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DRUID BUILD, ToEE patch2: Shifter Summoner

Druid Build ToEE

The Druid Build is a ToEE Build for Troika's cRPG of 2003, Temple of Elemental Evil.

ToEE Druid Build Foundation

  • Female Human Druid (Shifter/Summoner): Ehlenestra.
  • Alignment: Must be Neutral
  • Strength: can dump to 8
  • Dexterity: 18 for +Initiative
  • Constitution: 10
  • Intelligence: can dump to 8
  • Wisdom: max to 18, pump every 4 lvls for +2
  • Charisma: dump

ToEE Druid Build Progression

Druid 1Animal Companion (Druid), Nature Sense (Druid), Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Druid Level 0 Spells ToEE & Druid Level 1 Spells ToEE
Druid 2: --
Druid 3: Power Attack, Trackless Step (Druid), Druid Level 2 Spells
Druid 4: Wis +1
Druid 5Wildshape: Wolf [13/15/15] (Druid), Resist Nature's Lure (Druid), Druid Level 3 Spells ToEE
Druid 6Wildshape: Brown Bear [27/13/19] (Druid), Cleave
Druid 7WildshapeLegendary Rat [15/25/17], Druid Level 4 Spells ToEE
Druid 8Wildshape: Polar Bear [27/13/19] (Druid), Wis +1
Druid 9: Wildshape: Dire Lizard [22/17/19] (Druid), Natural Spell
Venom Immunity (Druid), Druid Level 5 Spells ToEE
Druid 10Wildshape: Giant Snake [22/17/19] (Druid).

Skills: Concentration, Spellcraft, Survival, Tumble.

For crafting Druid items, cf. Craft Magic Arms and Armor ToEE and Craft Wondrous Items ToEE.

Physical stats (Strength, Dexterity and Constitution) don't matter since they are overridden by the wildshape stats, and we can cast while wildshaped due to Natural Spell.

Power Attack: The max is 7 but we can't employ PA with light weapons, which even bear claws/jaws are considered to be. However, Cleave does work.

Items that grant physical stat bonuses (Gloves of Giant Strength +6) do not stack with wildshape physical stats in normal play, but erroneously do if we save our game while wildshaped, and then reload. Indeed, most of the bonuses from items stack upon reloading. Here we can see the bonuses from GoGS+6 and Fragarach being applied, which also allows for Power Attack:

Wildshapes ToEE

  • Wolf: 1d6 slashing, bludgeoning and piercing, +1 Strength, 2 ApR
  • Dire Lizard: 1d8 slashing, bludgeoning and piercing, +6 Strength, 2 ApR
  • Legendary Rat: 1d8 slashing, bludgeoning and piercing, +2 Strength, 2 ApR -- no vorpal?
  • Brown Bear/Polar Bear: 1d8 piercing, slashing, +8 Strength, 2 ApR -- No bludgeoning? Please...
  • Giant Snake: 1d8 +3 slashing, bludgeoning and piercing, +7 Strength, 2 ApR, moves slowly but has extended reach, does not inflict poison.

This build is cool if we want to play around with the Wildshapes, but really, the Brown Bear is about as good as it gets (Strength 27) unless we want to go all out for the snake.

Polar Bear buffed with divine augmentation / Giant Snake:

Key spells which can be cast while wildshaped: Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Greater Magic Fang and Stoneskin. We can also cast non-trivial damage-based AoEs such as Ice Storm, Flame Strike and Call Lightning Storm -- while wildshaped.

Summons and animal companion should be buffed as per the above, plus Animal Growth. Note that all summons gain +4 Str and +4 Con due to the Augment Summoning feat.

Animal companions can be controlled outside of combat (scouting) but cannot instigate combat (force-attack) and cannot be controlled during combat.

If we think bear is enough, it might be better to throw in one, two or three or more levels of Monk in order to gain their Wisdom bonus to AC (which carries over to Wildshapes), along with various other Monk feats.

Alignment: Monk must be Lawful Neutral.

◦ Monk 1Flurry of Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist,
Spell Focus (Conjuration)Augment Summoning
◦ Monk 2EvasionCombat Reflexes (Must take this or Deflect Arrows)
◦ Monk 3: Fast Movement, Still Mind, Power Attack
◦ Monk 3 / Druid 1: Animal Companion (Druid), Nature Sense (Druid), First Circle Spells, Wis +1
◦ Monk 3 / Druid 2: --
◦ Monk 3 / Druid 3: Cleave, Trackless Step (Druid), 2nd Circle Spells
◦ Monk 3 / Druid 4: --
◦ Monk 3 / Druid 5: Wis +1, 3rd Circle Spells
◦ Monk 3 / Druid 6Natural SpellWildshapeBrown Bear [27/13/19] (Druid)
◦ Monk 3 / Druid 7: 4th Circle Spells

That would give us the same Brown Bear but with Flurry of Blows (+1 attack), Stunning Fist and a six-point bonus to AC as well as Combat Reflexes, Evasion, Still Mind and +movement rate, at the cost of slower power progression, 5th Circle Spells and general spellcasting effectiveness.

ToEE ToEE ChargenToEE Builds Wizard Spells ToEE Bard Spells ToEE
ToEE Review ToEE Items ToEE Feats Cleric Spells ToEE Paladin Spells ToEE
ToEE Patch2 ToEE ModsTemple+ Druid Spells ToEE Ranger Spells ToEE
ToEE Crafting Galeb DuhrIuz ToEE Fragarach ToEE cRPG Blog

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