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Small Launcher X-COM: UFO Defense

Small Launcher X-COM UFO Defense

Small Launcher is an X-COM alien artefact in X-COM UFO Defense.

Small Launcher Stun Bombs

The ammo for the Small Launcher is the Stun Bomb.

Small Launcher Location

Small Launcher is found during X-COM crash site, landing site and alien base missions.

Small Launcher Research

Small Launcher can be researched upon its acquisition; that is, after recovering Small Launcher from a crash site or landing site. The same goes for its Stun Bomb.

A small launcher which fires stun bombs. Very useful for capturing live aliens.

Small Launcher Manufacture

  • Special Materials required: 1x Alien Alloys X-COM.
  • Engineer hours per unit: 900
  • Cost per unit: $78,000
  • Workspace required: 3

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