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Silacoid X-COM UFO Defense

Silacoid X-COM UFO Defense

Silacoid is an alien life form in X-COM UFO Defense. The weakest of all aliens, the Silacoid's only impressive ability is its fire and incendiary immunity.

This silicon based life form generates an enormous amount of heat. It has the strength to crush rocks which can then be ingested by the hot core. It has a primitive intelligence and can be controlled by implants or telepathic beings. It works with the Muton alien race.

Silacoid Autopsy

The core of the creature is extremely hot, and seems to be the basis for a digestive system. Its unique muscle system has tremendous power and speed. Its rock like skin is not harmed by fire or incendiary ammunition.

Silacoid Terrorist Stats: Beginner

Silacoid Terrorist Stats: Superhuman

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