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Cydonia or Bust X-COM UFO Defense

Cydonia or Bust X-COM UFO Defense

Cydonia or Bust is the final research component and X-COM mission in X-COM UFO Defense. Preceded by The Martian Solution X-COM, Cydonia or Bust is unlocked by researching a living, captured alien of Commander rank.

Once Cydonia or Bust has been unlocked (that is, once the research component appears in the UFOpaedia), X-COM can fly Avenger X-COM to Mars and Cydonia.

To do that, simply click the X-COM base in which Avenger is docked and select Cydonia as the destination.

Cydonia or Bust Research Results

It is now clear that the alien hordes are being controlled from an underground base in Cydonia - which is an unusual area of Mars featuring five sided pyramids and a large formation resembling a human face. Cydonian civilisation once flourished on Mars many millions of years ago, but we do not know why it died out, or what the connection is with the latest alien activity there. Whatever the explanation we must send an expedition to Cydonia. This is the only way that we can defeat the aliens. We must destroy the controlling master 'brain'. We will need an Avenger craft equipped with the most awesome destructive power at our disposal. There is nothing more we can learn here - we must await the outcome of the Cydonian assault.

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