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Daelan Red Tiger, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Daelan NWN

Daelan Red Tiger is a NWN companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

Barbarian of Half-orc race, Daelan is notable for hard-hitting and tanking.

This imposing half-orc barbarian wears the colors of the Uthgardt Red Tiger tribe. There is something honorable in his gaze that sets him apart from others of his race.

Daelan wields Double Axe and fires from Longbow (up to +3 enchantment). Foolishly, he does not take Cleave let alone Great Cleave feats. Still, he is almost as useful as Grimgnaw.

Daelan Red Tiger Location

Daelan Red Tiger can be found in the Trade of Blades located in the City Core of Neverwinter.

Daelan Red Tiger, a noble barbarian of the Uthgardt tribes, has joined his mighty axe to your cause. His ferocity and prowess in melee combat will be helpful in the many battles you are sure to face. Daelen can also use his great strength to try and bash open any chests or locked doors you might come across.

Daelan's Stats

Daelan's Feats

Active Combat Feats: Knockdown, Power Attack
Combat Feats: Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (double axe), Weapon Proficiency (exotic), Weapon Proficiency (martial)
Defensive Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Dodge
Other Feats: Barbarian Rage (2x per day), Uncanny Dodge I

Daelan's Skills

Skill focus: Discipline, Listen, Parry, Spot.

Daelan Red Tiger's Story

The reward for completing Daelan's story is a magical amulet.

Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe

This simple amulet bears the symbol of a red tiger on its face and an Uthgardt tribal rune on the back.

Brooch location (NW_HEN_DAE1QT): Found in a chest near the Bloodsailor pirates in the Docks. 
Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1 (NW_HEN_DAE1RW, Ability Bonus: Strength +1, Immunity: Miscellaneous: Fear)

Great Axe, notched location (NW_HEN_DAE2QT): Found on the corpse of Gorkan in Mutamin's Challenge dungeon 3, Green Griffon Inn.
Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +3 (NW_HEN_DAE2RW, Ability Bonus: Strength +3, Immunity: Miscellaneous: Fear)

Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear location (NW_HEN_DAE3QT): Found on the corpse of Zokan Thunderer of the Elk Tribe, on the Homesteads map.
Amulet of the Uthgardt +4 (NW_HEN_DAE3RW, Ability Bonus: Strength +4, Immunity: Miscellaneous: Fear, Spell Resistance 12)

The intertwined images of a lion, tiger, eagle and elk are emblazoned on the front of this amulet. On the reverse side are the unique tribal runes of the four largest Uthgardt tribes: the Black Lion, the Red Tiger, the Elk and the Golden Eagle.

Neverwinter Nights Boddyknock Glinckle Grimgnaw Sharwyn
NWN Henchmen Daelan Red Tiger Linu La'neral Tomi Undergallows

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