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Ethereal X-COM UFO Defense

Ethereal X-COM UFO Defense

Ethereal is an alien life form in X-COM UFO Defense. Ethereals are most notable for their psionic strength and skill.

Capturing and researching a live Ethereal of Leader or Commander rank unlocks Psionic Laboratory X-COM.

This being has awesome mental powers which allow for telepathic communication and telekinetic abilities. The apparently weak physical abilities of this creature are sustained by its mental powers. We do not understand how these telekinetic powers work, since they seem to defy the laws of physics as we know them. They are extremely dangerous in any combat situation, where they rely on their mental powers for combat. They rarely appear on earth since they seem to rely on other races to pursue their objectives.

Ethereal Autopsy

This being is physically undeveloped and seems incapable of sustaining any life functions. The muscles are severely atrophied and the internal organs appear to be under-developed. The sensory organs, including the eyes, do not appear to function at all. The brain, however, is well developed and draws on a high proportion of the body's blood supply. It is a mystery as to how this creature can sustain itself without external support.

Ethereal Soldier (Beginner Stats)

Ethereal Leader (Beginner Stats)

Ethereal Commander (Beginner Stats)

Ethereal Commander (Superhuman Stats)

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