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Druid Level 2 Spells, Temple of Elemental Evil ToEE Best Spells

There are 18x second circle or 2-level Druid spells in ToEE. The best Level 2 Druid spells are Bull's Strength, Summon Nature's Ally II and Tree Shape.

• Unbolded: the spell may or may not be useful
• Bolded: the spell is generally worth selecting or scribing
• Blue: King-tier or key spell: a spell we don't want to miss
• Red: Bottom-tier or all but useless spell

• Format is: Spell name / Spell school / Item code for scroll / rule

◦ Animal Trance (Enchantment) {9010}
There are not many animals in ToEE
Barkskin (Transmutation) {9027}
King-tier buff.

◦ Bear's Endurance (Transmutation) {9148}
+4 to Constitution
Bull's Strength (Transmutation) {9044}
+4 to Strength makes a difference
◦ Cat's Grace (Transmutation) {9049}
+4 to Dexterity
◦ Chill Metal (Transmutation) {9058}
Complex spell that doesn't do much; not enough enemies wear metal armor
◦ Delay Poison (Conjuration) {9104}
Not enough enemies inflict poison
◦ Fog Cloud (Conjuration) {9183}
AoE concealment for 10 mins. per level. Useless
Gust of Wind (Evocation) {9214}
Good against small and medium enemies, but only lasts 1 round
◦ Heat Metal (Transmutation) {9223}
Complex spell that doesn't do much; not enough enemies wear metal armor
◦ Hold Animal (Enchantment) {9226}
There are not many animals in ToEE
Lesser Restoration (Conjuration) {9272}
Cures temporary ability score damage but not permanent drain
Owl's Wisdom (Transmutation) {9662}
A nice +4 buff to our primary casting stat
◦ Reduce Animal (Transmutation) {9664}
There are not many animals in ToEE
◦ Resist Energy (Abjuration) {9400}
The same as 0-level Resistance except 10 points instead of just 5.
◦ Soften Earth and Stone (Transmutation) {9442}
Solid immobilizer and movement rate debuffer but it doesn't work on man-made surfaces.
Summon Nature's Ally II (Conjuration) {9477}
Black bear, dire bat, medium viper and small elemental meatbags. The bear has 30 HPs but only inflicts 1d4 +4. Summon cap is 5.
Tree Shape (Transmutation) {9505}
+10 natural armor and immunity to criticals is nice. It does not seem to hinder mobility at all.

ToEE Level 0 Druid Spells ToEE Level 3 Druid Spells ToEE
ToEE Druid SpellsLevel 1 Druid Spells ToEE Level 4 Druid Spells ToEE
ToEE Builds Level 2 Druid Spells ToEE Level 5 Druid Spells ToEE

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