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UFO Power Source X-COM UFO Defense

UFO Power Source X-COM UFO Defense

UFO Power Source is a UFO component in X-COM UFO Defense.

UFO Power Source Location

UFO Power Sources are found during X-COM crash site, landing site and alien base missions.

Propelling UFOs, Power Sources are reactors that are powered by Elerium-115. Thus, Power Sources may detonate when alien craft crash-land, making them unrecoverable. Alien landing sites are more likely to yield Power Sources. We can often recover four (4) Power Sources from large alien craft landing sites.

UFO Power Source Research

Research of UFO Power Source is critical to game completion. UFO Power Source can be researched upon its acquisition; that is, after recovering UFO Power Source from a crash site or landing site. UFO Power Source research is one of four research components required for UFO Construction X-COM.

UFO Power Source Manufacture

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