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TUMBLE, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Tumble NWN

Tumble is a survivability skill in Neverwinter Nights. Along with Use Magic Device NWN and Spellcraft NWN, it is one of the best skills to dump ranks into, regardless of NWN build

Rogues and Monks are most likely to invest heavily in Tumble. There is nothing wrong with Fighters taking Tumble as a cross-class skill, but it is better to dip into Rogue for skilldumping purposes.

Wizards and Sorcerers often take Tumble not so much for the AC bonus but because it lets them move around without triggering AoOs (attacks of opportunity).

Note that 30 ranks in Tumble is a prerequisite for the coveted Epic Dodge. Five ranks in Tumble is also a prereq for Shadowdancer.

Tumble Skill

  • Ability: Dexterity.
  • Requires Training: Yes.
  • Classes: All.
  • Use: Automatic.

The character with high tumbling is able to roll away from attacks during combat, positioning themselves safely at all times. Anytime the character might receive an attack of opportunity for moving past enemies, they will automatically attempt a tumble check against a DC of 15. If successful the attack is avoided. For every five ranks in this skill (not including Dexterity bonus) the character's armor class is also improved by +1.

Tumble Check

Check: DC 15 to avoid attack of opportunity while moving.

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