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Boddyknock Glinckle, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Boddyknock NWN

Boddyknock Glinckle is a NWN companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

Sorcerer of Gnome race, Boddyknock is known for his arcane spellcasting prowess.

This gnome sorcerer's brow is perpetually furled into wrinkles of intense concentration as he studies the world around him with a careful and analytical gaze.

The problem with BKG is that NWN companion AI causes him to cast arcane AoEs on the PC. However, he can make short work of mobs if he hits them with such AoEs. 

Otherwise, BKG wields Dagger or fires from Crossbow (up to +3 enchantment).

Boddyknock Glinckle Location

Boddyknock Glinckle can be found in the Trade of Blades located in the City Core of Neverwinter.

Boddyknock Glinckle, a gnomish sorcerer from the island of Lantan, has joined your cause. Though not skilled in melee combat, his arcane spells will be a valuable tool in the many battles that lie ahead. His magic might also prove useful in opening any stubborn locks you might come across.

Boddyknock's Stats

Boddyknock's Feats

  • Combat Feats: Weapon Proficiency (simple)
  • Defensive Feats: Iron Will, Shield Proficiency, Toughness
  • Magical Feats: Combat Casting, Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Penetration
  • Other Feats: Battle Training vs. Giants, Goblins, Reptilians, Hardiness vs. Illusions, Skill Affinity (Concentration, Listen), Summon Familiar

Boddyknock's Skills

Skill focus: Concentration, Spellcraft, Spot.

Boddyknock's Spells

Wizard Spells: Daze, Ray of Frost, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Scare, Bull's Strength, Ghostly Visage, Knock, Melf's Acid Arrow, See Invisibility, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Improved Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Stoneskin, Energy Buffer, Hold Monster, Chain Lightning

Boddyknock Glinckle's Story

The reward for completing Boddyknock's story is a magical ring.

Lantanese Ring

The band of this ring is covered with scripts and etchings in a strange foreign language.

Leaven Bread Recipe location (NW_HEN_BOD1QT): Found on the corpse of Siril the Baker, in a barricaded home of the Beggar's Nest. 
Lantanese Ring +1 (NW_HEN_BOD1RW, Ability Bonus: Charisma +1, Regeneration +1)

Prism Blossom Seed location (NW_HEN_BOD2QT): Found in a crate on the first level of the Creator Ruins, on the East Road.
Lantanese Ring +3 (NW_HEN_BOD2RW, Ability Bonus: Charisma +3, Regeneration +1)

Dragon Scale location (NW_HEN_BOD3QT): Found in a pile of rubble, in a cave in the Spine of the World.
Prophyro's Ring +4 (NW_HEN_BOD3RW, Ability Bonus: Charisma +4, Regeneration +1)

This ring bears a mage symbol under which is carved the name Prophyro. Judging by the craftsmanship the ring appears to be of Lantanese origin.

Neverwinter Nights Boddyknock Glinckle Grimgnaw Sharwyn
NWN Henchmen Daelan Red Tiger Linu La'neral Tomi Undergallows

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