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Storm of Zehir, Omgar's Teeth

Job Application & Unnerving Evidence

We're doing two quests in the cove of Omgar's Teeth:

QuestSamargol - Job Application (cargo retrieval)
Quest: Samargol - Unnerving Evidence (sabotage investigation)

As soon as you re-enter the cove, you'll see some cargo on your left. Loot the placeable for Ore x1. Hit the I-key to call up your inventory and then click on the cargo button to see the ore.

This place smells of seaweed... and decay. - Inshula.
Watch out that we don't run into your little brothers around here, Yushai. - Umoja. 

Pro-tip: Leave a party member at the exit marker. That way, you don't have to backtrack all along the beach when you're done. Remember this for other areas and dungeons; it saves so much time.

Buff up and slay the hostiles lurking about on the beach and loot their corpses for crafting components and whatever else they drop: velociraptors (Dinosaur Claw), batiri scavengers, jungle beetle (Bombardier Beetle Venom Sac).

Note: Keep 4x Dinosaur Claws in your inventory for a quest in the Lantanese Lumber Camp.

Finding the cargo (ore)

Sa'Sani will be happy if you find one unit of ore but there are seven units of ore to be found (though once I found nine). The first is to your left as you first arrive, the second and third are nearby, the fourth is near the first velociraptor you slay, the fifth is near the rigging of the ship and the sixth and seventh are near the batiri cave which you cannot enter at this time.

There's a zalantar spear on a weapon rack just outside the cave. Later you'll find that zalantar is a tradeable rare resource.

Finding evidence of sabotage

There are four pieces of evidence to find. Click the corpse on a mound by the cargo, click the gaping hole in the hull of the ship, click the rigging, and head up and around the hill to click the broken spear.

Now that you have salvaged some of Sa'Sani's cargo, and obtained evidence of sabotage, hike back to Samargol and collect your rewards.

• Quest: Samargol - Job Application: 700 xp + -1 ore.
• Quest: Samargol - Unnerving Evidence: 600 xp + 2,200 gp

Goods, Resources & Trade Bars

Quest: Samarach - The Lady's Apprentice. Sa'Sani will now review the evidence, at which point Osi Tchaluka interjects. He tells you a bit about being a merchant. It comes down to this: find more of Sa'Sani's ore and convert the goods into trade bars, then exchange the trade bars for cash through Osi. Whatever we find now, is ours.

1x ore unit = 8x trade bars and 8x trade bars = 120 gp from Osi. That, of course, is quite pitiful. Considering how rare it is to come across ore on the OLM (random Spot and Batiri encounters), it's just not worth it to go out of your way looking for more. Besides, at this stage of the game you have enough ore to craft a few weapons and armors (but it's not even necessary at this stage).

Ore, timber and skins are the main goods in Samarach. Like the lost ore, timber and skins can also be found randomly on the OLM (Spot & Search). But remember your wagon capacity at this time is only 10 units of goods or resources, so exchange them for trade bars whenever you can at towns.

The three other relevant towns in Samarach are Torich, Taruin and Rassatan. After completing a quest Torich will offer us our first rare resource, salt (1x salt unit = 75 trade bars). There are other, much more precious resources, but not in Samarach. Later trading becomes a little more involved on the Sword Coast, but not by much. I'll explain once we reach the Sword Coast. For now, just don't be afraid to exchange goods for trade bars (and trade bars for cash).

Storm of Zehir Crafting

Feel free to use recovered ore to craft weapons and armors, if you like. For example, with our ore, we can now craft a set of Full Plate for our tank at the Blacksmith's Workbench in the Crafting Stations building on the northern end of the Bazaar. 

Recipe Location

There are several RECIPES in the trunk: Full Plate, Large Steel Shield, Tower Shield, Tanglefoot Bag, Shuriken, Dart, Throwing Axe, Bolts, Bullets, Blank Scroll, Magical Potion Bottle.

For full plate, it costs 750 GP + 2 units of ore and we need 7 ranks in Craft Armor (I had 13 at the point of finding the ore) This is much cheaper than buying it, probably going to end up being about half price.

Osi also has RECIPES for sale: AC Bonus Enchantment +1, Weapon Enhancement Bonus +1Corrosive Weapon (1d6 acid), Flaming Weapon, Frost Weapon, Shocking Weapon, Thundering Weapon.

I recommend the bolded crafts above for your tank (remember to enchant both armor and tower shield). The Corrosive Weapon enchantment is great because there are too many fire-immune enemies and it still works against trolls. But we need the Craft Magical Arms & Armor feat in order to enchant and enhance.

To craft the full plate and tower shield, simply move your character next to the Blacksmith's Workbench, open the Armor Recipes book and click the recipe. The ore and gold will be deducted, and the items will be added to your inventory automatically. This gives our tank AC +8 over our starting gear!

To add an enchancement (+1) or enchantment (corrosive weapon), open your enchantment recipe book, click the recipe, and then click the item you want to enhance/enchant. However, you may not be able to afford to do this yet, and you may not have the feat yet (Craft Magical Arms & Armor). Do it ASAP, though. 

So what's the easiest way to get some cash-flow going that will fund such crafts? Do the first few quests offered by Sa'Sani, Volo and Vadin'ya.

OLM Items

You want these items ASAP:

OLM items sold by Vad'inya [Storm of Zehir Item List]: Cloak of Elvenkind (Hide +5), Boots of Elvenkind (Move Silently +5), These are pretty cheap so you should be able to afford them now. Later, when we have taken out Flamespar, Vadin'ya sells the Ring of Hiding (Hide +6).

OLM items sold by Irim Mendar [Storm of Zehir Item List]: Watchman's Helm (Search, Spot & Listen +8). You probably can't afford this yet but just keep it in mind.

At this point it's probably prudent to not underestimate your need for ammo and Healer's Kits.

Neverwinter Nights 2 6. Batiri Cave 12. Underdark Black Market 18. Conyberry Meeting
1. Storm of Zehir Walkthrough 7. Plainsrunner 13. Sauringar Temple 19. Storm of Zehir Chult
2. Storm of Zehir Samarach 8. Heavy Weaponry 14. Chokemist Cave 20. Temple of the World Serpent
3. Openpalm Bazaar9. Lantanese Lumber Camp 15. Storm of Zehir Sword Coast 21. Dread Herald of Zehir
4. Omgar's Teeth 10. Samarach OLM 16. Storm of Zehir Cartels 22. Storm of Zehir Item List
5. Stone Knives Tribe 11. Singing Pendant 17. Forktongue Bandit Hideout 23. Storm of Zehir Mods

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