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Dungeon Rats Underground River, Roxana & Reinard (Part VI)

Underground River: Dredger's Territory

The Underground River is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats. The Dredgers control the water supply. We're here to take them out and take all their stuff.

A noble objective, to be sure.

◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Avatera Sprouts x5

Battle: Roxana Phase I

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4) (no Roxana kill)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8) (no Roxana kill)

Roxana is a sniper who fires her crossbow from behind a barricade. It is possible to slay her in these couple phases, though it isn't easy. It is best not to if we want to recruit the best marksman in the game.

Four-person party:

◦ Knife Fighter: Shiv (dagger, bronze), Light Tunic, Heavy Numeri Helmet
Bowman: Kemetian Bow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Regular Missile (bronze) x12, Tunic, Heavy Barbari Helmet.
◦ Spearman: Crude Spear (bronze, one-handed), Barrel Lid (shield), Toga, Heavy Barbari Helmet
◦ Javelin Thrower: Crude Javelin (bronze, throwing) x19, Crude Spear (bronze),  Crude Oval Shield, Slave Garb, Heavy Numeri Helmet

Schematics: Crude Javelin, Kemetian Bow, Heavy Barbari Helmet

Destroy the barricade and cross the rope bridge. Note that the next bridge is a trapdoor bridge. Once it lowers, we can't return to camp.

Battle: Roxana Phase II

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4) (no Roxana kill)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8) (no Roxana kill)

Roxana is perched on a lookout this time. If you're squishy (dumped Con) and are not good at positioning yourself, you're only going to win by luck.

Four-person party:

◦ Spearman: Hasta (spear, one-handed, bronze), Crude Rectangular Shield, Reinforced Leather Vest, Silk Ordu Helmet
◦ Bowman: Recurved Ordu Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x10
◦ Longbowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x6, Leather Numeri Armor

Schematics: Hasta, Recurved Scythian Bow, Recurved Oru Bow, Armor Piercing Missile, Reinforced Leather Vest
Break down the barricade on your right first. 

◦ Pickaxe, Iron Ore x4, campfire.

Then, break down the other barricade and open the door.

Battle: Stream

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Marcus (6), Ardomir (7), Cyrus (6)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10) 

Battle: Longbowman positioned on the opposite side of the stream, and a bowman perched on lookout where Roxana was. Beware, the axeman has a bomb.

Four-person party:

◦ Spearman: The Claw (spear, two-handed), Hood, Leather Babari Armor.
◦ Axeman: Skeggox (axe, one-handed, bronze), Crude Oval Shield, Scorpion Light Armor, Simple Turban
◦ Longbowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x1, Studded Barbari Armor, Liquid Fire Vial
◦ Bowman: Kemetian Bow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x13, Studded Barbari Armor, Silk Ordu Helmet

◦ Crate: Liquid Fire Vial, Black Powder Bomb x2, Net
◦ Food supplies: Rations x21

Schematics: Studded Barbari Armor

Break down yet another barricade and then open the gate.

Battle: Reinard

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Marcus (7), Ardomir (8), Cyrus (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13) 

We are flanked by an alchemist who can dictate the encounter outcome by throwing bombs. Note that the Centurion spearman can attack like a Knight moves in Chess. This is the hardest battle so far.

Four-person party:



Reinard: Labrys (axe, two-handed, iron, masterwork, balanced), Phrygian Armor (masterwork, reinforced), Antidote x2, Healing Salve x2
◦ Ordu Bowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x8, Leather Ordu Helmet, Leather Ordu Armor
◦Spearman (Centurion): Trident (spear, iron), Studded Barbari Armor, Murmillo Helment (bronze), Centurion's Cape, Healing Salve
◦ Basher: Spiked Club (hammer, one-handed, iron), Cavalry Shield, Studded Numeri Armor, Healing Salve
◦ Alchemist: Karda (dagger, throwing, one-handed, bronze) x20, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Desert Garments, Iskefe (hat), Black Powder Bomb x3

◦ Dredger's Stash: Khanjar (dagger, iron), Karda (dagger, throwing, one-handed, bronze) x10, Pickaxe, Net x2, Black Powder Bomb, Iron Balls x4, Black Powder x2, Rations x31
◦ Blacksmith's Stash: Marculus (hammer, one-handed, bronze), Hardened Leather x60, Whetstone x2
Camp: Leather x1, Lumber x1
◦ Hammer & Anvil (Iron): It might be a good idea to upgrade your prime weapons to Iron at this point.

Schematics: Labrys, Marculus, Khanjar, Karda, Trident, Jambia, Studded Numeri Armor, Phrygian Armor, Leather Ordu Helmet, Leather Ordu Armor, Murmillo Helmet

Reminder: Make sure you're adding the schematics before decomposing arms & armor.

Roxana can be cut down from the cross and recruited into the party. She is better than a crossbow-optimized Ardomir, but I kept Ardomir and replaced Marcus with Roxana instead.

Schematics: Heavy Crossbow

We want Marcus wielding a crafted iron sledgehammer. Other prime weapons should also be iron-crafted if possible (including ammunition). Decompose what you don't need and use the iron to make what you do need.

Garden across rope bridge:

◦ Alchemy: Harvest Mushrooms: Blood Mushroom x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Fennah Berries x2
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Avatera Sprouts x5
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Kadura Leaves x4
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Cassava Roots x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Emoryl Roots x3 (AL: 4)
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Golden Berries x3

Climb the ledge.


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (4), Roxana (3), Ardomir (4), Cyrus (3)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (5)

DR 8 on the Elder:

◦ Scorpion Carapace x60
◦ Scorpion's Claw x4
◦ Scorpion's Stinger x2
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Quicksilver Roots x2

cRPG Blog 4. Barca 9. Scaurus 14. Praefectus
Dungeon Rats Walkthrough 5. Old Town 10. Enforcer 15. Centurion
1. Rock Bottom 6. Roxana 11. Construct 16. Alchemy Dungeon Rats
2. Bug Hunt 7. Elder Worm 12. Guardian Demon 17. Companions Dungeon Rats
3. Fire Ant Queen 8. Democritus 13. Emperor 18. Arms & Armor Dungeon Rats

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