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Wizard, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN 1

Wizard NWN

Wizard is a NWN class in BioWare's cRPG of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

On Wizards Builds, I like to take one level of Rogue for the first level skillpoint bonus and then go "all out" on Wizard; the Int pumps enhancing a lot of the skills. With that level of Rogue you could take open locks and find traps, boosting your skills with Thieves' Tools which are commonly itemized. A bit of Use Magic Device NWN gives access to Monk boots, too.


I much prefer Wizards to Sorcerers due to their spellcasting repertoire that is limited only by the scrolls they can find and their school specialization, if any. Not to mention the extra Feats and not being gimped on skillpoints. I mean, it's nice to be able to take more than Concentration, Spellcraft and Lore, isn't it?

In contrast, Sorcerers just seem limiting and one-dimensional though I don't doubt their ability to cast choice spells over and over again, and it's well known that one level of Paladin for Divine Grace bestows an absurd bonus to saving throws; they're just not flexible enough for me and I've never enjoyed playing them outside of solo IWD2.

The ability to summon and possess a familiar that levels up with you is just so cool. For example, the Pixie is great for thieving utility purposes: she can scout, open locks, disarm traps and enter areas that would otherwise be inaccessible.

I played a low level Wizard in Siege of Shadowdale. It was quite difficult at times and I had to rely on summons and buffing them with Flame Weapon for most of it, along with the odd Fireball, but Wizards eventually come into their own at the mid-levels, as I found out while playing Darkness Over Daggerford.

Most people tend to go with spell focus in Evocation and get the meta magic feats like Extend, Empower and Maximize spell. The Bigby's line of spells are great and IGMS is an OP evocation that is often abused, especially if you take Silent or Still meta magic to gain more castings of it per day. Still Spell (and Automatic Still spell) are cool in that they allow you to wear armor and equip a shield without incurring arcane spell failure. Other good feats for arcane spellcasters (since they don't generally rely on attack rolls) are Expertise & Improved Expertise (non-trivial AC bonus).

It isn't just about damage; Wizards are invaluable for buffing party members and minions. Such bread and butter spells as Improved Invisibility for concealment and Stoneskin for DR are going to keep them on their feet and fighting for a lot longer, which keeps the aggro away so that they're free to unleash at-will, but the more powerful Greater Stoneskin and Premonition are caster-only.

NWN is unique in that lots of staffs and wands are available at vendors and as loot, which increases your value in a party and decreases the need to rest to replenish spell slots under the Vancian magic system. If Swordflight wasn't the first cRPG to place emphasis on that concept, it certainly represents the pinnacle of it.

Wizard NWN Description

Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard's strength is her spells; everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar: a small, magical, creature that serves her.

Wizard NWN Rules

  • To cast a spell, a wizard must have a Intelligence score of 10 + the spell's level. For example, to cast a 9th-level spell, a wizard must have a Intelligence of 19.
  • Hit Die: d4.
  • Proficiencies: Proficient with wizard weapons. Wizards are not proficient with armor or shields.
  • Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 + Int Modifier.
  • Spellcasting: Arcane (Intelligence-based, spell preparation is required, spell failure from armor is a factor); wizards begin the game knowing all cantrips and four 1st-level spells.

NWN Classes Bard NWN Barbarian NWNCleric NWN Druid NWN Fighter NWN
Monk NWN Paladin NWN Ranger NWN Rogue NWN Sorcerer NWN Wizard NWN
Arcane Archer NWN Assassin NWN Blackguard NWN Champion of Torm NWN Dwarven Defender NWN Pale Master NWN
Red Dragon Disciple NWN Shadowdancer NWN Shifter NWN Weapon Master NWN Purple Dragon Knight NWN Harper Scout NWN

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