Dungeon Rats Leather Armor
Leather Armor is favored in the early game as well as by snipers and knife fighters. Daggers and barbed projectiles are effective vs. leather armor.
- Crafting techniques: Masterwork, Hardened, Lightened, Reinforced
- Materials: Leather, Hardened Leather
Leather Barbari Armor
Light leather armor of the southern nomadic tribes, featuring near complete range of motion for the wearer. The term "Barbari" refers to any sort of primitive hailing from "Barbaricum", meaning anywhere outside the Empire.
◦ DR: 1, Armor Hardness: 0, Max AP: 12, Armor Penalty: 2, vs. CS: 5
◦ Schematic [Part I]
Studded Barbari Armor
A minor improvement on the plain leather armor of the southern nomadic tribes.
◦ DR: 3, Armor Hardness: 10, Max AP: 12, Armor Penalty: 4, vs. CS: 10
◦ Schematic [Part VI]
Leather Numeri Armor
Light leather armor once worn by the Numeri, irregular peasant troops recruited en masse during the War. The Numeri were drawn from ill-equipped provincial militia and impoverished immigrants hoping to buy citizenship with their blood.
◦ DR: 2, Armor Hardness: 0, Max AP: 12, Armor Penalty: 4, vs. CS: 10
◦ Schematic [Part V]
Studded Numeri Armor
◦ Schematic [Part VI]
Leather Vest
◦ DR: 2, Armor Hardness: 10, Max AP: 12, Armor Penalty: 6, vs. CS: 30
◦ Schematic [Part V]
Reinforced Leather Vest
Leather vest crafted from hardened, boiled leather and reinforced with metal to improve penetration resistance. It's not designed to stop heavy blows, but it won't slow you down either.
◦ DR: 4, Armor Hardness: 20, Max AP: 12, Armor Penalty: 10, vs. CS: 40
◦ Schematic [Part VI]
Leather Ordu Armor
Leather armor of the Ordu warriors, worn with a silk undershirt. While the Empire emphasized brute force and heavy defence, the Ordu favored swiftness, and discovered new ways to reinforce leather without losing mobility.
◦ DR: 3, Armor Hardness: 15, Max AP: 11, Armor Penalty: 10, vs. CS: 40
◦ Schematic [Part VI]
Studded Ordu Armor
Leather Ordu armor, reinforced with studs and worn with a silk undershirt. While the Empire emphasized brute force and heavy defence, the Ordu favored swiftness, and discovered new ways to reinforce leather without losing mobility.
◦ DR: 5, Armor Hardness: 25, Max AP: 11, Armor Penalty: 16, vs. CS: 50
◦ Schematic [Part VIII]
Phrygian Armor
High quality leather armor crafted from overlapping upwards rows of lacquered pieces of hardened leather, laced together with silk thread.
◦ DR: 3, Armor Hardness: 10, Max AP: 11, Armor Penalty: 8, vs. CS: 35
◦ Schematic [Part VI]
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