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HALFLING, Neverwinter Nights

Halfling NWN

Halfling is a playable race in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. Halflings make for excellent Rogue NWN. In low-level stealth-based NWN modules with slow leveling, they stand out much more.

Halfling NWN Description

Halflings are clever, capable, and resourceful survivors. They are notoriously curious, and show a daring that many larger people can't match. They can be lured by wealth, but tend to spend rather than hoard. Halflings have ruddy skin, hair that is black and straight, and brown or black eyes. Halfling men often grow long sideburns, but rarely beards or moustaches. They prefer practical clothing, and would rather wear a comfortable shirt than jewelry. Halflings stand about 3 feet tall, and commonly live to see 150.

Halfling Favored Class

The Favored Class for Halfling is Rogue: A multiclass halfling's rogue class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Halfling Ability Adjustments

Halfling Ability Adjustments are +2 Dexterity and -2 Strength.

Halfling Special Abilities

  • +1 size bonus to attack rolls.
  • +1 size bonus to AC.
  • +4 size bonus to Hide checks.
  • Skill Affinity (Move Silently): +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
  • Skill Affinity (Listen): +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.
  • Lucky: +1 luck bonus to all saving throws.
  • Fearless: +2 morale bonus to saving throws against spells and effects of the 'Fear' subtype.
  • Good Aim: +1 racial bonus to attack rolls made with throwing weapons.

Halfling Weapon Wield Limitations

Halflings are small creatures and as such they can never use the following Large weapons: bastard sword, dire mace, two-bladed sword, double axe, greataxe, greatsword, halberd, heavy flail, quarterstaff, scythe and spear.

Halfling characters should only choose the default package for their class, as the other packages may give the halfling weapons they cannot use.

Halfling NWN2

Halflings are clever, capable opportunists. Halfling individuals and clans find room for themselves wherever they can. Often they are strangers and wanderers, and others react to them with suspicion or curiosity. Depending on the clan, halflings might be reliable, hard-working (if clannish) citizens, or they might be thieves just waiting for the opportunity to make a big score and disappear in the dead of night. Regardless, halflings are cunning, resourceful survivors. 

There are two races of halflings: the lightfoot halfling and the less common strongheart halfling. Both races of halflings are smaller than most humanoids but exceptionally quick, with +2 Dexterity and -2 Strength.

Lightfoot Halfling NWN2

The most common type of halflings seen in the world, the lightfoots are the most likely to give in to their desire to wander. They are at home living side by side with folk of many different races and cultures.

  • Ability Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength. 
  • Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Stealthy: +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
  • Fearless: +2 morale bonus to saving throws against fear.
  • Good Aim: +1 racial bonus to attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
  • Keen Hearing: +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.
  • Lucky: +1 racial bonus to all saving throws.
  • Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass halfling's rogue class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing. Halflings have long had to rely on stealth, wit, and skill, and the vocation of rogue comes naturally to them.

Strongheart Halfling NWN2

While the lightfoot halfings value the experience of travel and the sight of new lands and peoples, the stronghearts are a more organized, orderly, and industrious race. They are built to last, and fiercely defend their homelands against threats from which their lightfoot kin would simply flee. Strongheart halflings enjoy athletic contests and value exceptional skills of all kinds.

  • Ability Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength. 
  • Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Stealthy: +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
  • Fearless: +2 morale bonus to saving throws against fear.
  • Good Aim: +1 racial bonus to attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
  • Keen Hearing: +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.
  • Quick to Master: One extra feat at 1st level.
  • Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass halfling's rogue class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing. Halflings have long had to rely on stealth, wit, and skill, and the vocation of rogue comes naturally to them.

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