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Storm of Zehir, Chult

Viper Temple

We return to the HQ only to find that Sa'Sani has warped back to Samarach after murdering Nas'Sirin.

Back in the Lantanese Lumber Camp of Samarach, we learn from Dall Nickleplate that Sa'Sani is heading toward Narubel Pass, wherefrom the Viper Temple is accessed that bridges Samarach with Chult. 

Narubel Pass: Viper Temple

An ancient, weathered ruin lies ahead of you. A doorway, almost invisible against the surrounding walls, gapes slightly.

Enter the temple and startle Sa'Sani: 2,400 XP:


A yuan-ti force led by Es'San ambush Sa'Sani in the temple. It is up to the party to hold them off. It is best two draw the aggro out in two packs. The first five or six charge the party while Es'San buffs himself behind them.

The Dwarven Defender lures the first pack to the chokepoint of the staircase. The rest of the party remain at the doorway, firing from range at the pursuing enemies that are locked onto the tank:

At this party level (11th), the battle can be a bit touch and go. The Snaketongue warlocks spam Eldritch Spear (Brimstone Blast) and sometimes cast Slay Living, for example. Es'San likes to unleash Ice Storm as well.

Es'San gates out after incurring damage. We'll catch up with him in the finale.

Loot: Bastard Sword +3, Chain Shirt +2, Heavy Shield +3, Ring of Protection +2, Composite Longbow (3), Lighting Arrows.

Speak with Sa'Sani again:

Sa'Sani requests that we wipe out the Se'Sehen clan led by N'Safa. Then Volo appears. He gives us Volo's Rejuvenating Ring (HPs +25) and Volo's Custom Chicanery (Thieves' Tools: Disable Device +4, Open Lock +4, Move Silently +2). We can also access his store [link].


Ok, we are now in Chult.

11th level party takes on EL 17 Megaraptors with ease (86 XP ea, 963 CE XP):

Thus far, I have only covered the plot-critical path of the Sword Coast. We can see how easy it is to advance it to this point; the point at which we head back to Samarach, and from there into Chult. However, things get tougher once we reach Chult, unless we take advantage of oversights and exploits.

Ok, now we can do the Chult OLM content.

Neverwinter Nights 2 6. Batiri Cave 12. Underdark Black Market 18. Conyberry Meeting
1. Storm of Zehir Walkthrough 7. Plainsrunner 13. Sauringar Temple 19. Storm of Zehir Chult
2. Storm of Zehir Samarach 8. Heavy Weaponry 14. Chokemist Cave 20. Temple of the World Serpent
3. Openpalm Bazaar9. Lantanese Lumber Camp 15. Storm of Zehir Sword Coast 21. Dread Herald of Zehir
4. Omgar's Teeth 10. Samarach OLM 16. Storm of Zehir Cartels 22. Storm of Zehir Item List
5. Stone Knives Tribe 11. Singing Pendant 17. Forktongue Bandit Hideout 23. Storm of Zehir Mods

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