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Bard Level 0 Spells (Cantrips), Temple of Elemental Evil ToEE Best Spells

There are 6x cantrips or 0-level Bard spells in ToEE. Predictably, there is not too much of interest at this spell level. That said, the best Level 0 Bard spells are Daze and Read Magic.

• Unbolded: the spell may or may not be useful
• Bolded: the spell is generally worth selecting or scribing
• Blue: King-tier or key spell: a spell we don't want to miss
• Red: Bottom-tier or all but useless spell

• Format is: Spell name / Spell school / Item code for scroll / rule

◦ Daze (Enchantment) {9099}
Daze immobilizes one enemy of up to 4 HD for 1 round. The enemy does not become easy pickings as per stun, but it is taken out of the picture for an interval if it fails its Will save, and that's going to make a difference in low level encounters.

◦ Detect Magic (Divination) {9114} [rule]
◦ Flare (Evocation) {9180} [rule]
◦ Open/Close (Transmutation) {9334} [rule]
◦ Read Magic (Divination) {9385} [rule]
Read Magic IDs spell scrolls and potions in our inventory. It will not ID magical items; for that, we need 1-level Identify. However, RM is still very useful because there are lots of scrolls and potions itemized. In Temple+, this spell IDs all items in the party's inventory if we're in a safe zone (like a town).
◦ Resistance (Abjuration) {9399} (added in by Temple+)

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