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ROGUE BUILD, ToEE patch2: Two-handed Sneak Attacker (Greataxe)

Axe Murderer ToEE

The Axe Murderer Rogue Build is a ToEE Build for Troika's cRPG of 2003, Temple of Elemental Evil. This build is a basic but effective thug-rogue. Instead of taking dual-wield feats and sneak-attacking with finesse like our Dexterity Rogue Build ToEE, this one pumps Strength, takes +dmg feats and sneak attacks with a Great Axe that inflicts 1d12 and x3 crit.

• Male Human Fighter (1) / Rogue (9): The Axe Murderer.

◦ Strength: max 18, pump every 4 lvls for +2
◦ Dexterity: 15 for +3 AoOs
◦ Constitution: crank it
◦ Intelligence: 14 for 11 skillups per lvl
◦ Wisdom: dump
◦ Charisma: dump

◦ Fighter 1Weapon Focus: Great AxePower AttackCleave 
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 1Sneak Attack +1d6 (Rogue)
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 2: Evasion (Rogue), Improved Initiative
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 3: Str +1, Sneak Attack +2d6 (Rogue)
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 4: Uncanny Dodge (Rogue)
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 5Combat ReflexesSneak Attack +3d6 (Rogue)
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 6: --
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 7: Str +1, Sneak Attack +4d6 (Rogue)
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 8Great Cleave
◦ Fighter 1 / Rogue 9Improved Uncanny DodgeSneak Attack +5d6 (Rogue)

Murderer damage potential:

The two 2d6 rolls assume hitting a Chaotic Evil target (of which there are many).

cf. Destroyer ToEE dmg potential:

Be sure to Keen the weapon by way of spell or craft, as we can't afford Improved Critical.

cf. Craft Magic Arms and Armor ToEE and Craft Wondrous Items ToEE.

While Half-orc Barbarian / Rogue would give us more "psycho flavor" (Rage), Human Fighter allows us to cram in more feats which results in more damage and not sacrificing 1d6 of Sneak Attack. Plus they basically receive the benefits of Rage through Bull's Strength and Bear's Endurance (Cleric and Druid buffs). It is only higher level Rage that outstrips those buffs as well as the items crafted with them.

Lastly, there is a bug that disallows the selection of Weapon Focus: Martial [weapon] if we take our Fighter at 2nd level, so we forego the Rogue's x4 skills at first level (which isn't a big deal in ToEE).

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