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Storm of Zehir, Conyberry Meeting

Conyberry Cartel Meeting

A meeting is set up by the three cartels to discuss the role the Fated Winds played in the New Leaf trade shortages.

Hike over to Conyberry and enter the tavern. Wright soon makes his appearance. He is twisted, and we hear of the deity "Zehir" for the first time. Then, Wright drops dead and yuan-ti guardians and abominations spawn into the common room: tons of them. 

However, they are not buffed like the ones in the Sauringar Temple of Samarach. These ones are easily overwhelmed by AoE castings. Well, it takes a few castings to take them out, our tank needs to survive, and we have to watch out for any yuan-ti that manage to slither around the tank.

Slay them for 1,900 xp and take your leave of the tavern. 

You may now see Snaketongue assassins on the OLM (EL 13). They like to cast Ghostly Visage. Mostly, they drop low-tier gems.

Hike back to Crossroad Keep and speak with Sa'Sani.

The Missing Assoicates quest kicks back in now, though it may be proceeded by a non-essential quest called Protection Money. Thus, you may have to speak to Sa'Sani twice in order to push the MQ along.

Night's Rest Inn - Il'foss & Kizu

It seems Nas'Sirin's heard news of the missing associates, Il'foss and Kizu. We are to meet up with them at the inn, though it's likely a trap.

The inn is located close to the Keep:

Enter and confront Il'foss and Kizu, Zehir-worshipping scum. They tell us that Sa'Sani is also yuan-ti, but of Sseth. Slay them: 1,900 xp.

There is not much to say about this battle other than that Kizu is an AC Lord and Il'foss summons ghouls and skeleton warriors. My Dwarven Defender soloed this encounter on D&D Hardcore Rules difficulty setting.

Corpse of Il'foss: Emerald Stave; of Kizu: Short Sword of Kizu.

Return to the merchant HQ.

Neverwinter Nights 2 6. Batiri Cave 12. Underdark Black Market 18. Conyberry Meeting
1. Storm of Zehir Walkthrough 7. Plainsrunner 13. Sauringar Temple 19. Storm of Zehir Chult
2. Storm of Zehir Samarach 8. Heavy Weaponry 14. Chokemist Cave 20. Temple of the World Serpent
3. Openpalm Bazaar9. Lantanese Lumber Camp 15. Storm of Zehir Sword Coast 21. Dread Herald of Zehir
4. Omgar's Teeth 10. Samarach OLM 16. Storm of Zehir Cartels 22. Storm of Zehir Item List
5. Stone Knives Tribe 11. Singing Pendant 17. Forktongue Bandit Hideout 23. Storm of Zehir Mods

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