Underground River: Dredger's Territory
The Underground River is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats. The Dredgers control the water supply. We're here to take them out and take all their stuff.
A noble objective, to be sure.
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Avatera Sprouts x5
Battle: Roxana Phase I
• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4) (no Roxana kill)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8) (no Roxana kill)
Roxana is a sniper who fires her crossbow from behind a barricade. It is possible to slay her in these couple phases, though it isn't easy. It is best not to if we want to recruit the best marksman in the game.
◦ Knife Fighter: Shiv (dagger, bronze), Light Tunic, Heavy Numeri Helmet
Bowman: Kemetian Bow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Regular Missile (bronze) x12, Tunic, Heavy Barbari Helmet.
◦ Spearman: Crude Spear (bronze, one-handed), Barrel Lid (shield), Toga, Heavy Barbari Helmet
◦ Javelin Thrower: Crude Javelin (bronze, throwing) x19, Crude Spear (bronze), Crude Oval Shield, Slave Garb, Heavy Numeri Helmet
◦ Schematics: Crude Javelin, Kemetian Bow, Heavy Barbari Helmet
Destroy the barricade and cross the rope bridge. Note that the next bridge is a trapdoor bridge. Once it lowers, we can't return to camp.
Battle: Roxana Phase II
• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4) (no Roxana kill)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8) (no Roxana kill)
Roxana is perched on a lookout this time. If you're squishy (dumped Con) and are not good at positioning yourself, you're only going to win by luck.
Four-person party:
◦ Spearman: Hasta (spear, one-handed, bronze), Crude Rectangular Shield, Reinforced Leather Vest, Silk Ordu Helmet
◦ Bowman: Recurved Ordu Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x10
◦ Longbowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x6, Leather Numeri Armor
◦ Schematics: Hasta, Recurved Scythian Bow, Recurved Oru Bow, Armor Piercing Missile, Reinforced Leather Vest
Break down the barricade on your right first.
◦ Pickaxe, Iron Ore x4, campfire.
Then, break down the other barricade and open the door.
Battle: Stream
• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Marcus (6), Ardomir (7), Cyrus (6)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)
Battle: Longbowman positioned on the opposite side of the stream, and a bowman perched on lookout where Roxana was. Beware, the axeman has a bomb.
◦ Spearman: The Claw (spear, two-handed), Hood, Leather Babari Armor.
◦ Axeman: Skeggox (axe, one-handed, bronze), Crude Oval Shield, Scorpion Light Armor, Simple Turban
◦ Longbowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x1, Studded Barbari Armor, Liquid Fire Vial
◦ Bowman: Kemetian Bow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x13, Studded Barbari Armor, Silk Ordu Helmet
◦ Crate: Liquid Fire Vial, Black Powder Bomb x2, Net
◦ Food supplies: Rations x21
◦ Schematics: Studded Barbari Armor
Break down yet another barricade and then open the gate.
Battle: Reinard
• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Marcus (7), Ardomir (8), Cyrus (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)
We are flanked by an alchemist who can dictate the encounter outcome by throwing bombs. Note that the Centurion spearman can attack like a Knight moves in Chess. This is the hardest battle so far.
Four-person party:
◦Reinard: Labrys (axe, two-handed, iron, masterwork, balanced), Phrygian Armor (masterwork, reinforced), Antidote x2, Healing Salve x2
◦ Ordu Bowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x8, Leather Ordu Helmet, Leather Ordu Armor
◦Spearman (Centurion): Trident (spear, iron), Studded Barbari Armor, Murmillo Helment (bronze), Centurion's Cape, Healing Salve
◦ Basher: Spiked Club (hammer, one-handed, iron), Cavalry Shield, Studded Numeri Armor, Healing Salve
◦ Alchemist: Karda (dagger, throwing, one-handed, bronze) x20, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Desert Garments, Iskefe (hat), Black Powder Bomb x3
◦ Dredger's Stash: Khanjar (dagger, iron), Karda (dagger, throwing, one-handed, bronze) x10, Pickaxe, Net x2, Black Powder Bomb, Iron Balls x4, Black Powder x2, Rations x31
◦ Blacksmith's Stash: Marculus (hammer, one-handed, bronze), Hardened Leather x60, Whetstone x2
Camp: Leather x1, Lumber x1
◦ Hammer & Anvil (Iron): It might be a good idea to upgrade your prime weapons to Iron at this point.
◦ Schematics: Labrys, Marculus, Khanjar, Karda, Trident, Jambia, Studded Numeri Armor, Phrygian Armor, Leather Ordu Helmet, Leather Ordu Armor, Murmillo Helmet
Reminder: Make sure you're adding the schematics before decomposing arms & armor.
Roxana can be cut down from the cross and recruited into the party. She is better than a crossbow-optimized Ardomir, but I kept Ardomir and replaced Marcus with Roxana instead.
Schematics: Heavy Crossbow
We want Marcus wielding a crafted iron sledgehammer. Other prime weapons should also be iron-crafted if possible (including ammunition). Decompose what you don't need and use the iron to make what you do need.
Garden across rope bridge:
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Mushrooms: Blood Mushroom x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Fennah Berries x2
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Avatera Sprouts x5
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Kadura Leaves x4
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Cassava Roots x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Emoryl Roots x3 (AL: 4)
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Golden Berries x3
Climb the ledge.
• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (4), Roxana (3), Ardomir (4), Cyrus (3)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (5)
DR 8 on the Elder:
◦ Scorpion Carapace x60
◦ Scorpion's Claw x4
◦ Scorpion's Stinger x2
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Quicksilver Roots x2
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