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Grimgnaw, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Grimgnaw NWN

Grimgnaw is a NWN companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

Monk of Dwarven race, Grimgnaw is known for his survivability and fast movement speed.

There is something unsettling about this dwarven monk. His eyes are cold and empty and there is a stillness about him that seems almost unnatural.

I think Grimgnaw is superior to Daelan due to his movement speed. He gets perma-Hasted at ninth level from Robes of the Darkmoon, which stacks with Monk speed [nw_mcloth017].

I found Stunning Fist to be useful in the OC. As well, Grimgnaw's superior saves and survivability feats means we can drop Fireballs and other AoEs on him.

Also, Monks are just harder to kill for NWN AI. When we don't have much control over our companion, that matters.

The downside of Grimgnaw is that neither Keen EdgeFlame Weapon nor (GreaterMagic Weapon can be cast on his fists, unlike Daelan's Double Axe. In addition, Grimgnaw is the only companion that doesn't have access to ranged weapons, such as bows.

Still, I think Grimgnaw is the best companion in the OC.

Grimgnaw Location

Grimgnaw can be found in the Trade of Blades located in the City Core of Neverwinter.

Grimgnaw, a macabre dwarven monk who worships Death itself, has joined your cause. With deadly feats like Stunning Fist and Flurry of Blows, Grimgnaw is a powerful ally in combat. 

Grimgnaw's Stats

Grimgnaw's Feats

  • Active Combat Feats: Power Attack, Stunning Fist
  • Combat Feats: Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Proficiency (monk)
  • Defensive Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Mobility, Shield Proficiency, Toughness
  • Other Feats: Battle Training vs. Giants, Goblins, Orcs, Darkvision, Evasion, Flurry of Blows, Hardiness vs. Poisons, Hardiness vs. Spells, Monk AC Bonus, Monk Speed, Skill Affinity (Lore), Still Mind, Stonecunning

Grimgnaw's Skills

Skill focus: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Parry

Grimgnaw's Weapon

Unique: Grimgnaw's weapon scales to a higher enchantment level than other companion weapons: Gloves of the Long Death +5 (+1d6 cold).

Grimgnaw's Story

The reward for completing Grimgnaw's story is a magical amulet.

Amulet of the Long Death

This amulet is forged from black obsidian. The image of an elongated skull is etched onto either side.

Silver Ring location (NW_HEN_GRI1QT): Found in a desk in a house in No Man's Land.
Amulet of the Long Death +1 (NW_HEN_GRI1RW, Ability Bonus: Constitution +1, Spell Resistance 10)

Corpse Hand location (NW_HEN_GRI2QT): Found in a chest in the Arcane Brother's Tomb, Green Griffon Inn map.
Amulet of the Long Death +3 (NW_HEN_GRI2RW, Ability Bonus: Constitution +3, Spell Resistance 10)

Dagger location (NW_HEN_GRI3QT): Found in a chest in Coldwood.
Amulet of the Silent Lord +4 (NW_HEN_GRI3RW, Ability Bonus: Constitution +4, Immunity: Miscellaneous: Level/Ability Drain, Spell Resistance 10)

This disc of cold black steel radiates a palpable aura of evil. The front bears the image of a cowled and faceless figure on the face. At first glance the back appears a blank void, but in certain light the hint of strange runes can be seen traced onto the surface.

Neverwinter Nights 1 Boddyknock Glinckle Grimgnaw Sharwyn
NWN Henchmen Daelan Red Tiger Linu La'neral Tomi Undergallows

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