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Dungeon Rats Crossbows

Dungeon Rats Crossbows

Crossbows are a weapon-type in Iron Tower Studios' cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

Like the bow, the crossbow is a deadly ranged weapon. And, while is lacks the speed, accuracy and range of the bow, the crossbow makes up for that in pure striking power. At close range, a crossbow bolt can hit hard enough to knock an opponent off his feet.

Pulling the trigger of a crossbow doesn't cost many APs, but loading it with ammo does (cf. Bows). Hit the R-key to reload. There is a nice selection of crossbows.

Note that a Hand Crossbow can be placed in each of the two belt slots.

  • Passive: % chance 3 AP penalty stagger (not knockdown)
  • Attacks: Regular, Arterial Strike, Aimed: Torso / Legs / Arms, Push, Burst (repeating crossbow)
  • Crafting techniques: Masterwork, Mechanical
  • CompanionsRoxana is tailored to crossbows. Ardomir as well. Cyrus and Hieron can work, too.

Crude Crossbow

A crude crossbow made of discarded wood, rusy barrel rings forged together, and some rope.

I've fired this thing hundreds of times. Very useful in the early game.

◦ Dmg: 6-9, Speed: 2, Reload Speed: 3, Capacity: 1
◦ Schematic [Part I]

Standard Crossbow

A standard imperial crossbow, combining basic single-shot design and reliability. These weapons were mass-produced during the final years of the War, transforming untrained peasants into a deadly force.

◦ Dmg: 8-11, Speed: 2, Reload Speed: 4, THC bonus: 3%, Passive chance bonus: 8%, Capacity: 1
◦ Schematic [Part V]

Scoped Standard Crossbow

A standard Imperial crossbow, combining basic single-shot design and reliability. These weapons were mass produced during the final years of the War, transforming untrained peasants into a deadly force.

◦ Dmg: 8-12, Speed: 2, Reload Speed: 4, THC bonus: 3%, Passive chance bonus: 8%, Capacity: 1
◦ Schematic [Part XIV]

Hand Crossbow

A small, handheld crossbow, invented by Medean loremasters renown for their clever gadgetry. Although its reduced size also diminishes its power and accuracy, many folks who make their livings in dark alleys think it's a great conversation starter. Can be placed in belt slot.

◦ Dmg: 6-9, Speed: 2, Reload Speed: 3, Capacity: 1
◦ Schematic [Part V]

Repeating Crossbow

A mechanical Zhin crossbow whose complicated assembly allows the user to fire several missiles in succession. Neither accurate nor powerful, the repeater is prized for its ability to fire bolts at an unbelievably high rate.

Has unique burst-fire mode

◦ Dmg: 3-6, Speed: 2, Reload Speed: 6, Capacity: 5
◦ Schematic [Part VIII]

Double Crossbow

A rare example of the double-shot crossbow, an unusual design featuring two vertical bows. The bows have separate triggers, allowing the wielder to shoot twice before reloading.

◦ Dmg: 8-11, Speed: 4, Reload Speed: 4, THC bonus: 3%, Passive chance bonus: 8%, Capacity: 1
◦ Schematic [Part X]

Heavy Crossbow

Used mainly as a siege weapon in the Great War, this weapon has a reinforced metal bow, granting extra power and penetration, but takes longer to arm. This crossbow is capable of penetrating any armor.

◦ Dmg: 10-13, Speed: 2, Reload Speed: 5, Passive chance bonus: 12%, Capacity: 1
◦ Schematic [Part VI]

Scoped Heavy Crossbow

Used mainly as a siege weapon in the Great War, this weapon has a reinforced metal bow, granting extra power and penetration, but takes longer to arm. This crossbow is capable of penetrating any armor.

◦ Dmg: 10-13, Speed: 2, Reload Speed: 5, Passive chance bonus: 12%, Capacity: 1
◦ Schematic [Part XIII]

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