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Bard Level 4 Spells, Temple of Elemental Evil ToEE Best Spells

There are 11x fourth circle or 4-level Bard spells in ToEE. The best Level 4 Bard spells are Greater Invisibility, Dominate Person and Summon Monster IV.

Important: Bards only get to choose 2 spells out of the following 11: choose wisely!

• Unbolded: the spell may or may not be useful
• Bolded: the spell is generally worth selecting or scribing
• Blue: King-tier or key spell: a spell we don't want to miss
• Red: Bottom-tier or all but useless spell

• Format is: Spell name / Spell school / Item code for scroll / rule

◦ Break Enchantment (Abjuration) {9043}
Upgraded Dispel Magic.
◦ Cure Critical Wounds (Conjuration) {9089}
The best healing spell in the game. Gives the party great staying power: 4d8 +1 per caster level to a max of +10
◦ Dimension Door (Conjuration) {9123}
Mobility spell. Teleport anywhere within 400ft. + 40 per caster level.
Dominate Person (Enchantment) {9141}
Bring enemies onto our side for one day per caster level? King-tier.
Freedom of Movement (Abjuration) {9188}
Strong if we want to employ AoE immobilization tactics. Good ward, too.
◦ Greater Invisibility (Illusion) {9244}
Excellent single target tanking facilitator that grants 50% concealment. Also grants +2 attack. Combat units buffed with Greater Invisibility are suddenly on a whole other level in terms of staying power/tanking prowess.
Hold Monster (Enchantment) {9227}
◦ Neutralize Poison (Conjuration) {9327}
Repel Vermin (Abjuration) {9396}
A barrier holds back or damages vermin-based enemies. Weak.
◦ Shout (Evocation) {9432}
Inflicts solid sonic damage from a 30 ft. cone. Good spell.
◦ Summon Monster IV (Conjuration) {9470}
Summons fiendish dire wolf, huge viper, fiendish large monstrous spider or lantern archon. Summon cap is 5.

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