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Bard, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN 1

Bard NWN

Bard is a NWN class in BioWare's cRPG of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

Bards are so much more interesting than the Infinity Engine class; they are not fifth wheels. The stock Bardsong is great for its AoE buff and Curse Song is equally great for its AoE debuff.

You don't have to concentrate on spellcasting: providing you have sufficient levels in the Perform skill you can just buff yourself a bit, sing and fire from range or even wade into the fray in melee and not be laughed at. A great and fun class to play, and let's not forget about the convenience provided by their unparalleled loremastery.

Bard will also help you meet Arcane Archer and Red Dragon Disciple prereqs.

I recommend playing a Bard in Cormyrean Nights. It's a nice, casual adventure with lots of Persuade checks that Bards can shine in.

Note that Sharwyn is a Bard.

Bard Description

Bards often serve as negotiators, messengers, scouts, and spies. They love to accompany heroes (and villains) to witness heroic (or villainous) deeds firsthand, since a bard who can tell a story from personal experience earns renown among his fellows. A bard casts arcane spells without any advance preparation, much like a sorcerer. His magic emphasizes charms and illusions, and the bard can also play an inspiring song that strengthens him and his allies. Bards also share some specialized skills with rogues, and their knowledge of item lore is nearly unmatched. 

To cast a spell, a bard must have a Charisma score of 10 + the spell's level. For example, to cast a 3rd-level spell, a bard must have a Charisma of 13.

Bard Abilities

  • Alignment Restrictions: Any nonlawful.
  • Hit Die: d6.
  • Proficiencies: Proficient with simple weapons. Also proficient with light armor, medium armor, and shields.
  • Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 4 + Int Modifier.
  • Spellcasting: Arcane (Charisma-based, no spell preparation, spell failure from armor is a factor); Bards begin the game knowing all cantrips.
  • Ex-Bards: Bards cannot gain levels of experience while they are of any lawful alignment.

Bard Song NWN

Bards are able to sing a song that can bolster their allies. Deafened creatures are not affected by the bard's singing. The song affects all allies within 30 feet and lasts for 10 rounds. The higher the bard's final Perform skill and class level, the better the Bard song. All of the bonuses listed are additive. 

  • 3 Perform and Bard Level 1: +1 to Attack and Damage rolls. 
  • 6 Perform and Bard Level 2: +1 to Will Saves. 
  • 9 Perform and Bard Level 3: +1 to Damage rolls and +1 to Fortitude Saves. 
  • 12 Perform and Bard Level 6: +1 to Reflex saves, +1 to Skill rolls. 
  • 15 Perform and Bard Level 8: +1 to Attack rolls, +8 temporary Hit Points. 
  • 18 Perform and Bard Level 11: +2 to Dodge Armor Class, +1 to Skill rolls. 
  • Perform 21 and Bard Level 14: +1 to Damage rolls, +8 temporary Hit Points and +1 Dodge Armor Class. 
  • Perform 24 and Bard Level 15: +1 Will Saves, +1 Reflex Saves, +1 Fortitude Saves, +1 Dodge Armor Class. 
  • Perform 30 and Bard Level 16: +1 Will Saves, +4 temporary Hit Points. +1 Dodge Armor Class. 

For each additional 5 Perform and 1 Class level in Bard an additional +2 temporary Hit Points is granted.

Bard Curse Song NWN

Bards are able to sing a song that can curse their enemies. Deafened creatures are not affected by the bard's singing. The song affects all enemies within 30 feet and lasts for 10 rounds. The higher the bard's final Perform skill and class level, the more powerful the Curse song. All of the penalties listed are additive. 

  • 3 Perform and Bard Level 1: -1 to Attack and Damage rolls. 
  • 6 Perform and Bard Level 2: -1 to Will Saves. 
  • 9 Perform and Bard Level 3: -1 to Damage rolls and -1 to Fortitude Saves. 
  • 12 Perform and Bard Level 6: -1 to Reflex saves, -1 to Skill rolls. 
  • 15 Perform and Bard Level 8: -1 to Attack rolls, 8 damage. 
  • 18 Perform and Bard Level 11: -2 to Dodge Armor Class, -1 to Skill rolls. 
  • Perform 21 and Bard Level 14: -1 to Damage rolls, 8 damage and -1 Dodge Armor Class. 
  • Perform 24 and Bard Level 15: -1 Will Saves, -1 Reflex Saves, -1 Fortitude Saves, -1 Dodge Armor Class. 
  • Perform 25 and Bard Level 16: -1 Will Saves, 4 damage. -1 Dodge Armor Class. 

For each additional 5 Perform and 1 Class level in Bard an additional 2 damage is granted.

• Lingering Song: The effects of the bard's songs will last an additional 5 rounds.

NWN Classes Bard NWN Barbarian NWNCleric NWN Druid NWN Fighter NWN
Monk NWN Paladin NWN Ranger NWN Rogue NWN Sorcerer NWN Wizard NWN
Arcane Archer NWN Assassin NWN Blackguard NWN Champion of Torm NWN Dwarven Defender NWN Pale Master NWN
Red Dragon Disciple NWN Shadowdancer NWN Shifter NWN Weapon Master NWN Purple Dragon Knight NWN Harper Scout NWN

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