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Storm of Zehir, Yuan-ti

Yuan-ti of Sauringar Temple

Warning: I don't recommend taking on yuan-ti holy guardians until the party is at least seventh level. Also, there is a DC-40 lock and trap.

Shit gets real here, so if you haven't explored the optional OLM areas or done the other optional quests [link, link], I'd do that now.

The quests that concern us are as follows:

  • Vadin'ya's Third Quest: Samargol - The Batiri Bargain
  • Volo's Second Quest: Samargol - Sightseeing
  • Matriarch Cuamogh: Relic of the Shattered Spear

These three quests require that we venture into the same lethal territory: the yuan-ti infested Ruined Temple, aka Sauringar Temple. Volo wants us to find a fragment in the ruins whereas Vadin'ya wants a gem from the Shattered Spear Tribe. But the Matriarch of the tribe, Cuamogh, sends us into the ruins to retrieve a spear which they will exhange for the gem Vadin'ya wants. 

To satisfy Volo's quest we only have to explore the first part of the ruins, but to satisfy Vadin'ya's we have to clear the place of yuan-ti entirely, which isn't easy. Well, stealth is possible but these battles are too fun to bypass, imo. 

Shattered Spear Tribe

First, make your way to the Shattered Spear Tribe in the north.

You feel numerous eyes on you as you approach. Skulls of strange creatures mounted on wooden poles adorn the cave's entrance.

Show respect - this is a strong clan. - Umoja.

You can just go in and slaughter them all for the Bane of the Batiri history feat (Batiri in OLM encounters are automatically afraid of you). However, OLM Batiri are hardly a threat (max EL 8). 

Weapon Rack: Batiri Club (Slashing 1d4), Light Shield +1.

Shattered Spear Tribe - Relic of the Shattered Spear

Matriarch Cuamogh is standing at the northern end of the cave, flanked by elite warriors and shaman. She wants you to recover a Shattered Spear, a sacred relic of theirs from a ruined temple. She promises to give you the gem Vadin'ya wants in return. Loot everything in Cuamogh's cave, head out and hike southward to the ruined temple.

600 xp + 1,400 gp + The Symbul's Sly Smile (grants dmg reduction 1 when in your inventory).

Temple Ruins

The Sauringar temple ruins are almost completely overgrown with jungle vegetation. Amidst the stone ruins lies a staircase which descends into the darkness.

This is THE defining combat encounter for the Samarach segment of SoZ.

We are confronted with three doors. Watch out for proximity traps on the floor: DC 28 (140 XP), DC 26 (130 XP). The left and right door can be entered straight away, but we need to pull the lever in the left chamber in order to unlock the central door.

Yuan-ti Holy Guardian

One Yuan-ti Holy Guardian lurks in the left and right chambers. Yuan-ti Holy Guardians are immune to acid, fire and electrical, but not cold. Thus, our corrosive weapons as well as Umoja's Flame Weapon are useless. Ice Storm, Hammer of the Gods and ILMS are good if we want to inflict non-trivial direct damage on them. 

In addition, Yuan-ti Holy Guardians sport 50% concealment (Displacement: Blind-Fight feat), are Hasted (counter: Slow) and inflict on-hit acid (counter: Ring of Minor Acid Resistance sold in the Underdark Black Market, post Tempest's Fury). The Spider Constructs (Blade Spider Cogs) are much easier to dispatch since they are not immune to on-hit acid and fire.

Bookshelf: Ruin Fragment (for Volo), Sauringar Tome (saves vs. Poison +1), Scrolls of Web, Summon Creature III, Flame Arrow, Death Armor, Confusion, Animate Dead, Raise Dead.

Pull the lever in the shrine at the back to open the central door that opens to a long hall, laced with traps, that leads to a dangerous mob of yuan-ti. 

It's best to just send your tank down the hall to block it while your archers and spellcasters fire from behind. But don't even bother unless your tank is buffed with Bless, Prayer, Aid, Bull's Strength and Bear's Endurance as well as with concealment (Greater Invisibility) and damage reduction (Stoneskin).

My tank has AC 40 with Defensive Stance activated. Thus, he can square up and take them on with out being ripped a new asshole instantly.

Serpentguard D'shai

There are six more yuan-ti to fight lead by Serpentguard D'shai. Oddly, the serpentguard is not immune to acid. Loot his corpse for a scimitar +2 and ring of resistance +2.

The Sauringar treasury is the northernmost room, with a DC 40 lock on the door. It can be bashed down, but it's trapped. My Rogue had just enough skill after she was buffed with Heroism.

Lockbox (DD DC-22): Scroll of Raise Dead.
Chest (trapped): Shattered Spear, 3244 GP, Bracers of Armor +1, Wand of Fireball.

Return the spear to Cuamogh for 1,600 xp and the Flawless Gem, which you should deliver to Vadin'ya to receive 700 xp + 5,000 gp. Also deliver the Ruin Fragment to Volo for 600 XP and 1,400 GP.

That short but difficult dungeon is one of the highlights of SoZ.

Neverwinter Nights 2 6. Batiri Cave 12. Underdark Black Market 18. Conyberry Meeting
1. Storm of Zehir Walkthrough 7. Plainsrunner 13. Sauringar Temple 19. Storm of Zehir Chult
2. Storm of Zehir Samarach 8. Heavy Weaponry 14. Chokemist Cave 20. Temple of the World Serpent
3. Openpalm Bazaar9. Lantanese Lumber Camp 15. Storm of Zehir Sword Coast 21. Dread Herald of Zehir
4. Omgar's Teeth 10. Samarach OLM 16. Storm of Zehir Cartels 22. Storm of Zehir Item List
5. Stone Knives Tribe 11. Singing Pendant 17. Forktongue Bandit Hideout 23. Storm of Zehir Mods

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