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X-COM UFO Defense Guide

X-COM UFO Defense Guide

Welcome to my guide for X-COM UFO Defense, a cRPG developed by Mythos Games (1994) for IBM PC. In X-COM UFO Defense, the UFOpaedia is a dynamic encylopedia that represents the expanding knowledge-base of X-COM science, engineering and intelligence. As players progress through the X-COM campaign, entries are added to the UFOpaedia in reflection of their accumulated knowledge on X-COM technology as well as alien technology, biology and civilization.

The UFOpaedia is accessed from a button in the Geoscape sidebar. It consists of a general menu, submenus and individual entries on matters pertaining to both X-COM and the Alien Menace.

The UFOpaedia and Geoscape are bound up with the Battlescape, which is covered in X-COM UFO Defense Review.

Non-obvious critical progression of X-COM is highlighted in boldface type. If you ignore such components of progression, you can't complete X-COM. Please note that all of my indexed UFOpaedia commentary is based on an OpenXcom installation.

X-COM UFO Defense Craft

X-COM UFO Defense Armaments

X-COM Heavy Weapons Platforms

X-COM UFO Defense Armor

X-COM UFO Defense Weapons

X-COM UFO Defense Equipment

X-COM UFO Defense Alien Artefacts

X-COM UFO Defense Base Facilities

X-COM UFO Defense Alien Research

X-COM UFO Defense UFO Components

Without Elerium-115 and the following bolded entries, there is no Avenger for you. And therefore no Cydonia for you. And that means you don't complete X-COM.

X-COM UFO Defense UFOs

cRPG Blog OpenXcom Jagged Alliance 2 1.13
X-COM UFO Defense OpenApoc Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella

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