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TWINKING, Diablo 2

Diablo 2 Twinking

Welcome to my twinking guide for Blizzard North's cRPG of 2000, Diablo 2.

Most commonly, twinking is when our high-level Diablo 2 Build gives powerful items to our new, low-level characters. We "twink-out" new Diablo 2 characters with the best low level gear aka leveling gear in order to give them a head start, alleviate the tedium of playing through pre-Hell modes, and greatly increase their rate of power progression and acquisition of wealth.

We don't twink because we are looking for an initial challenge, we twink because we want Normal and Nightmare modes out of the way, done and dusted. Hell is where we want to be because that's where the challenge is, and where the best Diablo 2 items are found.

Twinking is incredibly powerful. Any idiot can build a character in an optmized manner as it progresses, but it's the items that make all the difference in Diablo 2. It is the items that separate our builds. The godly builds were built and rebuilt around items that are progressively found; they are constantly being refined and empowered based on the items found. One godly magic or rare item is a build-changer.

Consider for example the following work-horse jewels:

◦ The 30 ed 18 min 9 max (show me the godliest martial build ever made: this jewel would improve it)

 The 30 60 9 9 Rare Jewel (extremely rare and expensive; don't expect to ever find one)

 The 7 9 9 10 Rare Jewel (as above, though not quite as impossible to acquire)

A newbie may look at those jewels and shrug their shoulders, but trust me, those jewels are coveted by the players that know the game. Just one of those jewels is worth more than what 100 scrubs could farm in a year. If we acquire such jewels, it changes things for even high-level builds. We are always twinking, always optimizing...

Diablo 2 Twinking Example

level attained / what becomes available

1st: As outlined in detail in the "First Level Twink" section, posted below.

6th: Sigon's Complete Steel (esp. GageSabot and Wrap) You'll see lots of players wearing this set in casual rushes and whatnot, and there's a reason for that -- it's comfy. But if you see someone wearing this at high level, it's time to bring out the vlld Assassin and PK their ass. Because that's just pure laziness and scrubbery.

7th: Nagelring D2 (150 AR)

9th: Bloodfist D2 (3x above-mentioned Sigs are better)

10th: Nokozan Relic (3-6 on-hit fire, resist fire is useful in Act II)

11th: Cathans D2 (12% life leach + 15-20 on-hit fire)

12th: Angelics D2 (+40 life, replenish life +12)

15th: Manald Heal D2 (+40 life, +14 mana steal, replenish life +16, regen mana +40), Eye of Etlich (+1 all-skills, +7 life steal, 2-5 on-hit cold, +5 light)

Review: At this point, we are all but immortal for Act I and Act II. It's almost impossible to die in Act I even though we ignore the acquisition of elemental resistances. We can get amplified and mobbed, yet still barely take a scratch. The above few rings and ammies represent an embarrassment of riches.

16th: Twitchthroe D2 (+IAS)

17th: Stealth D2 (+ movement rate)

22nd: Goblin Toe D2 (crushing blow)

24th: Bonesnap D2 (CB)

27th: Honor D2, Insight D2 (Act II merc)

Strength, King's Grace or Honor = We could lay waste to Nightmare mode, no problems.

Robo naga = Hell-proof.

30th: Bloodletter D2 (fast kills)

32nd: Waterwalks D2 (+Life)

34th: Guillaume's Face D2 (CB, best merc helm)

42nd: Wartravs D2 (flat damage)

45th: Raven Frost D2 (Cannot be Frozen, best ring in Diablo 2)

47th: Gore Riders D2 (on-hit CB, DS, OW)

Note that even Summon Necros (the easiest build to start off with), can benefit greatly from a lot of that gear. His skellies kick quite a lot of ass in pre-Hell modes, but even Summon Necros can themselves kill faster than skellies when twinked. Just because you're a summoner, doesn't mean you can't wade into the fray and hack something in half with a greataxe.

99% of players twink. Most people have multiple mules for this purpose, but it's also possible in single-player thanks to the PlugY mod. The PlugY mod allows you to share items and gold between characters by way of a shared stash. Every character has access to the shared stash. Thus, whatever items an 85th level character farms and shares, a 25th has access to, and vice versa.

But it's not like you can just give a first level character the Tal set. Most items have level requirements. You need to be 71st level in order to wear Tals. Still, you can work within level restrictions to great effect.

As this guide will show, there is a world of difference between twinked and untwinked characters. First, to illustrate this clearly, let's make a comparison.

The First Level Twink

Here is a comparison that shows the power of twinking... let's take a look at how our untwinked first level Barbarian starts out:

Yep, that's how every barb starts out. With nothing more than handaxe and buckler. His damage is 3-7 and his defense is 9. Pretty pathetic, isn't it?

Now, let's take a look at how our twinked first level Barb can potentially start out:

As can plainly be seen, our damage has gone from a pathetic 3-7 to a whopping 308-323 over 2 secs. Defense has gone from 9 to 149. And this for a first level character that hasn't yet left the safety of the Rogue Encampment...

How is this achieved? The Strength charms allow us to equip the weapon, armor and shield from the outset, each of which is socketed with Jewels of Envy (easily transmuted in the Horadric Cube; you need only three pgems).

JoE are damage over time socketable items with no level requirement. That means we can employ them at 1st level onwards. Once socketed, each JoE inflicts on-hit 20 poison damage over 2 secs. Now, our Crystal Sword sports six sockets each of which is fitted with a JoE. Thus, it inflicts on-hit 120 poison damage over 2 secs

Likewise, the armor, shield and helm are also JoE-socketed. This adds to our damage even though the jewel is not fitted into the weapon. Thus, our nice big poison damage total of 300 over 2 secs.

Wait, how did we get a Crystal Sword with six sockets? It was Nightmare-farmed and then Larzuk-socketed. Crystal Swords drop in Normal mode but only with a maximum of two sockets or the potential for two through Larzuk (and four towards the end of Normal).

For a stronger weapon, you could bejewel a five socket war scepter and use it at first level. While the Strength requirements are higher (requiring more charms or -req jewels), this would give you superior base damage (10-17 as opposed to 5-15) and +50% damage vs. undead but -20 poison (one less JoE), which is a winning trade-off. Plus, tons more durability.

Superior Maul that even a 1st level Sorceress can wield:

As can be seen above, it is also possible to roll rare jewels with no level requirement as well as several mods that include the sought-after 20 poison over 2 secs and -15% requirement mods. The latter would allow you to upgrade from Light Plate to Ancient Armor at first level, potentially for double defense and +1 socket.

In case the advantage of this sort of twinking isn't clear, allow me to explain. With a setup like this, on /players1, you will be one-shotting aka insta-killing pretty much everything as a result of the poison's potency. Even on /players8, you will be 1HKO'ing Bloodmoor and Den of Evil foes (/players 8 greatly increaes your rate of leveling because everything is much tougher). You simply hit the enemy and watch and wait as the poison damage rapidly depletes its hit point pool. Well, you don't watch and wait. You hit the next enemy. And the next. And the next, until the enemies are falling around you like leaves in autumn. It is hilarious -- at least at first (this is srs business) -- to hit the enemies, move on, and then hear them die off in the distance as you take on your next mob of hapless victims. Rinse repeat.

So yeah, as if we haven't gone mad already, give your Rogue Sister merc a similar twinking, and her bow damage goes from 1-4 to 229-241 over 2 secs. Ethereal armor will reduce the strength requirements and give her more defense, too.

Not bad armor for a second level scrub of a merc, is it. If she dies, shame on us. Ethereal bugged Light Plate would be even better, ofc. However, I can't eth bug the above-pictured ethereal armor because it is Superior.

How about rare rings, amulets, boots, gloves and belts at first level (iow, items we can't socket)? I think it's a waste of time farming or rolling them up. Why? Because they will quickly be swapped out for uniques and set items that are mentioned above. If you have them handy, that's fine though. You can get up to seven mods on rare rings and ammies, but they won't make much impact as items that can be worn by a first level character.

As mentioned at the start, this sort of twinking greatly enhances power progression and wealth accumulation. It benefits every character build, some more than others. Barbs, Zons, Pallies, Sins and other physical-based builds will get the most out of it, but spellcasters such as the Sorc can certainly benefit intially, and whenever that mana pool runs out. Just whack the enemy and it keels over.

For barbs and other physical-based damage dealers, who rely most heavily on their arms and armor, and whose skill-ups power physical-based damage and defense as they level, this setup doesn't start to feel weak until about Act Four. Not all classes will want to roll with the crystal sword or war scepter, ofc. Assassins wield blade talons and Amazons want bows and spears, for example. All these builds will progressively add uniques and set items.

Anyway, you will tear through Normal with the above-listed items. Probably a fair bit of Nightmare as well. Then, you will have to upgrade, uptier, and possibly respec in order slay Baal and reach Hell mode.

On /players8, we need to slay:

  • 7x Blood Moor carvers to reach 2nd level
  • 12x to reach 3rd
  • 28x to reach 4th
  • 51x to reach 5th

Thus, it is important to always push on into new, higher level maps. It is also handy to know which enemy on a given map yields the most experience points. In the Blood Moor, that's zombies. Once we feel confident, we always ignore the mooks and beeline towards champions, berserkers, ghostlies, possesseds and super uniques culminating in Act Bosses. We always push on in order to maximize our experience gain for each click of the mouse button. Twinked characters can easily tank mobs as they run past them because any hit is like a fleabite. Watch the xp bar. If it's not moving along in nice big chunks, fix that by pushing on.

Remember that the object of twinking is to save time and get through Normal and Nightmare with little fuss and bother. Don't go overboard in optimizing your twink: it entirely defeats the purpose if you're spending hours on twinking for each new character. Get a standard setup going and reuse it.

cRPG Blog Diablo 2 Best Builds Diablo 2 Twinking
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