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BARD BUILD, ToEE patch2: Enchanter (Perform, Bardic Music)

Bard Build ToEE

The Bard Build is a ToEE Build for Troika's cRPG of 2003, Temple of Elemental Evil. Enchantment spells are strong in ToEE due to their immobilization and divide & conquer effects, and the Bardic repertoire is filled with spells from the Enchantment school. Thus, the spell focus and GSF in enchantment. cf. Bard Spells ToEE.

Male Human Bard (10): Enchanter/Performer: Gwydiesin of the Cranes
Alignment: Neutral Good

◦ Strength: 14 or so
◦ Dexterity: 18
◦ Constitution: 14 or so
◦ Intelligence: 14 for 9x skillups per lvl
◦ Wisdom: dump
◦ Charisma: max to 18, pump every 4 lvls for +2

◦ Bard 1Spell Focus (Enchantment), GSF (Enchantment)
BardsongCountersongFascinateInspire Courage
Choose 4x Bard Level 0 Spells ToEE: Daze & Read Magic
◦ Bard 2:
Choose 1x 0-level & 2x Bard Level 1 Spells ToEE: Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep
◦ Bard 3Point Blank Shot
Choose 1x 0-level & 1x 1-level spells: Charm Person
◦ Bard 4: Cha +1, BardsongInspire Competence
Choose 2x Bard Level 2 Spells ToEEDaze Monster, Hold Person
◦ Bard 5:
Choose 1x 1-level & 1x 2-level spells: Lesser Confusion, Suggestion
◦ Bard 6Rapid Reload
◦ Bard 7:
Choose 1x 2-level & 2x Bard Level 3 Spells ToEE: Mirror Image, Confusion, Deep Slumber
◦ Bard 8: Cha +1
Choose 1x 3-level spell: Crushing Despair 
◦ Bard 9Precise Shot
◦ Bard 10: BardsongInspire Greatness
Choose 1x 3-level & 2x Bard Level 4 Spells ToEE: Charm Monster, Dominate Person, Hold Monster 

This is a focused enchanter that is also capable of firing from crossbows (2 ApR).

◦ Skills: Perform (for Bardic Music/songs), Concentration, Spellcraft, Tumble, UMD, social skills.
 Songs: Countersong (Perform: 3), Fascinate (Perform: 3), Inspire Courage (Perform: 3), Inspire Greatness (Perform: 12).

Bards have a spell range of 73; that is, they have 73 spells available to them. Unlike other spellcasters, they do not gain access to 5th circle spells under the 10-level-only cap.

  • Weapon: Masterwork Heavy Crossbow +3, crafted as elemental or Holy/Axiomatic.
  • Craft: Cloak of Charisma +6. cf. Craft Magic Arms and Armor ToEE and Craft Wondrous Items ToEE.
  • Bug: Note that Thieves' Tools, whether equipped or not and whether generic or masterwork, will erroneously penalize Perform by 2 points. However, such Bards will have 21 ranks in Perform when they only need 12 max, so it doesn't matter. 
  • See Rogue Build for Sleight of Hand benefits.

Note that Read Magic (an arcane orison/cantrip) will allow you to identify potions and scrolls at no charge. The Identify spell IDs all magical items in the campaign. It is supposed to cost 100 GP per item but doesn't. Vendor ID'ing costs 100 GP per item. Note also that you can craft a wand for ID'ing purposes.

Why is this info useful? Because Bards cannot ID items in ToEE with Bardic Knowledge, and most people who have played Baldur's Gate will think that Bard = EZ identify. It doesn't in ToEE. Outside of vendor ID'ing, the only ways to ID items in ToEE is through Read Magic and Identify SPELLS, which Bards, Wizards and Sorcerers have access to.

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