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BEST WEAPONS, Diablo 2 Resurrected

Best Weapons D2

Speaking broadly and generally, the Grief phase blade is the best weapon in Diablo 2 due to its attack speed, flat 400 damage, ease of acquisition and ease of equippage on numberous Diablo 2 Builds. While there are sometimes superior build-focused weapons, we should acknowledge that many players do not have access to epic, uber weapons, and that Grief is borderline god-tier without requiring massive outlay or time investment.

For Act II mercs, Infinity, Insight or Reaper's Toll are the most useful.

It is also arguable that a crystal sword or war scepter socketed with Jewels of Envy is the best weapon in Diablo 2, since it greatly facilitates power progression in the early game (cf. twinking). If a weapon that can be wielded at first level and by any build -- and yet can get us to 20th level without too much hassle (the boring, sometimes frustrating early game) -- then that must be a contender for the best weapon.

As of 2023, this is a growing list of the best weapons that I have found, bought, crafted, imbued, rolled or traded.

Diablo 2 Best Weapon Runewords

Diablo 2 Best Magic Weapons

Diablo 2 Best Unique Weapons

Diablo 2 Best Base Weapons

Diablo 2 Best Set Weapons

Diablo 2 Weapons that I deem to be of little use

The subsequent addition of runewords to Diablo 2 rendered some unique and set weapons all but redundant. This list will end up being a long one, but for now this is it.

cRPG Blog Diablo 2 Best Builds Diablo 2 Twinking
Diablo 2 Diablo 2 Best Items Diablo 2 Review

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