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Druid Level 4 Spells, Temple of Elemental Evil ToEE Best Spells

There are 12x fourth circle or 4-level Druid spells in ToEE. The best Level 4 Druid spells are Flame Strike, Ice Storm, Spike Stones and Summon Nature's Ally IV.

Left: Ice Storm, Middle: Flame Strike + Ice Storm, Right: Call Lightning (3-lvl) + Ice Storm.

• Unbolded: the spell may or may not be useful
• Bolded: the spell is generally worth selecting or scribing
• Blue: King-tier or key spell: a spell we don't want to miss
• Red: Bottom-tier or all but useless spell

• Format is: Spell name / Spell school / Item code for scroll / rule

◦ Blight (Necromancy) {9542}
This is like 3-level Quench except it targets plant-life (fungi), allows a save and is subject to SR. 1d6 damage per caster level, max 10d6 at 10th. Useful as we approach Zuggtmoy.
◦ Control Plants (Transmutation) {9079} [no entry]
In 3.5 rules, this is an 8-level Druid/Plant domain spell. Allows us to take control of Zuggtmoy's Beloved (fungi) for 1 min. per level. It's basically "Charm for plants".
Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration) {9093}
Heals 3d8 +1 per caster level up to +10. Solid.
◦ Dispel Magic (Abjuration) {9133}
Rules-wise, this is a very complex spell that can remove various negative status effects, but its usefulness is limited.
Flame Strike (Evocation) {9178}
King-tier direct damage AoE for Druids. 1d6 fire damage per caster level, max 10d6 at 10th. Reflex half, subject to SR.
Freedom of Movement (Abjuration) {9188}
Can be a top-tier ward if we're engaging in certain immobilization/movement-hindering tactics, but there are itemized rings that bestow the same benefit.
Giant Vermin (Transmutation) {9195}
Summon black widow, large spider or giant tic for 1 min. per level. Summon cap is 5 (see above pic).
Ice Storm (Evocation) {9237}
King-tier direct damage AoE that inflicts 3d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 cold within 20' radius, no save but subject to SR.
Reincarnation (Transmutation) {----} [no entry, should be called Reincarnate]
It's basically Raise Dead; there is no randomness that I can detect.
◦ Repel Vermin (Abjuration) {9396}
A barrier holds back or damages vermin-based enemies. Weak.
Spike Stones (Transmutation) {9456}
King-tier damage-over-distance AoE that rips hordes new assholes [link].

Summon Nature's Ally IV (Conjuration) {9479}
Summons brown bear, flamebrother, huge viper or medium elementals of air, fire, water and earth. Summon cap is 5.

ToEE Level 0 Druid Spells ToEE Level 3 Druid Spells ToEE
ToEE Druid SpellsLevel 1 Druid Spells ToEE Level 4 Druid Spells ToEE
ToEE Builds Level 2 Druid Spells ToEE Level 5 Druid Spells ToEE

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