by 3rd). If need be, it can also inflict non-trivial physical-based damage:

Ace card is the Wand of Lightning. There are two such itemized: a total of 18 charges. These abilities will help offset the limited spellslots in the early going, as well as the strict resting restrictions.

UMD should help out as early as Buried Ruins 2, wherein Boots of the Sun Soul +1 are itemized (AC +1 dodge). I should be able to get an AC of about 30 going by the time I face off against Ramurg (though he doesn't need to be fought). UpdateDueling Ramurg.

As a result of its skills, this build should receive plenty of interesting options in Chapter I onwards. It will also benefit from Intelligence checks (for Zarala influence dialogues).

As a combat unit I found Zarala to be utterly useless. This, however, is by design.

Kill count: 244.

• Chapter II. Immobilization, buffing, debuffing and warding spells were employed much more than direct damage ones. Through items and buffs, we focus on making our companions the best tanks and physical-based damage dealers they can be. Spellslots per circle and spell ranges per circle towards the end of Chapter II are as follows: [pic, pic]. In regard to the ranges, the scrolls for those spells were mostly found not bought. The others were level-up selections.

Spells most commonly and conventionally cast include Light, Slow, Flame Weapon, Invisibility, Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility, IGMS and Firebrand. Invisibility is incredibly useful in strategizing for combat encounters. I never summoned my familiar in Chapter II; too squishy and leeched my XP. For the same reason, I never summoned monsters either. Familiars and elesummons are upgraded in Chapter III and IV (see below).

I found the evil-aligned companions to be the most useful (Barazh and Zagash), followed by Snajagh.

The scariest general enemies in Chapter II are water elementals, gorgons and basilisks. 

Sand and swamp trolls are formidable. Cult of the Dragon and Consuming Fire monks are extremely challenging. Undead go without saying.

Kill countLost count. In the Forest of Mir alone (one subquest), I slew in excess of 300 foes.

Chapter III. Swordflight Familiar Upgrade.

End character:

(Improved Expertise is active.)

Swordflight Build Itemization Progression

• Chapter I

  • We buy as many Haste and Barkskin potions as we can afford from the innkeeper, as these potions are not itemized or available for purchase from the two merchants that will be available to us later: Roigo & Zombie. We won't be able to afford to buy many, though. Post-inn, only three Invisibility potions are available for purchase, too.
  • Available from Roigo in Kadath's CampBless Weapon is a key scroll to employ against undead. There is also a one-off Flame Weapon scroll offered by the Zombie merchant in Buried Ruins 3.  It makes the fight against Ramurg easier. Notably, both of these scrolls are cast at 17th caster level. Roigo also offers Protection From Alignment scrolls. These, along with the rarely itemized Potion of Clarity, are key in warding against the fear aura sported by mummies in Buried Ruins 4.
  • Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1 and Boots of the Sun Soul +1 (UMD) give us a nice itemization-based AC boost. These are found in the Buried Ruins.
  • Wand of Lightning x2 (18 charges total) is absolutely key in making combat encounters easier. Roigo offers one and the other is found in the ruins. Custom Undead Wards are itemized in-dungeon only.
  • Containers such as the Magic Bag are key in controlling encumbrance. In addition, carrying more means selling more which means more wealth.

• Chapter II. Through class-specific itemization [picpic] and level gains, spellslot limitations are decreased notably in Chapter II, though wands, staffs, rods, scrolls and potions are still be employed where required.

  • Unneeded Chapter I items are sold off in the Market District (Bal. 20,000 GP).
  • Arcane spellcaster class-based quest is fast-tracked [link] for the Wizard's Ring, Lesser Robes of Wizardry and rods, staffs and wands [pic]. (Good path of Rogue class-based quest is also fast-tracked but the items are logically of much less use to us [pic].)
  • ◦ Unneeded items yielded from the above two quests are sold off (Bal. 100,000 GP). That seems like a lot of cash, but it isn't. Items are expensive and will become very expensive once the top-tier merchant is unlocked in the Noble & Wealthy Estates district.
  • ◦ Post-Forest of Mir, Marching Mountains and Calim Desert (and also having completed many of the quests in Calimport itself), we have about 400,000 GP. We upgraded our "Precious..." in the Hidden Fortress of the Calim Desert [pic]. We also get our "perma-Haste item" from the gardener (I went with the gauntlets).
  • Moreover, this is when Gadaran's Garb & Gear opens to us (because we get the third and final recommendation). However, Robes of Wizardry set me back a whopping 200,000 GP. With the rest of the cash I splashed out on Headband of Intellect +4, Gloves of the Dexterous Rogue +3, Improved Boots of the Sun Soul +3, Amulet of Toughness +3 and Belt of Frost Giant Strength. Also, Bag of Holding. Broke again.
  • 20 points in UMD is enough to wear Improved Boots of the Sun Soul +3 and Robes of the Broken One, but not Robes of the Darkmoon.

• Chapter III. Balance was 200,000 GP after selling off unneeded items.

  • From ship merchant: Buy up big on Potion of Clarity, Freedom, Death Ward, Lesser Mind Blank. Don't have 10 of each? Fail. Ensure healthy supplies of key divine scrolls (Cure Disease, Restoration, Greater Restoration, Raise Dead, Resurrection). Also, Rune of Invigoration x2.
  • Upgrade Lightning Lute in Zazesspur (need a diamond)
  • Glorious Helm [helmglory001]. Sold by the Half-orc smith in the Market District of Zazesspur. This item is even better than the Greater Cap of Eloquence that can be bought in Chapter IV's Underdark Market.
  • Cleric's Robe +4 [clericrobe004]. Sold at the House of Tears.
  • Cloak of the High Forest, Chain of the Forest and Ring of Animal & Plant Friendship. Sold by the Druid merchant just north of the plaza.

Gnome-specific quest:

• Chapter IV:

  • Underdark Market: Belt of Fire Giant Strength, Amulet of Toughness +4, Ring of Clear Thought +5, Gloves of the Dexterous Rogue +4, Belt of Strength & Stamina +4, Improved Boots of the Sun Soul +4. Purchase the Anti-Petrification Helm for use in the Beholder Warrens.
  • Svirfneblin Boots
  • Greater Haste item (Celestial Fortress)

Dwarven Defender Swordflight Build

This build has been moved to: Dwarven Defender Rogue Build NWN.

Swordflight Martial Itemization Progression

Best items found or bought in Chapter I: Tower Shield, Half Plate, Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, Boots of the Sun Soul +1, Helm of Awareness, Nymph Cloak +1.

  • Items are listed in the order in which they will likely be found
  • The name of the item links to its image and description (right-click → Open in new tab)

Swordflight Weapon Progression

  • Desert Wind +1: Found on the corpse of the Asabi Chieftain in the Asabi Caves of Chapter I. Also bought from merchant in Market District of Calimport in Chapter II. However, against undead of which the module is teeming, one is likely to end up wielding one of these; I wielded this.
  • Lawgiver Scimitar +2: Sold by Adaras Efzan in the Temple of Tyr of Calimport's Temple District *expensive*.
  • Soulstealer Scimitar: Sold by Ferazha Sundar in the Temple of Shar of Calimport's Temple District (probably expensive as well; the priest will not deal with the "Servants of Light"). Cannot be wielded by a Dwarven Defender.
  • Desert Wind +2: Found on a mangled corpse in sewers of the City Gates.
  • Laughing Blade +2: Found on the corpse of the bard, Yastan Sadar, on the second floor of Tebnas inn, in the Forest of Mir. There is a six-point alignment shift towards Evil for slaying him, though. Upgraded with Keen & Silver. [See: Hammer & Anvil]
  • Shimmering Blade +2: Found in a crate on the second level of Zagash's lair in Deeper In: South of the Forest of Mir. Also sold by the merchant in Rajar's Thieves' Guild ("evil path" only). Also found a third one somewhere else (possibly in the Marching Mountains).
  • Dragonslasher +2: Found in a trapped and locked chest sitting at the foot of the dragon statue in the Hidden Fortress of Calim Desert (Assisting Kalomas).
  • Desert Wind +3: Sold at Gadaran's Garb & Gear, post-Assisting Kalomas.
  • Savage Scimitar +3: Found on the corpse of the Lizardfolk High Shaman on the lower level of the Aranea Base, in the Spider Swamp. Cannot be wielded by a Dwarven Defender.
  • Rune of Enhancement +3: Found on the third level of the Hidden Fortress, in the sanctum of the Cult Mage. [See: Hammer & Anvil]
  • Can't remember my Scimitars in Chapter 3.
  • Duergar Scimitar & Drow Scimitar: Duergar Smithy, Underdark Market (Chapter 4). In addition to their +4 enchantment and other mods, these scimitars can be anvil-forged with Keen, Mass Crits, Cold Iron and Holy properties.

Swordflight Armor Progression

  • Half Plate: Sold by Roigo in Kadath's Camp in Chapter I.
  • Full Plate: Sold by the half-orc merchant in the Merchant/Market district at the beginning of Chapter II.
  • Full Plate +1: Sold by Thorik Steelshaper in his smithy in the Merchant/Market district at the beginning of Chapter II.
  • Masterwork Full Plate +2: & Masterwork Helm +2: Sold by Thorik Steelshaper post-Forest of Mir or Marching Mountains. [see: Mithral & Adamantine].
  • Masterwork Full Plate +3 & Barbaric Armor +3: Sold at Gadaran's Garb & Gear, post-Assisting Kalomas. AC is usually more important than HPs and SR, but I went with the latter for its coolpoints; it's not all about powergaming.
  • Can't remember my armor in Chapter 3.
  • Masterwork Full Plate +4. Duergar Smithy, Underdark Market (Chapter 4). Can be crafted with elemental resistances and weight reduction.

Swordflight Shield Progression

  • Tower Shield: Chapter I.
  • Tower Shield +1: Sold by Thorik Steelshaper in his smithy in the Merchant/Market district at the beginning of Chapter II.
  • Mithral Tower Shield +2: Sold by Thorik Steelshaper post-Forest of Mir or -Marching Mountains. [see: Mithral & Adamantine].
  • Lesser Shield of the Elements: Found on the corpse of an orc hero in the Marching Mountains.
  • Magekiller's Shield: 25 SR.
  • Shield of Strength +3 & Masterwork Tower Shield: Sold at Gadaran's Garb & Gear, post-Assisting Kalomas.
  • Can't remember my shield in Chapter 3.
  • Masterwork Duergar Tower Shield. Duergar Smithy, Underdark Market (Chapter 4). Can be crafted with elemental resistances and weight reduction.

Other Items

  • Boots of the Sun Soul +1-5 (UMD).


Take me to Part II: Chapter 1 Swordflight: Shifting Sands Inn.

Neverwinter Nights Swordflight Chapter 3 Buried Ruins 2 Thieves' Guild Mazar's Golems
Swordflight Swordflight Alignment Buried Ruins 3 Goblinoid Army Precious Metals
Rogueknight Interview Swordflight Walkthrough Buried Ruins 4 Orc Army Hammer & Anvil
Swordflight Chapter 1 Shifting Sands Inn Calimport Dragon Cult Bloody Blades
Swordflight Chapter 2 Buried Ruins 1 Zataroth Aranea Base Zagash the Terrible


  1. It will definitely be quite a task to get through and comment on the whole series. Naturally, I am honored that you find my work worthy of such effort.

    1. Well, I'm honored to be able to play through such a grand campaign! The fruits of the time and effort you have put into the creation of Swordflight deserve to be showcased and commentated on in more detail. At present, the commentary is a bit raw and rough around the edges, but I just wanted to keep "a journal" of sorts to accompany my replay, post some pics to go along with it, and maybe supply the odd pro-tip or two as I go.


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