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Level 2 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate 1

Level 2 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate 1

There are eighteen level 2 Baldur's Gate arcane spells in Baldur's Gate 1 Original. Level 2 spells sport Mirror Image and Web. Mirror Image is the greatest defensive spell on the Infinity Engine, and Web is the engine's greatest immobilizer -- indeed, its most powerful spell. In addition, Invisibility and Knock never lose their utility.

Agannazar's Scorcher Baldur's Gate 1

Agannazar's Scorcher (Evocation, SCRL1B): Jet-stream direct damage spell that inflicts 1-18 fire on a single target. No-save.
Rank: Top-tier.

Blur Baldur's Gate 1

Blur (Illusion, SCRL85): Caster-only buff that grants a 3-point AC bonus and +1 all-saves. Stacks with other AC sources.
Rank: Top-tier.

Detect Evil Baldur's Gate 1

Detect Evil (Divination, SCRL86): AoE divination that reveals the alignment of any creature or character in the vicinity. Almost utterly useless.
Rank: Bottom-tier.

Detect Invisibility Baldur's Gate 1

Detect Invisibility (Divination, SCRL87): AoE divination that reveals enemies hiding under the effects of conventional stealth or invisibility. The problem is that not many enemies employ stealth or invisibility.
Rank: Mid-tier.

Ghoul Touch Baldur's Gate 1

Ghoul Touch (Necromancy, SCRL1C): Upgraded Chill Touch. Caster-only, quick-fire "create weapon" spell that grants the caster to-hit +4 and inflicts (in melee) 0 dmg and on-hit 5-round paralysis. Does not stack with conventional weapon properties. Does not bypass MR, but is no-save.
Rank: Bottom-tier.

Horror Baldur's Gate 1

Horror (Necromancy, SCRL89): AoE divide & conquer spell that inflicts fear status on non-undead enemies that fail their save vs. spells. The problem is that we have to chase down all the morale-failed, which is annoying.
Rank: Mid-tier.

Invisibility Baldur's Gate 1

Invisibility (Illusion, SCRL90): Single-target scouting, mobility and escape spell that grants invisibility status for a whopping 24 hours. The invisibility is broken if the character attacks, however. Still, this is far superior to conventional stealth. I'd rank it god-tier if there weren't so many potions itemized. 
Rank: Top-tier.

Knock Baldur's Gate 1

Knock (Alteration, SCRL91): Single-target utility spell that unlocks any door or chest that isn't magically warded against spells. Vital if we don't have a Thief in the party. 
Rank: Top-tier.

Know Alignment Baldur's Gate 1

Know Alignment (Divination, SCRL92): As per Detect Evil, this AoE divination is almost utterly useless. 
Rank: Bottom-tier.

Luck Baldur's Gate 1

Luck (Enchantment, SCRL93): Single-target buff that bestows a range a benefits offered by Luck (a 1-point bonus to dice rolls). The effects of multiple castings are non-cumulative. Note that the pessimistic Xan comes with this spell already scribed to his spellbook.
Rank: Top-tier.

Melf's Acid Arrow Baldur's Gate 1

Melf's Acid Arrow (Conjuration, SCRL95): Single-target, quick-fire damage-over-time ranged spell that inflicts 2-4 cumulative acid dmg per round +2-4 per three caster levels. Can be helpful in inflicting spell disruption on rival spellcasters.
Rank: Top-tier.

Mirror Image Baldur's Gate 1

Mirror Image (Illusion, SCRL96): Caster-only illusion-ward that creates up to six mirror images or copies of the caster.  Each copy must be dispersed (dispelled or hit) before the caster herself can be hit. It doesn't matter how much damage the hit would have inflicted, 1 HP or 1,000 HPs: the caster cannot be physically harmed until each and every image has been dispersed. If the caster has one image left, she can safely drop FireballSkull Trap or even Cloudkill on herself. At max level, she can refresh five images four times per 8 hours of adventuring. Imagine going up against a caster that can cast five images four times per battle? Your heart would sink. Thus, Mirror Image is the godliest defensive spell on the Infinity Engine, and one of the godliest spells in the entire RPG genre. cf. Supertankers.

Note that Necromancers such as Xzar cannot cast this spell because Illusion is their Opposition School.  Thus, Xzar is usually dual-classed into Necro-Cleric.
Rank: God-tier.

Protection from Petrification Baldur's Gate 1

Protection from Petrification (Abjuration, SCRL73): Single-target ward that is most notably employed against the petrification gaze of basilisks. This spell is only situationally useful, and there are also divine protection scrolls available for purchase at temples.
Rank: Mid-tier.

Resist Fear Baldur's Gate 1

Resist Fear (Abjuration, SCRL94): AoE ward that protects the entire party from Fear status for one entire hour, and also removes Fear status.
Rank: Top-tier.

Stinking Cloud Baldur's Gate 1

Stinking Cloud (Evocation, SCRL97): Noxious 1-round per level duration AoE that disables anything that fails its save vs. poison for 1-4 +1 rounds. I'd rather just cast Web. Indeed, the only advantage Stinking Cloud has over Web is that our Cleric's skeletons are immune to its effects.
Rank: Mid-tier.

Strength Baldur's Gate 1

Strength (Alteration, SCRL98): Single-target buff that sets the recipient's Strength score to 18/50 for one hour per caster level. Not as good as the divine variant (18/75), but still nice for those noble souls who don't min-max their Fighter BG1.
Rank: Top-tier.

Vocalize Baldur's Gate 1

Vocalize (Alteration, SCRL3G): Single-target, 10-round duration counter to Silence. Of limited utility.
Rank: Mid-tier.

Web Baldur's Gate 1

Web (Evocation, SCRL99): I don't want to write about this godly spell any more than I already have. cf. Web BG2.
Rank: God-tier.

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