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Creeping Doom, Baldur's Gate 2

A 7th circle Druid spell, Creeping Doom is one of the most powerful offensive spells in Baldur's Gate 2 due to its ability to inflict spellcaster disruption, ignore invisibility status, inflict fear and slow down the movement rate of enemies with damage over time. In addition, the AoE swarm is party-friendly.

SCS BG2 can nerf Creeping Doom by allowing a round-by-round saving throw vs. its spell failure. In addition, Fireshield Red can block the spell in SCS.

Note that Cernd gains a single casting of Creeping Doom at 14th level or 1.5 million XP. Jaheira can also eventually cast the spell.
Creeping Doom is the big brother of Insect Plague.

  • (Conjuration/Summoning)
  • Level: 7
  • Sphere: Animal, Summoning 
  • Range: 80 yards
  • Duration: 3 rounds
  • Casting Time: 5
  • Area of Effect: Special
  • Saving Throw: Special

When the caster utters the spell Creeping Doom, he calls forth a mass of venomous, biting and stinging arachnids, insects, and myriapods. This carpetlike mass swarms over a large area spreading to all the creatures within 30 feet of the target.  Those trapped by the insects suffer 2 points of damage each second, and a spell failure rate of 100%.  For each round the victim remains inside the cloud he must make a save vs. spells at -2 or run away in fear for one round.  The advantage of Creeping Doom over its fifth level counterpart Insect Plague is that it does twice as much damage in half the amount of time.

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