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Dungeon Rats: Hammers

Dungeon Rats Hammers

Hammers are a weapon-type in Iron Tower Studios' cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

One of the earliest weapons known to man, the hammer is designed for a simple purpose: to bludgeon your opponent to death. Powerful blows from a hammer have been known to knock even the strongest man from their feet.

  • Passive: % chance 2 DR armor-denting (softens up the tanks for the rest of the party)
  • Attacks: Fast, Regular, Power, Aimed: Head / Legs / Arms, Knockdown, Swing, Cleave, Double Tap, Whirlwind 
  • Crafting techniques: Balanced, Masterwork, Hardened Edge, Serrated Edge
  • CompanionsMarcus is tailored to hammers

All melee weapons can be laced with poison and sharpened. To do that, simply right-click on a poison vial or whetstone and then apply it to the weapon. The potency of the poison depends on the vial, and the degree to which the weapon is sharpened depends on the skill of the crafter.

Note: Crafted stats shown are those of steel, since that's the middle-point.

Wooden Stick

A tree branch that can easily be used as a makeshift weapon.

◦ Dmg: 3-6, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 0%
◦ Itemized [Part II]

Stone Hammer

Once a cutting-edge tech of our cave-dwelling ancestors, this two-handed stone hammer is more than capable of cracking skulls and clearing the tunnels of two-legged vermin.

The most damaging weapon in the early game.

◦ Dmg: 7-10, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 0%
◦ Itemized [Part I]


A round-head mace with small spikes around the circumference of the head, suggesting the Scythian origin of the weapon. Can be placed in belt slot.

◦ Dmg: 7-10, Speed AP: 4, Hardness: 40%, THC bonus: 5%, CS bonus 3%
◦ Schematic [Part V]

Spiked Club

The club is thought by many loremasters to be the earliest weapon used by man.  This evolution of the humble club features a long metal head bristling with two-inch spikes.

◦ Dmg: 9-12, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 55%, THC bonus: 3%, CS bonus 5%, Passive chance bonus: 4%
◦ Schematic [Part VIII]


A heavy two-handed hammer with a massive head. Not a weapon for those who prefer subtlety or finesse, the sledgehammer is brutally effective for its purpose. The chilseled ram's head design points to Kemetian origin.

◦ Dmg: 11-14, Speed AP: 6, Hardness: 70%, Passive chance bonus: 12%
◦ Schematic [Part III]


A small, one-handed smith's hammer. Typically used for shaping heated metal, it also does a fine job breaking skulls and other fragile objects. Can be placed in belt slot.

◦ Dmg: 7-10, Speed AP: 4, Hardness: 40%, THC bonus: 10%
◦ Schematic [Part VI]


Originally a multipurpose work hammer, this wooden hammer was adapted for warfare and reinforced with metal rings and striking surfaces. Due to its lighter weight, the mallet can be efficiently wielded in one hand.

◦ Dmg: 9-12, Speed AP: 5, Hardness: 55%, THC bonus: 3%, Passive chance bonus: 8%
◦ Schematic [Part VIII]

War Hammer

A brutal Skanian two-handed hammer. The Skanians designed the war hammer in response to hard lessons at the hands of the Imperial Legions, who taught the raiders to respect and fear armored opponents.

◦ Dmg: 11-14, Speed AP: 6, Hardness: 70%, THC bonus: 3%, Passive chance bonus: 8%
◦ Schematic [Part VIII]

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