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Dungeon Rats: Metal Armor

Dungeon Rats Metal Armor

Metal Armor is an armor-type in Iron Tower Studios' cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

Along with shields and metal helmets, metal armor facilitates proper tanking. Metal armor is especially useful versus Criticals. Hammers and armor-piercing projectiles are effective vs. metal armor.

  • Crafting techniques: Masterwork, Hardened, Lightened, Reinforced
  • Materials: Bronze, Iron, Steel, Blue Steel, Sky Metal

Note: Crafted stats shown are those of steel, since that's the middle-point.


A segmented metal armguard lined with calfskin. Introduced by slow, fully-armored crupellarii, the manica became popular with fighters who preferred mobility and speed, wearing heavy protection on the weapon arm only.

◦ DR: 5, Armor Hardness: 40, Max AP: 12, Armor Penalty: 10, vs. CS: 15
◦ Schematic [Part IV]

Auxiliary Armor

Light leather armor with a metal shoulder guard. During the War, lightly armored auxiliary troops provided support to the Imperial Legions. When the Empire fell, surviving units formed mercenary companies whose only master was gold.

◦ DR: 6, Armor Hardness: 40, Max AP: 11, Armor Penalty: 15, vs. CS: 30
◦ Schematic [Part IV]

Lorica Hamata

A chain-mail armor made from interlocking rings of metal. Similar to Lorica Segmentata, Lorica Hamata offers better mobility but slightly less protection.

◦ DR: 7, Armor Hardness: 45, Max AP: 11, Armor Penalty: 20, vs. CS: 35
◦ Schematic [Part VIII]

Lorica Segmentata (Legionary)

Segmented armor comprised of overlapping metal strips fastened to leather straps. Simple and inexpensive, this standard armor of the Legions was an unofficial symbol of the Empire, recognized and feared everywhere. 

◦ DR: 9, Armor Hardness: 60, Max AP: 10, Armor Penalty: 30, vs. CS: 60
◦ Schematic [Part IX]

Lorica Musculata (Centurion)

A stylized cuirass in the form of a muscled human torso, this was the preferred armor among officers and senators of the Empire.

◦ DR: 8, Armor Hardness: 55, Max AP: 10, Armor Penalty: 25, vs. CS: 50
◦ Schematic [Part XIV]

Praetorian Armor

Heavy, elaborately decorated metal armor of the Praetorian Guard. At the height of the Empire, the Praetorians were the hand-picked protectors of the Emperor and his generals. The Praetorians have since shifted their loyalty to the Noble Houses.

◦ DR: 10, Armor Hardness: 60, Max AP: 9, Armor Penalty: 30, vs. CS: 60
◦ Schematic [Part IX]

Imperial Armor

Heavy armor of the elite Legio XIII Ferrata, meaning Ironclad. This armor provides superior protection, but greatly limited mobility, a potentially fatal drawback for solo fighters. 

◦ DR: 12, Armor Hardness: 70, Max AP: 8, Armor Penalty: 40, vs. CS: 75
◦ Schematic [Part IX]

Lamellar Ordu Armor (Mongolian)

Heavy Ordu armor made from parallel rows of metal lamellae laced together with silk threads. Ordu lamellar armor is significantly superior to chain mail, yet it's much lighter and less restrictive.

◦ DR: 11, Armor Hardness: 55, Max AP: 9, Armor Penalty: 30, vs. CS: 55
◦ Schematic [Part XIII]

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