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Level 3 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate 1

Level 3 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate 1

There are fifteen level 3 Baldur's Gate arcane spells in Baldur's Gate 1 Original. Once we open a few slots in level 3, we start to see that Mage BG1 is the most entertaining class to play. We can not only lock down the enemy with Web but also light them up with Fireball and Skull Trap. So basically, we're doing the heavy lifting for the party. In addition, Fighter BG1 loves us because we buff them with Haste and debuff their enemies with Slow.

Clairvoyance Baldur's Gate 1

Clairvoyance (Divination, SCRL1D): Useful utility spell for noble souls who don't employ Cheats:ExploreArea(), but it only works outdoors.
Rank: Mid-tier.

Dire Charm Baldur's Gate 1

Dire Charm (Enchantment, SCRL1S): Upgraded Charm Person in that it lasts for +3 rounds (20 total) and does not grant a bonus to save vs. spells. Note that Algernon's Cloak does not allow a saving throw, its charm is permanent and it essentially has infinite charges, but it is clearly a broken item that should not be used (not that many players would find it, anyway).
Rank: Mid-tier.

Dispel Magic Baldur's Gate 1

Dispel Magic (Abjuration, SCRL1E): Powerful, party-friendly AoE abjuration that can not only dispel magical buffs and wards on enemies, but also negative status effects on allies (including disease/nausea).
Rank: God-tier.

Fireball Baldur's Gate 1

Fireball (Evocation, SCRL1G): Famous AoE direct dmg spell that inflicts 1-6 fire dmg per level of the caster up to a max of 10d6. However, wands can be found that serve the same purpose, and wands have no casting time. Save vs. spells for half. 
Rank: Mid-tier.

Flame Arrow Baldur's Gate 1

Flame Arrow (Conjuration, SCRL1F): Single-target direct dmg spell whose bolt inflicts of 1-6 piercing and 4d6 fire dmg per 5 caster levels. As with Magic Missile, there is no save.
Rank: Top-tier.

Ghost Armor Baldur's Gate 1

Ghost Armor (Conjuration, SCRL1T): Upgraded Armor spell in terms of AC (field plate), but a downgrade in terms of duration (merely 10 turns as opposed to 9 hours).
Rank: Mid-tier.

Haste Baldur's Gate 1

Haste (Alteration, SCRL1H): AoE mobility buff that grants one ally per caster level ApR +1 and a notable movement rate increase for 3 rounds + 1 round per caster level. Haste stacks with the Boots of Speed and does not inflict fatigue when it expires.  Haste can be used in conjunction with Slow in order to gain an unfair advantage (see Slow entry). Note that Oil of Speed (a potion) serves the same purpose as the Haste spell.
Rank: Top-tier.

Hold Person Baldur's Gate 1

Hold Person (Enchantment, SCRL1I): AoE immobilizer that holds 1-4 man-sized humanoids rigidly immobile for 2 rounds per level. Save vs. spell negates.
Rank: Top-tier.

Lightning Bolt Baldur's Gate 1

Lightning Bolt (Evocation, SCRL1K): Awesome ricocheting direct damage AoE that inflicts 1-6 electrical dmg per caster level up to a max of 10d6. But the thing is, if the bolt ricochets back and forth between objects in close proximity, that dmg is going to go through the roof (it ricochets until its length is exhausted, which is 40 yards + 10 per caster level).

Of course, the bolt can easily backfire and electrocute the entire party, leaving them as nothing more than scorched corpses on the cobble-stone pavement. Which is why we want Minor Globe of Invulnerability active before we whip up a storm [pic].

The area field of the item description is amusing: "Area: Path of Bolt" -- but the "path" is so unpredictable. Possibly the most impressive spell in the genre as it pertains to aesthetics. Note that there are also wands of lightning itemized.
Rank: Top-tier.

Monster Summoning 1 Baldur's Gate 1

Monster Summoning 1 (Conjuration, SCRL1L): Conjures 8 HD worth of monster allies. In practice, that means packs of kobolds, xvarts, tasloi, gibberlings, wild dogs and war dogs. No summon cap.
Rank: Mid-tier.

Non-Detection Baldur's Gate 1

Non-Detection (Abjuration, SCRL1M): Single-target ward that protect the invisibilized recipient from being scried by arcane or divine divinations. Note that there is also a cloak that serves the same purpose.  
Rank: Mid-tier.

Protection From Normal Missiles Baldur's Gate 1

Protection from Normal Missiles (Abjuration, SCRL1N): Theoretically a powerful single-target ward, but there just aren't many combat encounters that pit the party against deadly archer-squads. Note that PfNW and PfMW are not in BG, only BG2. PfNW would be OP in BG because not many enemies wield magical weapons.  
Rank: Mid-tier.

Skull Trap Baldur's Gate 1

Skull Trap (Necromancy, SCRL1P): Extremely damaging direct damage or trap-type AoE that inflicts 1-6 magic damage per caster level up to 10d6 (save vs. spell for half). The spell sports a deceptively wide radius.
Rank: God-tier.

Slow Baldur's Gate 1

Slow (Alteration, SCRL1O): AoE debuff that inflicts a movement rate penalty and a one-point ApR penalty as well as 4 point to-hit, AC and all-saves penalties. Haste is great, right? Confers a movement rate increase and ApR +1 on one ally per caster level. But Slow potentially impacts many more enemies with its 40 ft. radius. Ideally, we cast Haste on ourselves and Slow on the enemy in order to gain a huge advantage. Save vs. Spells -4.
Rank: God-tier.

Vampiric Touch Baldur's Gate 1

Vampiric Touch (Necromancy, SCRL1Q): Similar to Larloch's Minor Drain, which means it's garbage. Caster-only, quick-fire leecher that inflicts 1-6 magic dmg on the victim per 2 caster levels and transfers that dmg -- cumulatively -- to the caster as hitpoints. The leeching may exceed the caster's total HPs, but the bonus is lost after 5 turns. Bypasses MR, and is no-save.
Rank: Bottom-tier (because dmg doesn't scale).

Wraith Form Baldur's Gate 1

Wraith Form (Alteration / Illusion, SCRL1R, unimplemented): A precursor to PfMW in BG2. Caster-only ward that bestows +25% magic resistance Baldur's Gate and immunity to normal weapons for 2 rounds per caster level. The downside is that casters can't cast spells while in wraith form.
Rank: God-tier due to its tanking potential. Glad it wasn't included in the game.

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