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Druid Level 3 Spells, Temple of Elemental Evil ToEE Best Spells

There are 15x third circle or 3-level Druid spells in ToEE. This is a rather disappointing circle for Druids. The best Level 3 Druid spells are Call Lightning, Spike Growth and Summon Nature's Ally III.

• Unbolded: the spell may or may not be useful
• Bolded: the spell is generally worth selecting or scribing
• Blue: King-tier or key spell: a spell we don't want to miss
• Red: Bottom-tier or all but useless spell

• Format is: Spell name / Spell school / Item code for scroll / rule

Call Lightning (Evocation) {9046}
AoE direct damage. Its tiny 5' radius is depressing. After casting, and once per round, we can call down successive bolts and still move, which is cool.

◦ Contagion (Necromancy) {9076}
If the effects are random, the spell is not tactically useful.

◦ Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration) {9091}
Heals 2d8 +1 per caster level to max +10.
◦ Dominate Animal (Enchantment) {9139}
There are not many animals in ToEE
Greater Magic Fang (Transmutation) {9204}
Good buff for our animal companion: +2 attack, +2 dmg
Meld Into Stone (Transmutation) {9303}
Similar to Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, this is a cheesy ward due to AIs foolishly whaling away upon an invincible combat unit while allies are picking them to pieces. Don't use it if you want the game to remain challenging.
◦ Neutralize Poison (Conjuration) {9327}
Stops poison doing more damage but won't cure the damage already done by poison.
◦ Poison (Necromancy) {9352}
Inflicts 1d10 Constitution damage and then another 1d10 a min. later.
◦ Protection From Energy (Abjuration) {9369}
Absorbs 12 points of acid, cold, electricity, fire OR sonic damage per caster level, max 120 at 10th. Situationally useful but never, ever vital.
◦ Quench (Transmutation) {9663}
The bane of fire elementals. No-save, no-SR 1d6 damage per caster level, max 10d6 at 10th. However, radius is limited. Cone of Cold is far superior in terms of AoE.
Remove Disease (Conjuration) {9392}
Good spell. Cures all diseases the target is suffering from.
◦ Sleet Storm (Conjuration) {9439}
Massive 40' AoE that halves movement rate or immobilizes the mobs. Great spell.
Spike Growth (Transmutation) {9455}
King-tier 40' damage-over-distance AoE that rips hordes new assholes [link]. Its big brother is 4-level Spike Stones.

Summon Nature's Ally III (Conjuration) {9478}
Summon constrictor snake, dire wolf or huge viper. Summon cap is 5.
◦ Wind Wall (Evocation) {9536}
Blows away incoming arrows and bolts but it's only centered on the caster and doesn't scale to party-wide AoE. Other projectiles have 30% miss chance. Pretty much useless in ToEE, which lacks crackshot archer foes.

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