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Dungeon Rats AXES

Dungeon Rats Axes

Axes are a weapon-type in Iron Tower Studios' cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

The art of axe-wielding has remained virtually unchanged since the dawn of time, combining strength, momentum and a weighted wedge of metal to cleave flesh, bone and even shields.

All melee weapons can be laced with poison and sharpened. To do that, simply right-click on a poison vial or whetstone and then apply it to the weapon. The potency of the poison depends on the vial, and the degree to which the weapon is sharpened depends on the skill of the crafter.

  • Passive: % chance of Savage Blow: 1-point Str reduction
  • Attacks: Fast, Regular, Power, Aimed: Head / Legs / Arms, Swing, Cleave, Double Tap, Whirlwind
  • Crafting techniques: Balanced, Masterwork, Hardened Edge, Serrated Edge
  • CompanionsMarcus can be tailored to axes

Note: Crafted stats shown are those of steel, since that's the middle-point.


A miner's tool that can easily double up as a weapon.

◦ Dmg: 4-7, Speed AP: 6, Hardness: 0% 
◦ Used for mining ore. They're itemized like confetti.

Crude Axe

A woodworker axe that has seen better days. Used mainly to replace the support beams keeping the mine from collapsing, it's a poor tool of the trade and an even worse weapon.

◦ Dmg: 5-8, Speed AP: 4, Hardness: 0%
◦ Itemized everywhere


An elaborately decorated Scythian fighting axe with a crow's beak-shaped blade designed for greater armor penetration. Innumerable skirmishes between the legions and the desert tribes ensured a steady supply of Scythian weaponry. Can be placed in belt slot.

◦ Dmg: 7-10, Speed AP: 4, Hardness: 45%, THC bonus: 6%
◦ Schematic [Part V]


A deadly bearded axe, introduced to the protectorates of the former Empire by Skanian raiders. The skeggox's unusual blade provides an ample surface for slashing, while keeping the weight low.

◦ Dmg: 9-12, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 60%, Passive chance bonus: 8%
◦ Schematic [Part III]


The unusual Kemetian one handed axe known as the mineb reflects a different school of weapon design. Over the centuries, many of these ornately decorated, gold-encrusted axes were brought from Kemet as gifts. Now they are to be found all over the Empire.

◦ Dmg: 9-12, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 65%, THC bonus: 3%
◦ Schematic [Part X]


A heavy two-handed Minoan axe. For the Minoans, the labrys was a religious and ceremonial symbol, but the Empire turned it to more practical applications as a devastating battlefield weapon.

◦ Dmg: 11-14, Speed AP: 6, Hardness: 85%, Counterattack chance bonus: 5%
◦ Schematic [Part VI]


A two-handed Scythian axe whose design was inspired by the mythical death-bringing horned gazelle. The shadhavar is a rare, beautiful, and effective weapon with a gracefully curved cutting surface, augmented by deadly spearpoints.

◦ Dmg: 11-14, Speed AP: 6, Hardness: 70%, THC bonus: 6%, Counterattack chance bonus: 5%
◦ Schematic [Part XIII]

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