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Dungeon Rats Leather Helmets

Dungeon Rats Leather Helmets

Leather Helmets are an armor-type in Iron Tower Studios' cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

  • Crafting techniques: Masterwork, Hardened, Reinforced
  • Materials: Leather & Hardened Leather

Leather Barbari Helmet

Basic leather headgear adorned with bull's horns. Among the barbarians this type of helmet is worn only by the bull killer himself.

◦ DR: 2, Hardness: 0, vs. CS: 15, THC Penalty: 1
◦ Schematic [Part I]

Leather Numeri Helmet

The Numeri were not known for the quality of their gear, but this leather helmet comes with a decorative spike on top.

◦ DR: 2, Hardness: 0, vs. CS: 15, THC Penalty: 1
◦ Schematic [Part I]

Heavy Barbari Helmet

Strike fear into primitive foes with this heavy leather helmet adorned with a bull's horns!

◦ DR: 3, Hardness: 0, vs. CS: 15, THC Penalty: 2
◦ Schematic [Part VI]

Heavy Numeri Helmet

A heavy leather version of the Numeri helmet, topped with a fanciful metal spike.

◦ DR: 3, Hardness: 0, vs. CS: 15, THC Penalty: 2
◦ Schematic [Part VI]

Leather Ordu Helmet

The distinctive conical leather helmet of the Ordu, with neckguard.  Beware, lest you be mistaken for an Ordu at a distance.

◦ DR: 2, Hardness: 0, vs. CS: 25, THC Penalty: 2
◦ Schematic [Part VI]

Studded Ordu Helmet

A heavier version of the leather Ordu hat.

◦ DR: 3, Hardness: 0, vs. CS: 25, THC Penalty: 3
◦ Schematic [Part VIII]

Wolf Helmet

A wolf skin worn over a standard iron helmet to terrify your enemies. In the long forgotten days, such helmets were worn only by standard bearers. These days it's a fashion statement.

◦ DR: 4, Hardness: 18, vs. CS: 60, THC Penalty: 0, Masterwork, Hardened, Reinforced
◦ Itemized [Part XIII]

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