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INFINITY RUNEWORD, Diablo 2 Resurrected, ethereal giant thresher

Infinity Runeword D2

Infinity runeword is a weapon in Blizzard North's cRPG of 2000, Diablo 2. Infinity runeword in thresher polearms are one of the best weapons for Act 2 mercenaries due to their max 325 enhanced damage, 40% crushing blow, on-hit Chain Lightning and 12th level Conviction aura.

The Infinity rune word is especially useful for builds such as Lightsorcs and Lightzons. However, the Conviction aura isn't strong enough to be of use to Blizzsorcs.

Best Base for Infinity Runeword

The best base the Infinity runeword is the perfect superior ethereal thresher.

If we have the strength, the perfect superior ethereal giant thresher is great as well:

Best Items Diablo 2 Spirit crystal sword Breath of the Dying berserker axe Windforce
Best Weapons Diablo 2 Strength naga Breath of the Dying colossus blade Titan's Revenge
Grief phase blade Honor zweihander Breath of the Dying thunder maul Reaper's Toll
Infinity thresher King's Grace zweihander Lancer's Matriarchal Javelin of Quickness Hone Sundan
Insight grim scythe Passion phase blade Cruel Colossus Blade of Quickness Bonesnap
Death colossus blade Breath of the Dying hydra bow Jeweler's Phase Blade of Quickness Robo Naga

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