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Dungeon Rats Swords

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Dungeon Rats Swords

Swords are a weapon-type in Iron Tower Studios' cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

For many, the quintessential warrior's weapon. A versatile tool in the hands of a skilled swordsman, variations of the basic design can be found in every culture, from the sickle blades of Kemet to the massive, two-handed cleavers found in Ashkaan.

  • Passive: % chance 3-point bleeding dmg, 2-turn duration (stacks with each hit)
  • Attacks: Fast, Regular, Power, Arterial Strike, Aimed: Head / Torso / Legs / Arms, Feint, Whirlwind
  • Crafting techniques: Balanced, Masterwork, Hardened Edge, Serrated Edge
  • Companions: Ismail is tailored toward swords

All melee weapons can be laced with poison and sharpened. To do that, simply right-click on a poison vial or whetstone and then apply it to the weapon. The potency of the poison depends on the vial, and the degree to which the weapon is sharpened depends on the skill of the crafter.

Note: Crafted stats shown are those of steel, since that's the middle-point.


A heavy single-edged sword with a forward-curved blade capable of delivering a blow with the momentum and power of an axe, while retaining the lengthy cutting edge of a sword. Can be placed in belt slot.

◦ Dmg: 6-11, Speed AP: 4, Hardness: 45%, THC bonus: 5%
◦ Schematic [Part I]


A double-edged one-handed sword with a leaf-shaped blade, equally suitable for cutting and thrusting.

◦ Dmg: 9-12, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 20%
◦ Schematic [Part III]


A single-edged, deeply curved sword with a slim blade. While the shamshir is more suitable for cutting and slashing attacks, it's more than capable of delivering rising, descending and hooking thrusts.

◦ Dmg: 9-12, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 55%, Passive value bonus: 12%
◦ Schematic [Part V]


A sickle sword of Kemetian origin. The khopesh evolved from the crescent-bladed axe, resulting in a versatile double-edged weapon that may surprise even seasoned opponents. Can be placed in belt slot.

◦ Dmg: 7-10, Speed AP: 4, Hardness: 40%, THC bonus: 3%, Passive value bonus: 8%
◦ Schematic [Part VIII]


A heavy, double-edged Bactrian broadsword with a wide, triangular blade. The handar is one of the most powerful one-handed weapons, built for slow, but devastating attacks.

◦ Dmg: 9-12, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 70%
◦ Schematic [Part VII]


A double-edged short sword designed for thrusting and slashing in close quarters. Favoured by the Imperial Guard, the gladius is a common sight throughout the remnants of the Empire. Can be placed in belt slot.

◦ Dmg: 7-10, Speed AP: 4, Hardness: 50%, THC bonus: 3%
◦ Schematic [Part VII]
◦ Crafted gladiuses are wielded by the Enforcer and the Emperor


A two-handed, heavy Ashkaanian sword with an oversized, curved, single-edged blade designed to mow through anything that stands in front of you. The weight adds impressive power to the strike, but makes the sword more difficult to control.

◦ Dmg: 11-14, Speed AP: 6, Hardness: 80%, Counterattack chance bonus: 5%
◦ Schematic [Part VII]

Dungeon Rats Guide Crossbows Swords (this post) Creature Armor
Ammo Daggers Throwing Weapons Shields
Axes Hammers Leather Armor Leather Helmets
Bows Spears Metal Armor Metal Helmets

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