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Dungeon Rats Walkthrough Guide, Best Builds

Dungeon Rats Walkthrough Guide

Welcome to my walkthrough guide for Dungeon Rats, a cRPG developed by Iron Tower Studios. Released in 2016, Dungeon Rats is a turn-based cRPG notable for its tactical combat, tough combat encounter design and employment of crafting, alchemy and strict resource management.

As it pertains to cRPG Design, Dungeon Rats is rated as Well Above Average.

Casual gamers are not the target demographic of Dungeon Rats. As was made clear in Best cRPG Dungeons, you can't just waltz in and beat Dungeon Rats, you have to actually get good. There is no instant gratification or gentle learning curve in sight. Dungeon Rats was developed for cRPG connoisseurs and tactics aficionados, not run-of-the-mill gamers who only play cakewalk cRPGs.

Dungeon Rats was built on the Torque 3D engine as per the reactive Age of Decadence (2015), of which it is a welcome combat-based spin-off. Whereas in AoD the player was able to engage in non-linear questing as well as solve quests by non-combat means, Dungeon Rats is mostly about killing, looting and exploring. It could be said that Dungeon Rats is to Age of Decadence what Icewind Dale is to Planescape: Torment -- better.

Thankfully, Dungeon Rats is not big on lore and story. There is some, and it can be interesting, but I'm not covering it other than through a few screencaps.

The Object of Dungeon Rats

In Dungeon Rats, you assume the role of a prisoner attempting to escape from your captors. Alone or in a party of up to four, you progressively take over an entire subterranean region, wiping out gangs and their leaders along the way. You kill, you loot. And then you craft items, repair items, brew potions and skill-up. Almost without exception, you're killing anyone or anything that stands in your way.

This is as raw as fights for survival get.

Dungeon Rats Tips

Readers who have played X-COM, Jagged Alliance 2, Silent Storm and ToEE are going to feel at home with Dungeon Rats.

Those who enjoy difficult and unforgiving games are also going to be in their element. As per the above four juggernauts, DR isn't for casuals, generalist gamers and other peasants. 

There is no player-activated resting (at all) or in-combat saving or healing (other than through an extremely rare potion that grants permanent 1 HP regeneration per turn). Most healing is done by consuming rations post-combat. Rations are itemized in limited quantities or auto-harvested post-combat (living off slain fauna). The ongoing impact of bleeding and poison dmg can be stopped in-combat with healing salves and antidotes.

There are no merchants. In Dungeon Rats, cRPG itemization wholly consists in looting corpses and placeables / objects.

Itemization is strictly static. That is, it is unrandomized and does not scale to party skill level or size.

There is no level scaling whatsoever. An enemy is what it is, regardless of party skill level or size.

Combat is lethal. Positioning and executing the correct attacks at key moments is important.

Due to the tight and disciplined cRPG combat encounter design, the battles can sort of feel like Chess. Consolidation is key. Thinking ahead, seeing patterns, anticipating AI movements and attacks, and utilizing the environment to limit avenues of approach and incoming attacks.

Crafting & Alchemy are important skills; they're integral. It's possible to get by without one or the other, or even both, but it's much, much more difficult.

Crafting is about forging arms & armor. But it also governs the ability to pick locks and sharpen weapons with a whetstone. Don't underestimate what sharpening a weapon can do for you.

There are missables and fail-states are possible (bad build, bad resource management, bad player).

Halfway in, you're going to wish you did such and such, and didn't do such and such. Push on, and resist the temptation to restart: that's what replays are for.

Don't turn your back on the aggro: it is going to rip you a new asshole if you do that. Back off if you're on your last legs because the enemy WILL finish you off. Archers are going to prioritize you.

Rotating on the square of occupation consumes 1 AP. Make sure you're facing the right way.

I wouldn't diversify skills too much. Focus, focus, focus! This is a game in which we are forced to make tough build choices. You MUST focus or your character is going to suck ass.

What the best build is depends on party composition and mode of play (solo, Ironman). That said, the best builds are focused ones. Search for [1.1] for builds.

Think as much about how to build a companion as you would your own character. Think about how each party member complements one another on the battlefield, and in camp (alchemy, crafting).

Due to the inclusion of crafting mechanics, weapon choice is not crucial providing we learn to actually use the weapon in respect to positioning, special attacks and party composition (if any). In addition, it is best that the weapon / attack align with the prime attribute/s (Str, Dex, Pe). For example, Str doesn't synergize with swords and daggers, only axes and hammers (and Block).

Dump Constitution only if you want to die and reload often. Newbies need Con. 30 HPs isn't enough in this game. Not even with max Dodge or Heavy Armor / Block. With low Con, you're dead meat if you get poisoned or start bleeding. 30 HPs is an utter joke. Don't go glass cannon unless you're an expert.

Strength isn't the be-all and end-all of melee damage. Knife fighters and Swordsmen (Dex-based) can employ Critical Strike. Not to mention stacking bleeding and poison. Strength is more for Bashers and Blockers.

Snipers (bow, crossbow, throwing) rely on Perception, not Dex.

But Dex is useful to ALL characters since it governs our action point (AP) pool. The more APs we have, the more we can do on our turn (movement rate + attack rate).

Intelligence is my fave dumpstat. The loss of skillpoints didn't seem to impact my skillset much.

Dodge is superior for tanking in early-to-mid-game, Block late-game.

You don't actually need to make a combatant if you're playing with a party of damage-dealers. You can make a charismatic Alchemist and Crafter, and still win. Just make sure you can actually survive on the battlefield. You could throw bombs, nets and so on to make yourself useful.

Moving diagonally across squares consumes double AP. Two-handed melee weapons can attack diagonally across squares, which saves AP expenditure on movement.

Note that two-handed spears get handy on-enemy-approach attacks (interrupt attacks) which knock the enemy back one square (and can happen several times in a row), but cannot attack adjacent squares that are not diagonally adjacent (we need to step back a square). Imagine how Knights move in Chess: spears can also attack like that.

Don't forget to employ nets for immobilization and bombs for crowd control.

Don't ignore belt slots (the two belt bags): they give you the versatility in combat that is often needed. For example, let's say you don't have enough APs to swing your primary weapon yet again on this turn. But you have enough APs to whip out a dagger and get in a stab. Nice. Works best with Swordsmen due to the synergy of swords and daggers.

Continuing with belt bags, imagine a sniper wielding a heavy crossbow but also packing two hand crossbows... that's going to facilitate a nice opening volley.

During the initial positional phase of combat (pre-combat phase), you can set your equipment, reload weapons, apply poisons etc.

Combatants are able to delay their turn through the "Wait" feature. This can be useful if we want to immobilize / knock down enemies before attempting to land devastating blows.

Try to pin archers and spearmen against walls and placeables so they can't step away.

Prioritize bomb-throwing alchemists. The quicker we kill them, the safer we are. And the more bombs we can loot from their corpses.

It is possible to line up ranged attacks such that, if the first enemy dodges the projectile, it may hit any enemy behind them. Note this is also true of friendly fire (and for the enemy, too).

Remember that unwanted items can be decomposed in order to extract raw materials (cloth, leather, wood, metal), which can be used to repair and craft wanted items. Make sure you're adding the schematics before decomposing arms & armor (right-click, add).

Dump all the crap you don't want, and can't break down, into corpses. There is nothing worse than inventory clutter.

The ruleset is built into the game. RTFM.

If you want to be able to recruit any of the Dungen Rats companions, you must start with a Charisma score of 10. In addition, someone in the party must attain Crafting >=8. However, I recommend Cha 8. This grants us a party of four (3 companions) as well as access to all but two companions in the game (which come late).

If you want to get all stat bonuses (Str +1, Dex +1, Con +1), it is best to start with Con 7 or Str 9. In addition, someone in the party must attain Crafting >=8. The stat gains are possible by inserting three jars into the machine located in the Ancient Facility. One jar is found in Part III, one in Part VII and one in Part XII.

In addition, concoction of the Regeneration Potion requires an Alchemy score >=7.

Raw Materials totals (aggressive decomposition):

  • Lumber (1887, 188.7 lbs)
  • Cloth (73, 7.3 lbs)
  • Leather (693, 69.3 lbs)
  • Hardened Leather (861, 86.1 lbs)
  • Bronze (654, 65.4 lbs)
  • Iron (2428, 242,8 lbs)
  • Steel (2592, 259.2 lbs)
  • Blue Steel (231, 23.1 lbs)
  • Sky Metal (147, 14.7 lbs)
  • Ant Chitin (300, 30.0 lbs)
  • Scorpion Carapace (390, 39.0 lbs)
  • Worm Exoskeleton (325, 32.5 lbs)

Solo: Murderous Psychopath skillpoint total (Int 4): x470 SPs. 

Dungeon Rats Difficulty

For players new to tactics cRPGs, play on Nice Guy difficulty. The game is going to be hard enough for newbies on Nice Guy. Or with Tough Bastard if you're feeling lucky.

If you've played the above-mentioned tactics cRPGs, play on Murderous Psychopath.

Do not play on solo or Ironman Mode unless you've played DR before, and know exactly what it is that you are doing (or are a masochist).

Chargen: clean-slate character:

I started with a Basher build but then restarted as a Swordsman who eventually wielded a Sky Metal forged Gladius. I can't tell you how satisfying that build was, especially when I pulled off arterial strikes on heavily armored foes.

Dungeon Rats Best Builds


The best build in Dungeon Rats is the build that is tailored to itemization employment, party composition and tactical playstyle. The following Dungeon Rats build remarks are based on four-person parties. I can't imagine anyone wanting to conduct a maiden run of DR without a full party. Thus, a Charisma score >=8 is required.

Now, again, I can't imagine anyone wanting to sacrifice any more points on Cha just to gain access to a couple more companions (Yngvar and Guardian). So that leaves us with a pool of 12 stat points to assign. Every other stat is now at four, so which do we raise and dump?

As I said above, dumping Con on a maiden run is a big no-no. 30 HPs is a joke. But the better we are at the game, the fewer HPs we can get by with. I recommend Con 8 unless we are going to be a sniper or have Str >=9 (because otherwise we miss out on one stat bonus). This also gives us solid poison resistance, which effect is common and lethal.

So with Con 8 and Cha 8 we have only 8 statpoints remaining. These we tailor to our weapons.

An important question is, What weapon/s do we want to wield? Because the weapon dictates our playstyle; how we play the game. The weapon-based stats (Str, Dex, Per) impact our to-hit chance for certain weapon groupings. So Str is for hammers and axes (+ block: shield), Dex is for swords, daggers and spears, and Per is for all weapons but also grants a bonus on top for bows, crossbow and throwing. 

Of these weapon-based stats, Dex is the most important to consider because on top of impacting our skill for three weapons (sword, dagger and spear), it modifies our action points (mobility and attack rate) as well as our initiative after the first turn (we always go first on turn 1, but after that the order in which combatants may act is based on Dex). Thus, I go for Dex 9 (we can get to 10 from a stat bonus).

Now we've narrowed things down a bit. We only have 3 statpoints remaining. As mentioned above, I'm not a fan of Int outside of solo play. It does not impact Critical Strike like I thought it might. All it does is grant us a skillpoint bonus after each battle. My walkthrough records the skillpoint yield at Int 4, and I think that's enough. Thus, dump.

So basically, those remaining points are going to go into Str. For archers, Con must bow to Per.

Thus, we have something like:

  • Big Basher: 9-8-7-4-4-8
  • General Melee: 7-9-8-4-4-8
  • Archer: 8-8-4-8-4-8 (you still need Strength on archers)

Next, we need to think about skills. In party-based games, unless we really want to do it ourselves, we can eliminate Alchemy and Crafting from the equation right away because companions such as Cyrus, Hieron and Ismail are skilled enough.

Dodge or Block? I recommend Dodge for newbies because it's great from early-to-mid game. Don't get me wrong, Block shines as well, and becomes more powerful than Dodge later when deadly archers step up. Marksmen and two-handed bashers also roll with Dodge.

Critical Strike is nice if we lack big Strength bonuses (up to 40% and beyond with Berserk potions). It's especially useful for knife fighters and marksmen.

All that is left then are the weapon skills. Check the synergies between stat and weapon, and then tailor accordingly.

As the character is being built in-game, keep its to-hit and defense peaking (weapon skill and Dodge or Block). Or for ranged and to a lesser extent knife fighters, to-hit and criticals (CS).

It's possible to dump Cha and go for a full-on power-gaming build. We only gain access to one companion but we can still enlist the services of Hieron for Crafting and Ismail for Alchemy (skill levels 5/6). We won't have access to the best potions, bombs and arms & armor crafts, but we can certainly get through the campaign with what we can find, and with what they can concoct, assemble and craft.

Dungeon Rats: Rock Bottom - Barca Mission I: Convicts, Marcus, Ardomir (Part I):

The Rock Bottom

The Rock Bottom is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats. There are three mine levels. We're currently at rock bottom, literally.

Mission I: Convicts

Barca is the overseer of Rock Bottom, where small quantities of iron ore are being extracted by the prisoners. Barca sends us on three "missions."


Marcus auto-joins. He is useful for the entire game. Marcus is most commonly a hammer (or axe)  / dodge build, though it is not too late to tailor him however we like. Marcus wears Leather Barbari Armor. Add it as a schematic by right-clicking it.

At the junction we find a camp and our stash (chest). You probably won't need to store items in it until we reach Old Town. Head west across the rope bridge, loot the rocks x15 by the door and then go through it.

First Battle: Prisoners

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (8), Marcus (9)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

Skillpoint rewards are recorded at Int 4.

While it's 2 vs. 3, this is an easy battle as one would expect of a first battle. Marcus is a basher. Have him go throw down his sledge on the heavily armored and shield-wielders. Go for the flank whenever possible, as it grants a notable THC bonus. His counterattacks are nice.

• Loot:
◦ Prisoner: Pickaxe (Axe), Slave Garb
◦ Old Prisoner: Shovel (Spear), Barrel Lid (Shield), Light Tunic
◦ Female Prisoner: Shiv (Dagger, Bronze), Slave Garb, Rocks, Stones

• Schematics: None (primitive arms & armor can't be crafted)

• Chest
◦ Rebel Camp Key
◦ Rations x14
◦ Kadura Leaves x2
◦ Net (Throwing) x2

• Alchemy note: 2x Kadura Leaves = 2x Poison Vial. Right-click the vial and coat the equipped weapon with poison.

• Other
◦ Tanning Rack: Leather x1
◦ Lumber x1

Grab the key from the chest and unlock the door with it.

Second Battle: Prisoners

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (9), Marcus (8), Ardomir (24)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

With a Charisma score of 7, we can convince the crossbowman, Ardomir, to defect from the convicts and join our party (3 vs. 4).

Without that, we need to employ superior tactics in order to win (2 vs. 5). For my build, it was best to prioritize the two marksmen followed by the basher and then the swordman and axeman. Note how the marksmen are positioned on either side of the chamber.

Reverse angle:

• Loot:
◦ Swordsman: Kopis (Bronze), Buckler, Leather Barbari Armor
◦ Axeman: Crude Axe (Bronze), Crude Oval Shield, Tunic, Leather Barbari Helmet
◦ Basher: Stone Hammer, Light Tunic
◦ Bowman: Shiv (Bronze), Crude Bow, Regular Missile (Bronze) x5, Slave Garb, Leather Numeri Helmet, Stones
◦ Ardomir: Shiv (Bronze), Crude Crossbow, Regular Missile (Bronze) x5, Slave Garb, Leather Numeri Helmet, Stones, Rations x10 
• Chest
◦ Plumbata (Throwing, Bronze)
◦ Regular Missile (Bronze) x18
◦ Net
◦ Antidote
◦ Poison Vial
◦ Whetstone

• Other
◦ Lumber: Crude Axe (Bronze)

• Schematics: Regular Missile, Leather Numeri Helmet, Leather Barbari Armor, Buckler, Kopis, Leather Barbari Helmet, Plumbata


• Ardomir: This marksman is worth it. He can fire two bolts per turn; I've seen him inflict 24 dmg in one turn at low level. Ardomir is comparable to Roxana, who usually replaces him later on.

Return to Barca for Rations x25 and the next mission.

Dungeon Rats: Barca Mission II: Bug Hunt Fire Ants, Cyrus, Quintus, Silas (Part II):

Mission II: Bug Hunt

Return to Barca. If you have enough Charisma, you can recruit Cyrus, Quintus or Silas. You can have a max party of four at this point (and that's the max for the game, too).

Cyrus is the pick if we want an Alchemist / Crafter who can double as a decent marksman (crossbow).

Go through the door to the east now.

◦ Dead Miner: Shiv (Dagger, Bronze), Crude Bow, Regular Missile (Bronze) x12, Rations x6, 
◦ Lumber, Stones

Third Battle: Fire Ants

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (4), Marcus (3), Ardomir (4), Cyrus (3)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (5)

This is our first of several battles against fire ants. The thing to watch out for is their on-hit poison, which can inflict a 5-point Dodge penalty for 1 turn as well as poison over time which can't be resisted entirely unless we have a very high Con score. The ants are immune to poison, too (as are the upcoming scolopendra and scorpions).

Note: Hit the R-key to reload Cyrus' crossbow.

◦ Ant Carapace x25

Schematic: Ant Chitin Armor:

At this point, assuming we have a crafting skill of 2-3, the ant carapaces can be forged into sets of masterwork (penalties -2), reinforced (vs. critical +5) or hardened (hardness +12) Ant Chitin Shoulder Armor.

• Other
◦ Dead Miner: Antidote, Healing Salve, Wooden Stick, Rations x4
◦ Dead Miner: Pickaxe, Rations x9
◦ Stones

Fourth Battle: Fire Ants: Oasis

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (4), Marcus (3), Ardomir (4), Cyrus (3)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (5)

Much like the previous battle. We're doing ok wielding Stone Hammers. They seem to be good at squishing the bugs. Solid damage, diagonal attacks and counterattacks. Since neither Marcus nor I wield a shield, Dodge is key to survivability.

◦ Ant Carapace x25

Note: Hit the Tab-key to highlight alchemy ingredients.

• Other
◦ Wooden Stick (hammer) x3
◦ Alchemy Level 2: Blood Mushroom x3, Kadura Leaves x4, Cassava Roots x3.
◦ Alchemy Level 3: Avatera Sprouts x5, Quicksilver Roots x2
◦ Examine pool: No healing properties

Fifth Battle: Fire Ants: Mineral Cavern

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8)

The only difference here is that we're up against four instead of three ants.

Whirlwind attempt:

Double Critical Strike and two knockbacks/knockdowns:

◦ Ant Carapace x30

• Other
◦ Extract Iron Ore x4
◦ Alchemy: Extract Mineral: Sulphur x4

◦ Ant Hole:

With a sufficient Dexterity score:

◦ Pugio (Dagger, Iron)

◦ Schematics: Pugio

Return to Barca for Black Powder Bomb x2 and the next mission.

Dungeon Rats: Barca Mission III: Deep Caves, Scolopendra, Elder Scorpion, Fire Ant Queen (Part III):

Mission III: Slay the Fire Ant Queen

It is possible to slay Barca and his back-up crew at this point. And indeed, since the Deep Caves is harder to beat than Barca, it might be a good idea. Not only that, but we can push up into Old Town for another easy battle, access to another companion [1], and a hammer & anvil (for iron-crafting). Yep, we definitely slay this dog now.

[1] [Hieron is better than Cyrus, Quintus or Silas]

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Marcus (7), Ardomir (8), Cyrus (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

◦ BarcaXiphos (sword, iron, masterwork, balanced), Auxiliary Armor (armor, bronze), Loremaster's Turban, Barca's Key
◦ Barca's Guard: Crude Spear, Crude Rectangular Shield, Heacy Numeri Helmet, Slave Garb
◦ Barca's Guard: Crude Axe, Toga, Crude Oval Shield
◦ Barca's Guard: Shortbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Tunic, Regular Missile (bronze) x19
◦ Chest: Ore x36, Rations x46, Restorative Liniment, Healing Salve, Black Powder Bomb
◦ Other: Leather, Lumber

◦ Solo: Marcus fights for Barca

◦ Schematics: Xiphos, Short Bow, Heavy Numeri Helmet, Auxiliary Armor, Barbed Missile

Deep Caves

The Deep Caves is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

Time-lapse or travel back to the Deep Caves and take the first left.

Sixth Battle: Scolopendra

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Marcus (6), Ardomir (7), Cyrus (6)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

The Scolopendra was smacked down in two turns by our Stone Hammers.

◦ Poisoned Stinger x1
◦ Ant Carapace x35
◦ Dead Explorer: Shortbow, Regular Missile (Bronze) x19, Leather Barbari Armor, Black Powder Bomb, Rations x9.
◦ Extract Ore: Iron Ore x2

Party at this point:

Full party:

The main difference is that the four-person party benefits from more allied attacks per turn. The four-person party also allows for the luxury of diversifying skills. Two-person parties cannot keep pace with Alchemy and Crafting without sacrificing martial prowess (at least, in the favored weapon + Critical Strike + Dodge or Block).

There is a small garden deeper into the caves:

◦ Wooden Stick x3
◦ Alchemy Harvest: Kadura Leaves x8, Cassava Roots x3, Avatera Sprouts x5

If you have Hieron as alchemist, he won't be able to harvest all of this yet. Just come back later when he has the skill.

Seventh Battle: Fire Ant Warriors

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8)

Three Fire Ant Warriors. Note that their poison dmg is more virulent than normal ants; it can't be resisted entirely even with Con 10.

◦ Ant Carapace x45
◦ Extract Ore: Iron Ore x4
◦ Dead Explorer: Yatagan (dagger, bronze), antidote, Healing Salve, Net, Leather Vest, Rations x19
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Quicksilver Roots x2

◦ Schematics: Yatagan

Climb down towards the lava river.

◦ Alchemy: Extract Mineral: Fools' Gold x4.
◦ Alchemy: Extract Mineral: Sulphur x4.

Cross the natural stone bridge.

◦ Alchemy: Extract Mineral: Quicklime x4.

Eighth Battle: Scorpions

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Marcus (7), Ardomir (8), Cyrus (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

The Elder Scorpion sports DR 8; the other two DR 6. It took us several rounds to smash through their exoskeletons with our Stone Hammers.

Schematic: Scorpion Armor:

◦ Scorpion Carapace x80
◦ Scorpion's Claw x6
◦ Scorpion's Stinger x1
◦ Extract Ore: Iron Ore x4

◦ Wooden Stick + Scorpion's Claw = The Claw (spear, two-handed, 9-12, AP 6)
◦ Shiv + Scorpion's Stinger = The Stinger (dagger, 2-5 dmg, AP 3, poison dmg 7, duration 3, strikes 10)

◦ Examine the crevice

Strength 9 or Constitution 7 required.

◦ Manica (armor, metal armguard, bronze)
◦ A strange softy-glowing jar. It is possible to get Strength +1, Dexterity +1 and Constitution +1 by inserting the three jars into the machine in the Ancient Facility. One jar is found in Part III, one in Part VII and one in Part XII.

◦ Extract rock oil: Rock Oil x2

Return to the top of the cliff and crawl through the cave.

Ninth Battle: Fire Ant Ambush

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Marcus (6), Ardomir (7), Cyrus (6)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

We find ourselves boxed in by eight fire ants.

◦ Ant Carapace x60
◦ Alchemy: Blood Mushroom x3
◦  Examine ant hole: Skeggox (axe, bronze)
◦ Human Bones: Sledgehammer (hammer, bronze)

◦ Schematics: Skeggox, Sledgehammer

Crawl through the cave and toss a bomb into an ant hole in order to seal the tunnel. This prevents us being flanked.

Tenth Battle: Fire Ant Queen

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Marcus (7), Ardomir (8), Cyrus (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13) (x9 ants)

It is possible (though improbable) to slay the queen before she can call up more ants from the holes. It is also possible to delay the queen's death in order to get more crap to kill (and loot). If you can survive four combat events, you're doing great.

◦ Poisoned Stinger x2
◦ Ant Carapace x85 (depends on how many ants the queen calls forth)
◦  Dead bodies: Sefet (dagger, bronze), Spiked Club (hammer, bronze), Lorica Hamata (armor,bronze), Net, Rations x19, Whetstone.

◦ Schematics: Spiked Club, Sefet, Lorica Hamata

Get ready for an ambush outside the queen's lair.

Dungeon Rats: Barca & Claim Jumpers (Part IV):

Return to Barca. En route, we are ambushed by claim jumpers. This happens regardless of whether or not we slew Barca at the end of the second mission.

11th Battle: Claim Jumpers Ambush

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8)

Marcus and I landed some bone-crunching hits with our sledgehammers, making short work of this sloppy crew.

In the four-person party game, the tank blocked all initial attacks from the rival party. The crossbowmen are free to fire at will as the sledgehammer-wielder readies to pummel:

Lilura Archer: example of Short Bow dmg (masterwork, flexible):

She was wielding a crafted short bow, and firing barbed arrows.

◦ Claim Jumpers: Crude Spear (bronze), Crude Axe (bronze), Shiv (dagger, bronze) x2, Stone Hammer, Crude Bow, Crude Crossbow, Regular Missile (bronze) x31, Barrel Lid (shield), Tunic, Slave Garb (armor) x3, Rations x25

12th Battle: Barca

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Marcus (7), Ardomir (8), Cyrus (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

◦ BarcaXiphos (sword, iron, masterwork, balanced), Auxiliary Armor (armor, bronze), Loremaster's Turban, Barca's Key
◦ Barca's Guard: Crude Spear, Crude Rectangular Shield, Heacy Numeri Helmet, Slave Garb
◦ Barca's Guard: Crude Axe, Toga, Crude Oval Shield
◦ Barca's Guard: Shortbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Tunic, Regular Missile (bronze) x19
◦ Chest: Ore x36, Rations x46, Restorative Liniment, Healing Salve, Black Powder Bomb
◦ Other: Leather, Lumber

◦ Schematics: Xiphos, Short Bow, Heavy Numeri Helmet, Auxiliary Armor, Barbed Missile

• Crafting materials acquired so far:

◦ Ant Carapace (30.0 lb, x300) 
◦ Scorpion Carpace (8.0 lb, x80)
◦ Ore (25 lb, x50)
◦ Lumber (10 lb, x100)
◦ Leather (4 lb, x40)

Activate the elevator and take it up to Old Town.

Dungeon Rats: Old Town & Hieron (Part V):

Old Town

Old Town is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

Thirteenth Battle: Last of the Guards

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Marcus (6), Ardomir (7), Cyrus (6)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

Four-person party:

◦ Swordsman: Shamshir (sword, bronze), Cavalry Shield, Leather Numeri Armor, Leather Barbari Helmet.
◦ Spearman: Dori (spear, bronze, two-handed), Manica (armor, bronze)
◦ Axeman: Handox (axe, bronze, throwing) x9, Zaghnal (axe, bronze, one-handed), Leather Vest, Buckler.
◦ Crossbowman: Standard Crossbow, Regular Missile (bronze) x12, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Leather Barbari Armor

◦ Food Supplies: Antidote, Retorative Liniment, Rations x26, Crude Axe, Lumber
◦ Crafting Supplies: Hand Crossbow (on-handed), Gorza (hammer, bronze, one-handed), Whetstone
◦ Hammer & Anvil (Iron): It might be a good idea to upgrade your prime weapon to Iron at this point.

◦ Schematics: Dori, Zaghnal, Gorza, Shamshir, Handox, Standard Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Cavalry Shield, Manica, Leather Vest, Leather Numeri Armor


◦ Hieron, Hieronymus (cage):

Hieron can be recruited. Most players are going to replace Cyrus with him because he's clearly a better character, overall.

Have him wield a crossbow or a Gorza and Cavalry Shield. Have him crank Alchemy. Note that Ardomir should wield two Hand Crossbows in the belt slot.

At this point, Hieron crafted the following in my ranged party run:

◦ 2x standard crossbow (masterwork, mechanical upgrade)
◦ 4x hand crossbow (masterwork, mechanical upgrade)
◦ 40x iron arrows
◦ 120x bronze arrows
◦ 1x short bow (masterwork, flexible)
◦ 2x ant chitin shoulder armor (masterwork, hardened)

En route to underground river:

◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Cassava Roots x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Kadura Leaves x4
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Avatera Sprouts x5
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Golden Berries x3

Dungeon Rats Underground River, Roxana & Reinard (Part VI):

Underground River: Dredger's Territory

The Underground River is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats. The Dredgers control the water supply. We're here to take them out and take all their stuff.

A noble objective, to be sure.

◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Avatera Sprouts x5

Battle: Roxana Phase I

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4) (no Roxana kill)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8) (no Roxana kill)

Roxana is a sniper who fires her crossbow from behind a barricade. It is possible to slay her in these couple phases, though it isn't easy. It is best not to if we want to recruit the best marksman in the game.

Four-person party:

◦ Knife Fighter: Shiv (dagger, bronze), Light Tunic, Heavy Numeri Helmet
Bowman: Kemetian Bow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Regular Missile (bronze) x12, Tunic, Heavy Barbari Helmet.
◦ Spearman: Crude Spear (bronze, one-handed), Barrel Lid (shield), Toga, Heavy Barbari Helmet
◦ Javelin Thrower: Crude Javelin (bronze, throwing) x19, Crude Spear (bronze),  Crude Oval Shield, Slave Garb, Heavy Numeri Helmet

◦ Schematics: Crude Javelin, Kemetian Bow, Heavy Barbari Helmet

Destroy the barricade and cross the rope bridge. Note that the next bridge is a trapdoor bridge. Once it lowers, we can't return to camp.

Battle: Roxana Phase II

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Marcus (4), Ardomir (5), Cyrus (4) (no Roxana kill)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8) (no Roxana kill)

Roxana is perched on a lookout this time. If you're squishy (dumped Con) and are not good at positioning yourself, you're only going to win by luck.

Four-person party:

◦ Spearman: Hasta (spear, one-handed, bronze), Crude Rectangular Shield, Reinforced Leather Vest, Silk Ordu Helmet
◦ Bowman: Recurved Ordu Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x10
◦ Longbowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x6, Leather Numeri Armor

◦ Schematics: Hasta, Recurved Scythian Bow, Recurved Oru Bow, Armor Piercing Missile, Reinforced Leather Vest
Break down the barricade on your right first. 

◦ Pickaxe, Iron Ore x4, campfire.

Then, break down the other barricade and open the door.

Battle: Stream

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Marcus (6), Ardomir (7), Cyrus (6)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10) 

Battle: Longbowman positioned on the opposite side of the stream, and a bowman perched on lookout where Roxana was. Beware, the axeman has a bomb.

Four-person party:

◦ Spearman: The Claw (spear, two-handed), Hood, Leather Babari Armor.
◦ Axeman: Skeggox (axe, one-handed, bronze), Crude Oval Shield, Scorpion Light Armor, Simple Turban
◦ Longbowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x1, Studded Barbari Armor, Liquid Fire Vial
◦ Bowman: Kemetian Bow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x13, Studded Barbari Armor, Silk Ordu Helmet

◦ Crate: Liquid Fire Vial, Black Powder Bomb x2, Net
◦ Food supplies: Rations x21

◦ Schematics: Studded Barbari Armor

Break down yet another barricade and then open the gate.

Battle: Reinard

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Marcus (7), Ardomir (8), Cyrus (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13) 

We are flanked by an alchemist who can dictate the encounter outcome by throwing bombs. Note that the Centurion spearman can attack like a Knight moves in Chess. This is the hardest battle so far.

Four-person party:



ReinardLabrys (axe, two-handed, iron, masterwork, balanced), Phrygian Armor (masterwork, reinforced), Antidote x2, Healing Salve x2
◦ Ordu Bowman: Recurved Scythian Longbow, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x10, Barbed Missile (bronze) x10, Regular Missile (bronze) x8, Leather Ordu Helmet, Leather Ordu Armor
◦Spearman (Centurion): Trident (spear, iron), Studded Barbari Armor, Murmillo Helment (bronze), Centurion's Cape, Healing Salve
◦ Basher: Spiked Club (hammer, one-handed, iron), Cavalry Shield, Studded Numeri Armor, Healing Salve
◦ Alchemist: Karda (dagger, throwing, one-handed, bronze) x20, Shiv (dagger, bronze), Desert Garments, Iskefe (hat), Black Powder Bomb x3

◦ Dredger's Stash: Khanjar (dagger, iron), Karda (dagger, throwing, one-handed, bronze) x10, Pickaxe, Net x2, Black Powder Bomb, Iron Balls x4, Black Powder x2, Rations x31
◦ Blacksmith's Stash: Marculus (hammer, one-handed, bronze), Hardened Leather x60, Whetstone x2
Camp: Leather x1, Lumber x1
◦ Hammer & Anvil (Iron): It might be a good idea to upgrade your prime weapons to Iron at this point.

◦ Schematics: Labrys, Marculus, Khanjar, Karda, Trident, Jambia, Studded Numeri Armor, Phrygian Armor, Leather Ordu Helmet, Leather Ordu Armor, Murmillo Helmet

Reminder: Make sure you're adding the schematics before decomposing arms & armor.

Roxana can be cut down from the cross and recruited into the party. She is better than a crossbow-optimized Ardomir, but I kept Ardomir and replaced Marcus with Roxana instead.

Schematics: Heavy Crossbow

We want Marcus wielding a crafted iron sledgehammer. Other prime weapons should also be iron-crafted if possible (including ammunition). Decompose what you don't need and use the iron to make what you do need.

Garden across rope bridge:

◦ Alchemy: Harvest Mushrooms: Blood Mushroom x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Fennah Berries x2
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Avatera Sprouts x5
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Kadura Leaves x4
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Cassava Roots x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Emoryl Roots x3 (AL: 4)
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Golden Berries x3

Climb the ledge.


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (4), Roxana (3), Ardomir (4), Cyrus (3)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (5)

DR 8 on the Elder:

◦ Scorpion Carapace x60
◦ Scorpion's Claw x4
◦ Scorpion's Stinger x2
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Quicksilver Roots x2

Dungeon Rats: Crystal Caves, Ismail, Elder Worm, Carnivorous Plants (Part VII):

Crystal Caves

The Crystal Caves is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats. In this post, we take out scorpions, scolopendra, carnivorous plants and giant worms. This is one of the most difficult segments of the game, though its toughest battles are optional. We also upgrade our alchemist-crafter: Ismail replaces Cyrus. In addition, we break into steel crafting and acquire our third armor schematic: Worm Armor. 

Elder Scorpions x3

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (4), Roxana (3), Ardomir (4), Cyrus (3)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (5)

I hope you have crafted iron weapons and ammo...

THC from the sharpest shooter in the party:

Closer range:

◦ Scorpion Carapace x120
◦ Scorpion's Claw x6
◦ Scorpion's Stinger x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Quicksilver Roots x2
◦ Dead Prisoner: Gladius (sword, one-handed, iron), Manica (iron, net)

◦ SchematicsGladius


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Ardomir (7), Cyrus (6)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

You're probably going to have to break out the bombs and vials for this encounter.

◦ Scorpion Carapace x120
◦ Scorpion's Claw x8
◦ Scorpion's Stinger x2

◦ Armory Crate: Scimitar (sword, two-handed, steel), Plumbata (iron, throwing), Whetstone 
◦ Hammer & Anvil: Steel

◦ SchematicsScimitar

◦ Ismail is a good upgrade on Cyrus because he is not just an alchemist and crafter, but also a capable swordsman and bowman.

Ismail vs. Hieron

Assuming we optimized Hieron for Alchemy & Crafting up to this point, he is going to enjoy a 2-point lead over Ismail in terms of those two utility skills. However, Ismail doubles as a better fighter than Hieron, overall (it depends what we're specifically going for, though). Both can max both A & C if they focus hard (sacrificing their martial prowess in the process). 

I'd equip Roxana (and Hieron) with standard or heavy crossbows and two hand crossbows each. This allows them both to have four opening attacks.

Scolopendra & Plant

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Roxana (4), Ardomir (5), Ismail (5)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

Tear through plants with barbed ammo.

◦ Stinger, Cassava Root
◦ Boulder: Auxilary Armor (iron, masterwork), Handar (sword, one-handed, steel). Impossible Str check in solo. 

◦ SchematicsHandar

Scolopendra Nesting Grounds

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Ardomir (7), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

◦ Stinger x3
◦ Extract Ore: Iron Ore x6
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Blood Mushroom x3

Carnivorous Plants x3

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Ardomir (7), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

◦ Stinger x3, Cassava Root x3
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Avatera Sprouts x5

Carnivorous Plants x4

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Marcus (6), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

◦ Cassava Root x4
◦ Fennah Berries x2

Giant Young Worm

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Roxana (4), Marcus (4), Ismail (5)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8)

Note that no worms are immune to poison. 10 DR:

◦ SchematicsWorm Exoskeleton x75

◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Emoryl x3, Goldenberry x3
◦ Alchemy: Extract Mineral: Fool's Gold x4, Sulphur x4
◦ Extract Rock Oil x2

Elder Worm + 2 Young Worms

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Roxana (7), Marcus (7), Ismail (8)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

It depends on equipment, party composition and player skill, but I would suggest not taking on three worms at this point.

Each worms has 3 attacks per round. They can tunnel under us in order to flank. They often inflict critical strikes upwards of 20 dmg.

◦ Elder Worm: Exoskeleton x100
◦ Young Worm x2: Exoskeleton x150
◦ Extract Rock Oil x2
◦ Extract Ore x4
◦ Alchemy: Harvest Plant: Quicksilver Roots x2
Crafting (>=6): Pick the container. Note that  the crafter must be party leader (selected):

Mysterious Contraption (throwing, one-handed, ancient explosive device), A strange softy-glowing jar. It is possible to get Strength +1, Dexterity +1 and Constitution +1 by inserting the three jars into the machine in the Ancient Facility. One jar is found in Part III, one in Part VII and one in Part XII.

Dungeon Rats: Tunnels, Mine Shafts, Molerats, Yngvar, Democritus, Strange Machine (Part VIII):

Mine Shafts

The Mine Shafts is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats. In this post, we clear out the mine shafts of the Molerats. At this point, enemies are equipped with crafted iron gear (masterwork etc.) Notable arms and armor (such as steel-forged) are bolded.


Black Scolopendra

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (4), Roxana (3), Marcus (3), Ismail (4)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (5)

Cramped quarters:

◦ Poisoned Stinger
◦ Extract Ore x4

Convicts x3: Battle for the Elevator

They're guarding the entrance to the Molerat Lair. Note that enemies start to throw nets on us from this point on.

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Roxana (4), Marcus (4), Ismail (5)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8)

◦ Basher: Gorza (hammer, one-handed, masterwork, balanced, iron), Infantry Shield (iron, masterwork, lightened), Auxiliary Armor (iron), Murmillo Helmet (iron, masterwork), 
◦ Axeman: Skeggox (axe, one-handed, hardened edge, balanced), Cavalry Shield (masterwork, lightened), Reinforced Leather Vest (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Auxiliary Helmet (iron, materwork, reinforced)
◦ Crossbowman: Heavy Crossbow (masterwork, mechanical), Jambia (dagger, iron), Scorpion Light Armor (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Leather Numeri Helmet (masterwork, reinforced), Regular Missile (iron) x10, Barbed Missile (iron) x10, Armor Piercing Missile (iron) x10

Molerat Lair

First Battle

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Marcus (6), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

Watch out for the alchemist tucked away in the alcove. He's all about bombs and fire. The crossbowman's ammo is laced with poison, too. Nasty.

◦ Alchemist: Pugio (dagger, iron), Chakram (throwing, iron) x10, Loremaster's Garments, Loremaster's Turban, Liquid Fire Vial, Black Powder Bomb x2, Restorative Liniment, Neurostimulant, Healing Salve (25), Antidote
◦ Hammerman: Spiked Club (hammer, one-handed, iron, masterwork, hardened edge), Cavalry Shield (masterwork, lightened), Studded Ordu Armor (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Studded Ordu Helmet (masterwork, reinforced)
◦ Crossbowman: Heavy Crossbow (masterwork, mechanical), Pugio (dagger, iron), Ant Chitin Shoulder Armor (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Regular Missile (iron) x15, Barbed Missile (iron) x15, Armor Piercing Missile (iron) x15
◦ Axeman: Handox (throwing, iron, masterwork, balanced), Skeggox (axe, one-handed, iron), Reinforced Leather Vest (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Heavy Barbari Helmet (masterwork, reinforced)


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Marcus (6), Ismail (7) (includes Yngvar kill)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

There are two Charisma checks in the Yngvar parley dialogue:

The second requires a Charisma score >=9, which not many characters will have (8 gives us the max of three followers).

◦ Yngvar (Axeman): Skeggox (axe, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Handox (throwing, iron, masterwork, balanced), Cavalry Shield (masterwork, lightened, reinforced), Auxiliary Armor (iron)
◦ Molerat Spearman: Hasta (spear, iron, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Pilum (throwing, iron, masterwork, balanced) x10, Infantry Shield (masterwork, lightened, reinforced), Manica (iron, masterwork, hardened), Auxiliary Helmet (iron, masterwork, reinforced)
◦ Molerat Crossbowman: Heavy Crossbow (masterwork, mechanical), Sefet (dagger, iron, masterwork, balanced), Regular Missile (iron) x10, Barbed Missile (iron) x10, Armor Piercing Missile (iron) x10, Lorica Hamata (iron, masterwork, reinforced), Heavy Numeri Helmet (masterwork, reinforced), Net

◦ Crafting supplies: Hardened Leather x100, Whetstone x2
◦ Hammer & Anvil: Steel
◦ Food supplies: Rations x22
◦ Crafting >=4: Pick the container: Karda (throwing, iron, masterwork) x14, Chakram (throwing, iron, masterwork) x6, Handox (throwing, iron, masterwork) x9, Regular Missile (iron) x74, Bolas (throwing), Net (throwing) x2
◦ Leather, Lumber

◦ SchematicsPilum

Old Town is accessible, but only from up high. Still, it's a nice touch:


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (7), Marcus (6), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

The Molerat supertanker took several turns to take down (inflicted bleeding). His armor and shield DR can absorb upwards of 20 dmg. Ismail and Marcus knocked out the snipers in the meantime, with Roxana firing bolts into their backs.

◦ Molerat Supertanker: Mallet (hammer, one-handed, iron, masterwork, balanced), Tower Shield (masterwork, lightened), Imperial Armor (iron, masterwork, reinforced), Murmillo Helmet (iron, masterwork, hardened)
◦ Molerat: Standard Crossbow, Shiv (dagger, iron), Reinforced Leather Vest, Regular Missile (iron) x20, Barbed Missile (iron) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (iron) x20
◦ Molerat: Standard Crossbow, Shiv (dagger, iron), Leather Ordu Armor, Leather Ordu Helmet, Regular Missile (iron) x20, Barbed Missile (iron) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (iron) x20
◦ Molerat: Heavy Crossbow, Shiv (dagger, iron), Studded Barbari Armor, Regular Missile (iron) x20, Barbed Missile (iron) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (iron) x20
◦ Molerat: Heavy Crossbow, Shiv (dagger, iron), Reinforced Leather Vest, Regular Missile (iron) x20, Barbed Missile (iron) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (iron) x20

◦ SchematicsMalletImperial ArmorTower Shield


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Roxana (7), Marcus (7), Ismail (8)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

The swords of Lilura and Ismail inflict stacking bleeding on hard-hitting Democritus. Then, the knife fighter came in from the side and got in some nasty critical strikes on Marcus. Roxana took out the spearman and crossbowman with poison bolts. The knife fighter and swordsmen were mopped up soon after.

◦ DemocritusWar Hammer (hammer, two-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced), Lorica Hamata (steel, masterwork, reinforced), Centurion's Cape, Democritus' Key 
◦ Spearman: Romach (spear, two-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced), Manica (iron, masterwork, hardened), Auxiliary Helmet (iron, masterwork, reinforced)
◦ Knife Fighter: Jambia (dagger, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Karda (throwing, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge) x10, Reinforced Leather Armor (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Traveler's Cape, Hood 
◦ Swordsman: Khopesh (sword, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced), Cavalry Shield (masterwork, hardened), Auxiliary Armor (masterwork, hardened), Lamellar Ordu Helmet (iron)
◦ Crossbowman: Repeating Crossbow (mechanical), Shamshir (sword, bronze), Male Silk Ordu Armor, Silk Ordu Helmet, Regular Missile (iron) x20, Barbed Missile (iron) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (iron) x20

◦ Chest: Whetstone x2
◦ Food supplies: Rations x43

Don't take the elevator up to the forge yet; there is more exploring to do first. Facing the elevator, head left and follow the bridge and tunnels all the way.

Across the bridge:

◦ Cassava Roots x3
◦ Fennah Berries x2
◦ Avatera Sprouts x5
◦ Golden Berries x3
◦ Kadura Leaves x4
◦ Emoryl Roots x3
◦ Blood Mushrooms x3

Nest of Black Scolopendra (x4)

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Roxana (7), Marcus (7), Ismail (8)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

◦ Poisoned Stinger x4
◦ Extract Ore: Ore x4

Strange Machine

◦ Strange MachineModule (small glass tube). Keep this for Part IX to unlock Sky Metal crafting.

Ok, go up the elevator to the forge.

Dungeon Rats: The Forge, Praetors: Scaurus (Part IX):

The Forge

The Forge is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats. The forge is controlled by the Praetors. Since they control the forge, they have access to better arms & armor. It's time to steal their steel.

Tough Convicts

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Marcus (6), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

◦ Swordsman: Scimitar (sword, two-handed, steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Lorica Segmentata (iron, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Legionnaire Helmet (iron, masterwork, hardened, reinforced)
◦ Swordsman: Handar (sword, one-handed, steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Pilum (throwing, steel, masterwork, balanced) x5, Infantry Shield (masterwork, hardened, lightened), Lorica Segmentata (iron, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Legionnaire Helmet (iron, masterwork, hardened, reinforced)
◦ Archer: Long Bow (masterwork, flexible), Sefet (dagger, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Lorica Hamata (iron, masterwork, reinforced), Phrygian Helmet (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Regular Missile (steel) x15, Barbed Missile (steel) x15, Armor Piercing Missile (steel) x15, Forge Entrance Key
◦ Axeman: Mineb (axe, one-handed, steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced, Auxiliary Armor (iron, masterwork, lightened, reinforced), Handox (throwing, steel, masterwork, balanced) x5


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (), Roxana (), Marcus (), Ismail ()
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

ScaurusScaurus' Spear (one-handed, steel, sharpened), Scaurus' ShieldManica (steel, masterwork, hardened), Attic Helmet (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Traveler's Cape, Forge Master Key
◦ Crossbowman: Scoped Heavy Crossbow (two-handed, masterwork, mechanical), Pugio (dagger, bronze), Auxiliary Armor (iron, masterwork, lightened), Regular Missile (steel) x15, Barbed Missile (steel) x15, Armor Piercing Missile (steel) x15
◦ Archer: Long Bow (masterwork, flexible), Lorica Hamata (iron, masterwork, reinforced), Pugio (dagger, steel), Regular Missile (steel) x15, Barbed Missile (steel) x15, Armor Piercing Missile (steel) x15
◦ Hammerman: Gorza (hammer, one-handed, steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Tower Shield (masterwork, hardened, lightnened), Imperial Armor (iron, masterwork, lightened), Imperial Helmet (iron)
◦ Spearman: Krokspar (spear, two-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Murmillo Helmet (iron, masterwork), Praetorian Armor (iron, masterwork, lightened)

◦ Praetor's stash: Whetstone x2, Net x2
◦ Crafting materials: Steel x60

Head back to Old Town and cross the bridge.

Dungeon Rats: Enforcer, Demon Core (Part X):

Old Town: Enforcer

Old Town: Enforcer is a cRPG dungeon segment in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.

The campaign starts to really pick up at this point. My swordsman is getting four fast attacks per turn with the Gladius or Khopesh; great for stacking on bleeding and poison. Marcus should be wielding a crafted steel War Hammer.


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (9), Roxana (8), Marcus (7), Ismail (9)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (15)

Our biggest battle so far: 7 vs. 4. Inflict bleeding and poison status. The bomber can insta-kill anyone with <=35 HPs, which includes a fully-healed Hieron. In one of my games, Hieron was way back in the rear yet the bomber targeted him over Marcus and myself. Dead.

Demon Core

◦ Demon Core: A heavy glowing stone radiating heat. This activates the Guardian Demon in Part XII.
◦ EnforcerGladius (sword, one-handed, sky metal, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Lorica Musculata (steel, masterwork, hardened, lightened, reinforced), Noble's Cape
◦ Emperor's Guard: Mineb (axe, one-handed, steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Tower Shield, Lorica Segmentata (iron, masterwork, hardened), Phrygian Helmet (iron, masterwork) 
◦ Emperor's Guard: Marculus (hammer, one-handed, iron), Karda (steel, throwing) x10, Crude Oval Shield, Lorica Hamata (iron, masterwork), Heavy Numeri Helmet 
◦ Emperor's Guard: Double Crossbow (masterwork, mechanical), Yatagan (dagger, steel), Regular Missile (steel) x20, Barbed Missile (steel) x10, Armor Piercing Missile (steel) x20, Studded Ordu Armor, Studded Ordu Helmet
◦ Emperor's Guard: Jambia (dagger, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Studded Numeri Armor (masterwork, hardened, reinforced)
◦ Emperor's Guard: Trident (spear, two-handed, steel), Manica (iron, masterwork, hardened), Murmillo Helmet (iron, masterwork)
◦ Emperor's Guard: Sledgehammer (hammer, two-handed, steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Auxiliary Armor (iron, masterwork, reinforced)

Enforcer's Gladius:

cf. Emperor's Gladius [pic]

◦ Tools: Rope with Grappling Hook, Net x2, Shovel, Pickaxe 
◦ Rations x49
◦ Chest: Steel ingot x60
◦ Chest: Whetstone x2, Black Powder Bomb x2, Dragon's Blood Extract, Restorative Liniment

Cross the bridge and descend the elevator shaft with the grappling hook.

Dungeon Rats: Crystal Caves - Construct (Part XI):

Crystal Caves

The Crystal Caves is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (4), Roxana (3), Marcus (3), Ismail (4)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (5)

Bronze ingot x10, Steel ingot x5, Rock Oil x1

Ignore the elevator for now.

Construct x4

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Roxana (4), Marcus (6), Ismail (5)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8)

Bronze ingot x15, Steel ingot x5, Rock Oil x1

At the end of the tunnel, the bridge can be raised. It leads to the area where we fought the worms. En route, there is an immobile construct. We require a crafting score of >=8 to recruit it.

Head back to the elevator and take it up to the Ancient Facility.

Dungeon Rats: Ancient Facility & Guardian Demon (Part XII):

Ancient Facility

The Ancient Facility is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats. We're fighting through constructs, getting our stat bonuses, and unlocking both blue steel and sky metal crafting.

Constructs: Steel x3

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Marcus (6), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

The construct positioned at the door is equipped with a shield and a rapid-fire crossbow (four attacks per turn). Two other constructs emerge from alcoves on either side of the chamber. My party all had high Dodge skill, so the bolts didn't wreak havoc even though we lacked a proper tank with a shield. 

◦ Steel ingot x15, Rock Oil

Constructs: Steel x4

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Roxana (7), Marcus (7), Ismail (8)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

◦ Steel ingot x20, Rock Oil

Constructs: Sky Metal x3

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Marcus (6), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

The double-shielded unit can still fire from range. Take out the two melee units first, avoiding interrupt flurries. Once they're destroyed, close in on and pin the ranged unit down. Black Powder Bombs and Liquid Fire Vials can make this battle much easier.

◦ Sky Metal ingot x15, Rock Oil

Examine semi-sphere to unlock door.

Have the crafter pick the pock (first in line / selected)

◦ Strongbox (Crafting >=8): Blue Steel ingot x40, Dragon's Blood Extract x2 (2 of only 3 in the game), Amaranthus Extract (the only one in the game), Strange, softly glowing jar

An Alchemy score  of >=7 is required in order to concoct the Regeneration Potion from Cassava Root + Amaranthus Extract.
◦ Examine the machine: 

It is possible to get Strength +1, Dexterity +1 and Constitution +1 by inserting the three cannisters (Strange, softly glowing jars) into the machine. One is found in Part III, one in Part VII and one in Part XII (this post).

Guardian Demon

Make your way to the demon statue.

Insert the glowing sphere (the Demon Core we took from the Enforcer in Part X).

Prerequisite for recruitment is Charisma 10. If not recruited, the Guardian is slain by the Emperor in Part XIII. 

◦ Strongbox: Blue Steel ingot x5
◦ Hammer & Anvil: Blue Steel
◦ Control panel: Insert Module to activate forge. We can now craft Sky Metal arms & armor (assuming we have the skill in Crafting) in addition to blue steel. The module was found in a strange machine in Part VIII.

Next, go to the old cellblock.

Dungeon Rats: Old Cellblock, Top Mines, Emperor (Part XIII):

Old Cellblock

The Old Cellblock is a cRPG dungeon in Iron Tower's cRPG of 2016, Dungeon Rats.


• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (9), Roxana (8), Marcus (8), Ismail (9)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (15)

Note the corpse of the Guardian; looks like the Emperor managed to take it out. 

For my build, it's all about bleeding and poison. However, regeneration increases the Emperor's survivability somewhat.

In this battle, an Emperor Guard missed his netting and netted one of his own men instead. Nice.

  • EmperorGladius (sword, one-handed, sky metal, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Handox (throwing, sky metal, masterwork, balanced) x10, Auxiliary Armor (sky metal, masterwork, hardened), Centurion's Cape, Emperor Master Key
  • Emperor Guard: Gladius (sword, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Verutum (throwing, steel, masterwork, balanced) x10, Infantry Shield (masterwork, hardened, lightened), Manica (steel, masterwork, hardened), Murmillo Helmet (steel, masterwork)
  • Emperor Guard: Shadhavar (axe, two-handed, steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Phrygian Armor (leather, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Phrygian Helment (steel, masterwork), Centurion's Cape
  • Emperor Guard: Scoped Heavy Crossbow (masterwork, mechanical), Regular Missile (steel) x20, Barbed Missile (steel) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (steel) x20, Sefet (dagger, steel), Auxiliary Armor (steel, masterwork, lightened, reinforced) 
  • Emperor Guard: Yatagan (sword, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Handox (throwing, steel, masterwork, balanced) x20, Cavalry Shield (masterwork, hardened, lightened), Wolf Helmet (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Studded Ordu Armor (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Net x2
  • Emperor Guard: Hasta (spear, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Buckler (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Lamellar Ordu Armor (steel, masterwork, hardened, lightened), Lamellar Ordu Helmet (steel, masterwork)
  • Emperor Guard: Recurved Scythian Bow (masterwork, flexible, Zaghnal (axe, one-handed, steel), Regular Missile (bronze) x20, Barbed Missile (bronze) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x20, Leather Ordu Armor (masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Leather Ordu Helmet (masterwork)
  • SchematicsVerutumShadhavarLamellar Ordu Armor

Emperor's Gladius:

cf. Enforcer's Gladius [pic]

  • Emperor's Stash: Blue steel ingot x30, Sky Metal ingot x10
  • Crafting Materials: Steel ingot x100, Hardened Leather x200, Whetstone x2
  • Food supplies: Rations x95
  • Gunpowder: Black Powder x4, Barrel of Black Powder

Blow open the doors with the barrel of black powder, and leave the prison.

Dungeon Rats: Fort Battle, Praefectus (Part XIV):


Battle for the Fort

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (9), Roxana (8), Marcus (8), Ismail (9)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (15)

Combat Event: After a couple of turns, more guards come out of the buildings.

And then again:

◦ Legionary: Gladius (sword, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Pilum (throwing, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced) x10, Lorica Segmentata (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Legionnaire Helmet (steel, masterwork), Infantry Shield (masterwork, hardened, lightened) 
◦ Spearman: Romach (spear, two-handed, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Auxiliary Armor (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Legionnaire Helmet (steel, masterwork)
◦ Guard: Gladius (sword, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Lorica Musculata (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Buckler (masterwork, hardened),  Praetorian Helmet (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Centurion's Cape
◦ Archer: Long Bow (masterwork, flexible), Pugio (dagger, steel, masterwork, balanced), Regular Missile (bronze) x20, Barbed Missile (bronze) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x20, Lorica Hamata (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Legionnaire Helmet (steel, masterwork)  
◦ Guard: Sledgehammer (hammer, two-handed, masterwork, hardened, serrated edge), Auxiliary Armor (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Legionnaire Helmet (steel, masterwork)
◦ Guard: Gladius (sword, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Lorica Segmentata (steel, masterwork, lightened, reinforced), Praetorian Helmet (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced)
◦ Guard: Heavy Crossbow (masterwork, mechanical), Regular Missile (bronze) x20, Barbed Missile (bronze) x20, Armor Piercing Missile (bronze) x20, Lorica Hamata (steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Legionnaire Helmet (steel, masterwork), Pugio (dagger, steel, masterwork, balanced)
◦ Guard: Labrys (axe, two-handed, steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Auxiliary Armor (steel, masterwork, lightened, reinforced), Attic Helmet (steel, masterwork)
◦ Guard: Hasta (spear, one-handed, steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Tower Shield (masterwork, hardened, lightened), Imperial Armor (steel, masterwork, lightened, reinforced), Imperial Helmet (steel, masterwork)

◦ SchematicsPraetorian Helmet

◦ Food supplies: Rations x37
◦ Food supplies: Rations x98
◦ Ranged stash: Regular Missile (steel) x100, Barbed Missile (steel) x100, Armor Piercing Missile (steel) x100, Pilum (throwing, steel) x50, Bolas (throwing, one-handed x2), Nets


The praefectus resides in the office building, flanked by two guards.

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (14), Roxana (14), Marcus (14), Ismail (16) (Praefectus killed in battle)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13) (Praefectus killed in battle)

Not sure why we received so many skillpoints here; only three enemies and the praefectus isn't even armed. But we'll take it.

◦ Praefectus: Long Toga, Noble's Cape, Fort Key
◦ Guard: Mallet (hammer, one-handed, blue steel, masterwork, hardened edge, balanced), Infantry Shield (masterwork, hardened, lightened, reinforced), Lorica Segmentata (blue steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Praetorian Helmet (blue steel, masterwork), Centurion's Cape
◦ Guard: Krokspar (spear, two-handed, blue steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge), Lorica Musculata (blue steel, masterwork, hardened, lightened), Attic Helmet (blue steel, masterwork, hardened, reinforced), Traveler's Cape

◦ Praefectus chest: Scoped Standard Crossbow, Pugio (dagger, blue steel, masterwork, balanced, serrated edge)

If we spare the praefectus, he shows us a portal downstairs through which we can escape. However, I don't consider that a satisfying ending to the game. Indeed, that is the way of the lamer.

◦ Alchemy Stash: Quicksilver Roots x2, Quicklime x4, Rock Oil x2, Iron Balls x4, Black Powder x2, Salt Petrae x4 (4 of only 4 found in the entire game)

Exit the outer gate and start crossing the bridge.

Dungeon Rats: Aurelian Army, Centurion (Part XV):

Aurelian Army

As we cross the bridge over the gorge:

Last chance to prepare

Craft, brew, repair and equip. Whetstone. The lot. Only a glorious death awaits those who don't prepare.

Note: If a companion dies, they are replaced with one from the companion pool. Thus, it is best to make sure a couple companions in the pool are suitably equipped, not just the companions in the party.

My top-tier metals after decomposing:

Blue Steel ingots: 69 (6.9 lb)
Sky Metal ingots: 103 (10.3 lb)

Since I focus in sword, and Ismail does as well, we benefit from the two itemized Sky Metal Gladiuses (which are also crafted). But I crafted Ismail a blue steel scimitar, anyway. Marcus makes do with a blue steel Sledge and Roxana fires armor piercing blue steel bolts from a crafted Double Crossbow. She also packs one hand crossbow in each belt bag. Badass.

Example Sky Metal crafts:

Don't forget to assign skillpoints as you progress through the phases. Keep lacing weapons with poison, too.

Phase I

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (6), Roxana (4), Marcus (4), Ismail (5)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (8)

As always, beware the Spearman's reach. I tend to have Roxana prioritize them from range (even over archers). We buffed with Neurostimulants for +AP, saving our bombs and fires for later phases.

Phase II

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Marcus (6), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

Take out the enemy at front and center, then throw bombs directly into the center of the formation for maximum effect (things blow up better if the explosion starts from the inside).

I threw four. Thus, I'm out of bombs.

At this point, we can sacrifice ourselves for the prisoners, but that is for players who can't beat the game properly.

We push on:

Phase III

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (5), Roxana (6), Marcus (6), Ismail (7)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (10)

Again, the Spearman. Take him out or his reach is going to throw a spanner in the works. Don't get flanked by javelin-throwers, either.

Phase IV

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (7), Roxana (7), Marcus (7), Ismail (8)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (13)

The archers are as scary as hell. I winced every time they drew their bows. If you're at half HPs, you can be one-shotted.

Phase V: Centurion: The Final Fight

• Skillpoints (SPs): Lilura (9), Roxana (8), Marcus (8), Ismail (dead), Ardomir (9)
• Solo: Murderous Psychopath (15)

Again, those archers can surprise us with acute damage from a single shot. The two Elite Legionnaires flanking the Centurion were as tanky as hell, but my character landed enough arterial strikes (with bleeding and poison stacking) to put them down.


To be honest, I was just getting warmed up. And then the game ended. Oh well, I guess it's time for another playthrough...

Thus, the game ends and we're kicked back to the main menu.

End Characters:

Roxana replaced Ardomir
Ismail replaced Cyrus.
Marcus from beginning to end.

If we fought through the army, that's the only real ending. And the only way we can say that we beat the game.

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