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CYDONIA X-COM UFO Defense (X-COM Ending)


In X-COM: UFO Defense, Cydonia is the name given to the alien civilization that is based on Mars. In order to reach Mars, we need to have manufactured Avenger X-COM and researched Cydonia or Bust X-COM.

Mars: Cydonia Landing

X-COM must slay all aliens encountered around the landing zone before they can descend to the underground alien base.

Your Avenger craft has landed in the region of Cydonia on the surface of Mars. Our information indicates that one of the pyramid constructions contains a green access lift to an underground complex. Once you have assembled all your soldiers in the lift area click on the 'abort mission' icon to continue to the next stage.

Mars: The Final Assault

Within the alien base, X-COM must slay all aliens including the alien brain.

The pyramid lift takes your battle weary soldiers deep below the planet's surface. They arrive in the heart of a large complex of tunnels and chambers. The alien brain is hidden somewhere in the labyrinth. It must be destroyed if the earth is to be saved from alien enslavement. Good Luck!

As you enter the chamber you see the alien brain - the object of your quest. Before you can fire it communicates to you via a screen at its base. It implores you to listen to its arguments for survival before you make the decision to pull the trigger...

The brain speaks: 'Many millions of years ago the planet you call Mars was alive. This life was brought to a barren planet by our civilisation as it was to yours. For millions of years we have visited your planet and genetically developed your species. You cannot kill us, you are part of us...

The alien brain is interrupted by a burst of hot plasma, and the entire alien force is defeated.

Here is the centre of Martian civilisation - the pyramids built millions of years before yours - by a species which is your ancestor. No planet is beyond our reach. This power could be yours before long. All we ask is your cooperation...

Once the aliens have lost Mars they have lost the earth. Before long the X-COM research allows humanity to flourish once more, and claim Mars for itself. The alien menace has gone, but for how long, no one knows...


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