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Item Revisions Baldur's Gate 2

Item Revisions BG2

Item Revisions is a Baldur's Gate 2 mod for BioWare's cRPG of 2000-2001, Baldur's Gate 2. Item Revisions is most notable for its Heavy Armor Encumbrance component which should be combined with Ding0's Tweak Pack or Tweaks Anthology BG1 Movement Speed component. This will slow down all combat units in BG2, but especially the big charging tanks.

Note that Item Revisions changes BG2 itemization (item properties and item locations) as well as AD&D 2nd Edition rules. It might not have been the goal, but Item Revisions and Spell Revisions do not even begin to level the playing field as it pertains to Wizard vs Warrior -- a lofty goal, to be sure. IR + SR are just revisions/adjustments. Indeed, several aspects of IR (if installed) mostly serve to widen the gap in favor of spellcasters.

Item Revisions should be paired with Spell Revisions (read that for more on Wizard vs. Warrior). 

Item Revisions employs ToBEx BG2 and is compatible with SCS BG2.

  • Item Revisions core component
  • Potion Revisions
  • Masterwork Weapons
  • Store Revisions
  • Allow Spellcasting in Armor: With a Chance of Arcane Casting Failure
  • Heavy Armor Encumbrance: Movement Speed, Dexterity and Speed Factor Penalties
  • Allow Thieving Skills in Armor: Stealth is Penalized by Armor and Shields
  • Revised Armor Bonuses
  • Revised Shield Bonuses
  • Dual Wielding Changes for Light and Heavy Weapons
  • Halberds Can Slash, Too
  • Weapon Changes
  • Enchantment Doesn't Affect Speed Factor of Weapons
  • Backstabbing Penalties for Inappropriate Weapons: Backstabbing Penalties with More Weapons Usable for Backstabbing

Item Revisions enhances weaker items and either nerfs powerful items, changes their locations or removes them from the game entirely. Let us give a few examples.

  • Most notably, Robe of Vecna and Shield of Balduran have been removed from BG2.
  • Helm of Balduran is worn by Ilyich. In the original BG2, and only for CHARNAME imports, HoB is found in the room just north of the dryads in Irenicus Dungeon Level 1.
  • Lady Yuth BG2 is removed. Instead, Bonus Merchant Deidre BG2 now sells some spell scrolls but she doesn't sell any bonus content items.
  • Bonus Merchant Joluv BG2 of the Copper Coronet is removed. When Hendak is freed, Bernard sells some of Joluv's items (as well as MS5 and MS8 spells)
  • Gnasher BG2 is found in the Troll Mound of the Druid Grove rather than on the druids at the entrance to Faldorn's lair. Also, its duration of damage-over-time has been halved.
  • Belm BG2 ApR has been nerfed from +1 to +½.
  • Carsomyr BG2 MR has been nerfed to 25% from 50%. It's also +5 enchantment, not +6.
  • Flail of Ages BG2 on-hit Slow has been nerfed from no-save 33% chance to save vs. spell at -4. On the other hand, elemental damage has been buffed by +½ average per flail head. 
  • Sling of Seeking BG2 has its Strength modifier to damage removed. Instead, it now confers +6 THAC0 and the Str mod is given to the Sling of Force (SLING07).
  • Crom Faeyr BG2 confers Strength +5 instead of setting Strength to 25. However, it can now be thrown (for missile damage, not ranged crushing damage).
  • Impaler BG2 can now be thrown. However, its flat +10 piercing damage is now a 1d10 roll.
  • Cloak of Displacement inflicts melee and ranged THAC0 (-2/-4) penalties upon attackers instead of the ranged penalty (-4) and +2 saving throws.
  • Belt of Inertial Barrier confers 20% missile damage resistance instead of 25% missile damage resistance and 20% magic damage resistance. It also reduces the saving throw bonus by 2 but Slows enemies within a 10ft AoE on a per-round basis (save vs. Breath).

Item Revisions rightfully removes some items and nerfs others, but it doesn't improve BG2 all that much. See Spell Revisions and SCS BG2 for constructive criticisms -- with solutions. If you read on, please bear in mind that BG2 is a poorly designed cRPG that is not easy to fix.

Baldur's Gate 2 OriginalTactics Mod BG2Baldur's Gate 1 Original
BG2 Best ModsSCS BG2BG1 Best Mods
ToBEx BG2BG2 Improved GUIDark Side of the Sword Coast
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BG2 FixpackSword Coast Stratagems GuideDrizzt Saga Baldur's Gate

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